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Posts posted by tdevon2012

  1. I've had that happen to me on the conductor list. It turned out that DCAS sent to many names over to the MTA. For three months I was on an outstanding certification and then I was taken off the outstanding certification. So it does happen from time to time.

  2. OK. So I read and reread all these replies/posts including my own and was completely confused.. again... about this whole outstanding certification thing, so I decided to call someone that I know who works for the city's IT department and asked for a complete explanation of what this thing means.


    Basically tdevon2012's last entry is correct but I would like to expand on his posts to help explain to whomever is interested in the "technical explanation" I was given by someone who understands DCAS from a information technology standpoint. The person I know is part of the database management team for these lists. Anyone who doesn't want to be bothered with the technical explanation can just stop reading now and just relax it doesn't mean anything regarding your employment status and you are fine and are still on the waiting list regardless whether you are "on an outstanding certification" or not....Period!


    Now for the wonky stuff....


    DCAS is the main database of people applying for any job with a city agency (except public school teachers). When anybody takes an exam or applies for an open position with a city agency (like the MTA, Dept of Health, Courts, NYPD, etc) the applicants information is stored in the DCAS database. When a city agency is actively hiring, they request eligible applicants from the DCAS database that fit the profile or have passed the required exams for the positions they are trying to fill. When the city human resources department sends the applicants information from DCAS to the agency, the status of the applicants sent to the agency changes to "ON AN OUSTANDING CERTIFICATION". When the city agency has filled the open positions the agency stops picking from the list and releases the remaining applicants back to city human resources department and the DCAS database is updated. The people not hired/selected remain on the list and the status changes to "NOT ON AN OUSTANDING CERTIFICATION". The next time a city agency is actively hiring the process repeats itself... over and over again until there are no more applicants left or the list expires, which ever comes first.


    I ask my friend why do they do this, he/she said that in the case of 4600 bus operator list it sort of useless because its not very common for multiple city agencies to request a list of bus drivers but there are many agencies that can draw applicants from more common DCAS list such as Civil Service Exam, Electricians, Plumbers, Carpenters, you get the idea. In our case its usually just the MTA that gets applicants from list 4600.


    Think of it like a public library, someone checks-out a book the system says the book is not available ("ON AN OUTSTANDING CERTIFICATION") when the book is returned then the system says the book is available ("IS NOT ON AN OUTSTANDING CERTIFICATION"). The one thing my friend did say is that truth be told, its been debated internally that this status information be available publicly because its really an internal thing between agencies and the DCAS system administrators but they wanted to give people a little bit of an indication of current activity. He explained, if the status is "ON AN OUSTANDING CERTIFICATION" then be aware that they are selecting people or as he/she says, the list is HOT. If the status is "NOT ON AN OUTSTANDING CERTIFICATION" the list is "COLD" and the MTA is not actively selecting drivers (in the case of the 4600 list).


    So ladies and gentlemen that is the explanation. If when you check the DCAS hotline it says you are "ON AN OUTSTANDING CERTIFICATION" check your mailbox for a pre-employment letter otherwise don't be anxious about a letter.


    Hope that helps! Please don't flood me with questions or requests for more detail than this, I pretty much wrote everything I know and can say publicly.

    I think everyone should screenshot this response because it was explained perfectly.


    I recently was on an outstanding certification for conductor for two months then one day I wasn't. It turned out that DCAS sent to manny names to the mta hr department so I went back to not being on a outstanding certification. In the later future I may end up back on certification base on the needs of the agency.

  3. Ok I just call and they said if u on "an outstanding certification" then u on the list, if u "not on outstanding certification" then u off the list. Can someone confirm lol?

    not necessarily. Certification means DCAS has sent your name to the agency, if not then you are waiting for them to send it for pre-employment application.
  4. I missed this one also but if you wrote your answers down on that paper they gave you it says on the paper July 8th the answers will be available on the MTA website.

    They will after that date mail you your score, but they didn't give any dates for that.


    Remember, you're looking at a couple of years before they start hiring people from this test.

    oh, yeah I know it takes a while. I'm on the last conductor exam and, I'm still waiting to be called. But that list is about to expire Feb 2017.
  5. If you are who I think you are based on your screen name your number is in the 1xxx range, you would be wise to take lessons and go take your road test so that you will have your CDL Class B license with air brakes and passenger. They are only up to 95. When I spoke to them about my status they told me probably around the end of this year and my number is 2xx so very unlikely (not impossible) that they will not call you before the additional 6-months you just renewed your permit for. Besides, it has been said on this forum topic as well as many others that there is a huge advantage to already having your CDL license when going through the MTA training. Like I said the many reasons have already been discussed to death but the main reason is that you will only get 1 or 2 chances to pass your road test with the MTA training and if you fail, you are completely done and will have to start all over again from the very beginning. That means you loose your place on this list and will have wait several years for a new list to be established plus you will feel a lot less pressure during the MTA training because all you have to do is pass the MTA training itself. That's what I have been doing. I have already taken 8-hours of training and the instructor says I am ready for road exam. I am scheduled for July 5th.

