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Train malfunction or Driver Inattention


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Hey Everybody, I had an unusual event happen last Saturday night around midnight while on the Tottenville bound SIR. As the train approached the Prince's Bay station it slowed down just a little bit and then coasted right through the station at around 15-20 mph. Once the train had passed the station by 500 feet it went into an Emergency stop (I think, there was a loud airbrake release and the train came to a hard stop.) After a minute and a half the train then reversed back to the station and let the passengers off. This was not a case of overshooting the platform as the brakes never kicked in until the whole train was passed the station. Anyone ever have this happen to them or know what could have cause it? It was a 2 car train that had not been refurbished (yellow and orange seats, and had No yelow paint on the bumpers.) BTW this is my first post on these forums, I have always been fascinated with trains and would love to learn more about how the subway opperates.

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Hey Everybody, I had an unusual event happen last Saturday night around midnight while on the Tottenville bound SIR. As the train approached the Prince's Bay station it slowed down just a little bit and then coasted right through the station at around 15-20 mph. Once the train had passed the station by 500 feet it went into an Emergency stop (I think, there was a loud airbrake release and the train came to a hard stop.) After a minute and a half the train then reversed back to the station and let the passengers off. This was not a case of overshooting the platform as the brakes never kicked in until the whole train was passed the station. Anyone ever have this happen to them or know what could have cause it? It was a 2 car train that had not been refurbished (yellow and orange seats, and had No yelow paint on the bumpers.) BTW this is my first post on these forums, I have always been fascinated with trains and would love to learn more about how the subway opperates.


:cool:Welcome aboard!:tup:


I remember being on the SIR & something similar happening once, maybe twice(?). I can't say or know for sure if it's the same thing you experienced. There are posters here who may be able to answer your question about what happened.

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