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Cool and/or Funny Bus Operator Nicknames?!


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My dad worked out of the Casey Stengel for all but one of the years he worked for the MTA (his first year he worked out of Fresh Meadows), so over the years they came up with nicknames for the different drivers...


My dad's nickname was "DooWopp" because he always loved that kind of music and was always singing and he always had his radio on the bus when he was a driver.


One of the funniest nicknames that I'll NEVER forget is they called this guy "Pancake Pete"! His name was Pete obviously, but one day he crashed into an IHOP on Northern Blvd (Pretty sure nobody was injured). So everyday after that all of the drivers would refer to him as "Pancake Pete"! :)


I'm sure you guys have some, let's hear 'em!!! :cool:

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