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Orion VII 4 Life

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Posts posted by Orion VII 4 Life

  1. I think the reason Nassau has an all ORION fleet is the same reason there are no Gillig's in the fleet, geography.  Orion was located up near Utica, NY and Gillig is located on the other side of the Country.  Besides, I think there was some sort of "buy NY" incentive offered, because I always remember schumer sticking his in the press talking about upstate workers building a bus for a downstate system.   blah blah blah...


    With Gilligyou are talking about a 3,000 mile trip (an extra 3,000 on the odometer) and at least $6,000 to $9,000 in delivery expenses per bus with 40 buses that's $240,000 to $360,000 just for delivery.  Compare this to Orion in Oriskany, NY, less than 300 miles away, your talking 10% the cost for delivery.


    Now for everyone saying NICE can't "afford" New Flyer, for the money allocated for new buses it comes out to about $400,000 per bus, which if you look at recent New Flyer orders it comes out to about $400,000 per bus.  The last NICE order was (MTA) spec'd buses and if they do the same (MTA) orders stripped down buses.  Believe me some places order buses with all the "bells and whistles" where the (MTA) orders the bare bones.  


    Speaking of the (MTA) Veolia and the (MTA) have a good working relationship, (MTA) just ordered 276 Xcelsior buses, I wouldn't be surprised at all if NICE hammered out a deal to by some of those buses, NEw Flyer builds some in that order for NICE, or NICE excercizes an option for buses the MTA has on "order."

    The "buy NY" policy is a longstanding MTA policy. It's one of the reasons why Nova/Prevost is getting the bulk of their orders lately and why Orion was the MTA's "favorite company" when they were around. Obviously it means nothing now and NICE has no reason to give Nova (the last NYS builder) priority over any other builder just because they're in NYS.

  2. Well there was justified hell raising with the Zimmerman trial. Personally I think FL's residents have had enough.

    They love their Second Amendment rights that we don't have up here thank you very much... but as far as this one goes I'm gonna stay neutral and let the jury sort out this one, I wasn't there and I don't know what happened.
  3. No, the WiFi is for IVN (intelligent vehicle network installed on evry bus from 2004 and up) to connect to the clever device when the bus pulls into the depot fuel station and anytime someone at the command center wants to see the inside the bus (when the bus is fitted with cameras).

    Think you mean 08, the clever device program started with the first NGs for the "ecodrive"/regen system, diagnostics and PSA/"please exit through the rear door" announcements. Unless they were using the older system (IVN 1/2) before that and it didn't do everything the new one (IVN 3) does or have those cone shaped antennas.

    Yep! And I took an UP XD40 on the shuttle today & 1284. That Nova was flying lol. The XD40 ride was cool too. But too bad this crazy motha lova was shouting the whole ride about how the (A) is "f**ked"

    It's the first time that part of the (A) has been f**ked in a while...

  4. Correction, you can (I've tried it once), it's just that nothing will work lol.




    It also transmits live stream to the folks at the various BusTrek locations. I recall people in the depots and the bustrek locations seeing what goes down on the buses from their iPads.


    When I saw that, I was like damn, times REALLY have changed!

    Well yeah that's what I meant. You can't go online.


    Interesting how if that's the case the different platforms (GPS/security camera) are all working with that 1 wifi network, though afaik the Bus Trek and GPS stuff is all done over the Verizon Wireless network. Looking into it a little further I'm hearing the wifi network might have something to do with the Clever Devices AVM/diagnostics monitoring as well.

  5. Had a nice surprise with 7012 on the S61 earlier. Someone else on here told me it was a fill in from an open run, but people were talking to the op like he was the regular everyday guy driving it so IDK if Castleton is doing rush hour runs on the S61 now. Was pretty nice, haven't been on 1 of those since they were at Ulmer, had the chains on though so it was a LOUD ass ride.

  6. I was out one night with my friend & her friends on our way home from a party & one of her friends really pulled down her jeans, pulled her panties to the side and starting pissing on the bus seat standing up. And everyone was just recording it & laughing with her.

    They ain't laughing with her they laughing at her!

  7. I never understood why people would be willing to risk their lives on those damn things to save a few bucks. I'd rather pay the $2.35, $2.90, or $3.50 than ride one of those tin cans. The reason the 171 was empty is because not everyone is trying to go to the GWB Bus Terminal. Those people want PABT, which is where more than half of those jitneys go.

    Way I see it, their money, their problem. I'll use them sometimes too, not so much when I'm in Jersey (though not having a monthly when I end up myself on a jitney corridor chances are I might hop in one over the transit bus especially if I want a nice quick ride) but the Chinatown-Flushing vans and those get me where I need to be in half the time the subway does. Dangerous driving? Maybe. Should the regulations and enforcement be a little more strict? Maybe that too, as long as they're continued to run as they do now (while being kept up to better safety standards, FFS some of the Flushing vans will put a plastic bench in the back of the bus as a makeshift "back row" or make the last people on the bus sit on a bucket or folding chair) and there's nothing anti-competitive that would prevent the jitneys from running along NJT/MTA corridors or anything like that. Bottom line is some people want to spend their money with the jitneys, and that's not my business to say they should be spending it with NJT or the MTA instead. 


    Rte 4 jitneys go to GWB 


  8. Took a long trip up to NYC today.


    I know I'm gonna get some negative feedback about this, but I think Howell should loan some Suburban Neoplans for the 139. They're very comfortable and can seat a lot of people.


    Also saw like 6 DesignLines today.

    No reclining seats, no dice.


    I'm seeing 7209 and 7213 on the 139 now. Nice how this shit wasn't out earlier when I was on the 139...

  9. The 171 is truly a sad site to behold after 4 jitneys passes 171 comes over almost empty it's schedule ain't helping it either.

    So? People use the jitneys and more service on the 171 probably won't change most of the peoples' minds. Yes you have the monthlies or whatever but there's plenty of corridors (look at Blvd East) where the jitneys are up against frequent NJT service and the jitneys still end up mobbed, hell so much that the Blvd East jitneys use full size school buses now. You can't really expect people to stop using the jitneys if the 171 gets more service.

  10. Here's an interesting one...



    25 CNG buses have been purchased from "A&A Truck Parts". Guessing these are the 25 CNGs that were retired already and I'm guessing that's the company that bought them for scrap or resale or whatever. Interesting though, since I'm pretty sure the tanks were expired on those and that's why they had to go, but a company advertising them for sale did specify recerted or new tanks (not sure if that was for these particular buses though or possibly later ones to go out the door). Strange buy though, guess we really couldn't last until new MCIs started showing up with the loaner D4000s Howell has now.


    EDIT: It's starting to look like this could actually be a sale... from another page on the procurement site https://www.njtransit.com/tm/tm_servlet.srv?hdnPageAction=CalendarTo


    01/21/14 02:00 Offers for Purchase: 25 Retired 1999 MCI CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)Buses without Tires***Inquiries with regard to this solicitation should be directed to *name removed* ***A site visit to inspect the buses is set for January 15th with a snow date of January 17th @ 10:00 am. SOP AP-13-003 One Penn Plaza East, Newark, NJ 07105  

    If you notice on that same page 18 Arrow IIIs are being sold next month.

  11. They are using NJT buses so it would be really easy to be on mybusnow. Same goes for A&C and Broadway bus.

    It's a little bit beyond that... they own the routes. NJT just provides them with buses. If they want a tracking system they can purchase one on their own, from Clever Devices or whoever. If you notice the Clever Devices aren't programmed for the PBLs at all either, for the same reason.

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