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Everywhere West The Burlington Route

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  • 2 weeks later...

My soft cover copy of this beautiful book has arrived from book seller Bookman's through Abebooks.

It has the same photo on the front cover as the dust jacket of the hard cover edition.

Pages inside of the book are glossy. All photos in both editions are black and white.

A map of The Burlington Route is included.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter Headings Are:

Chapter 1 - The Foundation Of The Burlington Route

Chapter 2 - The Standard Era Of Passenger Service

Chapter 3 - The Gas-Electric Motor Cars

Chapter 4 - The Way Of The Zephyrs

Chapter 5 - Transcontinental Streamliners

Chapter 6 - Commuter Trains

Chapter 7 - Freight And Mixed Trains

Chapter 8 - Coal Trains

Chapter 9 - Burlington Route Subsidiaries

Chapter 10 - And Now It's Burlington Northern

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