    Your right. I am starting my classes this week for my CDL.
  6. 1024 certified? my list # r in the 58* but i still on outstanding certification? so did they skip me?

    No they didn't skip you. DCAS has to send those 1,024 names over to the MTA so they can send you your letter for the pre employment application. Just keep your eye out for the mailman lol.
  7. just called up dcas im list number 3** and was on an outstanding cert but no longer. also says last list number hired was 95 and last number certified is in the 1000s. has anybody else recieved a letter or any new info. I have not moved or changed address any info would be great TIA

    wow 1st 1,000 already certified that was quick.
  8. Thanks, i had one person walk out of a store with his head down looking at his phone right into the street, when i honked the horn i made him jump out of his shoes. People definitely are not paying attention nowadays.

    When it comes down to having the cdl b license, it is a big plus. One person in my class passed on day 10 but failed the one opportunity on the road test.

    Thats why I decided to just get the CDL on my own. Can't risk having that happen to me lol.


    I saw a training bus in far Rockaway on Tuesday or Wednesday on my way to work. They were making a left turn from Beach 108 street onto Rockaway freeway. He took his time and cleared the intersection with ease.

  9. @DoubleEll, it's addictive to read these posts but fundamentally it's beyond our control.


    Who knows how many people took the promotional exam, for example?


    Or if Transit will hire at the same rate in the next few years?


    We just have to keep going on with our lives and see what happens.

    Couldn't have been said better. I find that it's just easy to put it in the back of your mind and, when you least expect you'll have a letter in the mail.
  10. I know alot of people want to to work for transit but, it is a long and tedious process. I have taken many city exams besides just transit and, its all a waiting game. the last conductor exam had around 14,000 people pass the exam that's not including the ones to failed. The trick or should i say the best way to position yourself is to score very high and, stay out of trouble that's it. The day will come when the letter comes in the mail. I notice a lot of people get anxious when it comes down to it or, make it more complicated than it really is. Just be cool. Score between 95 to 100 and you'll be just fine. 


    I was on the last conductor exam given and, i scored a 91% and still havent been called yet. I know now that i could had scored higher and, I would had been in. Some people have to take the exam twice before they were finally called. 

  11. I signed up toward the end and my test day was April 10th, so yes, I believe it is random.


    Just wondering, if the proposed key answers is going to be available in July, how long from that date would the list be established? 

     It would depend on the hiring needs

  12. Mother Clara Hale depot in Manhattan is the only TA depot in the Bronx or manhatt

    Mother Clara Hale is a depot the serves Manhattan and the Bronx.

    So if someone gets hired under TA if they gona work kn manhattan it can only be in that depot or u can go to any depot it doesnt matter if ur TA? And thanks for the reply just want to get that clarify

    I have been tryin to send private messages for a long time now and i dont get the option is it because im new to the page and i have to wait some time or is that option no longer available?

    I would assume they would place you where they need you but I could be wrong.
  13. Absolutely! I did quite a bit of express my first few months. I'm telling you, there's an accident waiting to happen constantly. Between the taxis (with Uber now etc. they are everywhere!), pedestrians, and bicyclists, you need to be aware every single second. You're driving a 40,000 lb vehicle and they simply don't care. I think the bicyclists are the worst. They dart out right in front of your bus without a care in the world. The taxis you can see fairly easy, the pedestrians are slow moving, but the bicyclists are smaller than a taxi and faster than a pedestrian, so for me personally, they are the biggest hazard for us. That being said, as pointed out in the beginning of my posts, they're all a potential accident. For those that make it and start line training, don't let your fellow operator (during line training) push you into driving more aggressively than you're comfortable with. That will come slowly with time. You do need to be aggressive to make your way around better, but better to wait until you're more skilled and seasoned. Hope I'm making sense for everyone.

    These cabs and bicyclists are crazy the way the move. I mean just driving a car in Manhattan can be crazy. I always just take my time but, you see potential problems everywhere. Cabs runs right light as if it's nothing and, cutting you off to get a fare and not even using turn signals. If you can drive in Manhattan in rush hour you can drive anywhere no doubt about it.
  14. Ive had my cdl for about 2 years now. I went to "red hook on the road". Unemployment program in Brooklyn. I paid $80 and got 10 in class and on the road lessons plus included road exam. They even practice the actual road test with you. Great place. As far examiners go they're easy going ones and difficult ones. I was the second to last one to go out of 8ppl and the block you do parallel parking was a no go due to no parking and no highway driving because it was a lot of traffic. We basically went in a big circle. Lol examiner made me pull up to mc d's so he can grab fries....total truth I swear lol.

    That's too funny.
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