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Everything posted by Flowerpower

  1. Good Luck to everyone today who is trying to qualify!
  2. I don't know when they started it but I am glad for it - a day 9 qualification means you still get 2 chances for the DMV road test - day 10 qualification only gets you one shot with DMV. So I WANT to be sure to qualify tomorrow so I can get my 2 shots for the road test if I need them both.
  3. I had another good day today - tomorrow I am going to do my best to qualify. The different trainer taught me some things a little differently which helped me stick them - hopefully can carry it over to tomorrow when we have to drive around Manhattan to qualify! I really don't want to go to day 10
  4. ahh...i was curious how many qualified today. My sup. mentioned that he had 4 student b/o's tomorrow and the sup i am meeting with has four also - so I thought that sounded like a lot are going to day nine if these trainers have 4 per bus again
  5. Basically that's what I did all day today - what time of turn is it - set it up set it up set it up - watch my mirrors back and forth - watch the front AND REAR of the bus - pivot points pivot points trainer took me to all the places I had issues with and I nailed every one just by taking the extra few seconds to plan and set up my turns - totally paid off. Going to day 9 but not looking at it as a failure - looking at it as MORE training to get it perfect!
  6. I had sup. castaldo He's big on forward planning and setting up turns. There is parking at the depot but i am not sure where exactly (I took the train). 3 out of 4 of us are going to day 9...I am going to meet Sup. Fallon at Casey Stengel in Queens tomorrow - Can tell me about Her??? thanks.
  7. my trainer told us that we cannot qualify without a clean day 6 sheet....Pivot point turns (tighter turns) are my issues. I am not setting them up properly. I am actually not really setting them up at all. I just need to take a breath and treat every turn carefully and SET THEM UP - when I set up my turns (any turn, pivot, left, right, hook, acutes) I ace them...it's when I get comfortable that I think "I got this" that i am not taking the time to do it correctly. I am consistently not setting up all my turns. That's my ONLY problem - big one yes. I will ace most turns and then get cocky I guess and BAM! hit the curb. I need to relax and take my time. Breath, and set the damn turn up. My trainer is Castaldo...he said no to being able to qualify tomorrow...making me and 2 others in my group go to day 9. Who is your trainer? He also told us that day 8 & 9 we will have a different trainer than him.
  8. well, I screwed up again today - pivot point turns...not setting them up properly. So I will be going thru to day 9 at least Gotta get my head in the game. AND SET UP MY TURNS!!!!
  9. 2 of us failed today.... what happens if you failed today and you fail tomorrow? Do you not get a shot at day 7 and just go back to training to try again for day 9?
  10. tomorrow is day 5 and I have to say I am a wreck about driving in manhattan tomorrow...just trying to get a grip. anybody know where in manhattan they take us to drive? Also, Day 7, who does the qualifying, your instructor or someone else?
  11. I hit a curb today and did everything else perfectly...I got an unsatisfactory Oh well...but hey that was the only thing i did wrong and I know what I did to make that mistake. I nailed every other turn, rights, lefts, hook turns, acutes. So i know it was just a stupid error on my part. Will do better tomorrow for sure. Not much more room for errors
  12. there are 4 trainees in total (including me) When making a left turn I am checking my right mirror for tail swing and for pedestrians/bikers and also for sweepers trying to cut me off.
  13. Hey all...I am on day 3 of b/o training. It's a lot of info. I had a crappy day yesterday to the point that I really thought this opportunity was slipping right thru my fingers, but a much better day today. The key to this thing (I think) is LISTENING...listen to everything the instructors say and execute the way they say it - no ands ifs or buts about it. And if you make a mistake, correct it the next time around the block. They want to see you improve. Not keep doing the same shit over and over. Kingdoc - I felt exactly like you did today, yesterday. I have Sup. Int Castaldo. He was barking at me "come on" "what are ya doing" "did you not see that" "get wide get wide" "too fast" blah blah blah - i wanted to cry last night. Today I was the only one to get a satisfactory. I just took a deep breath and got my head in the game...Hopefully I can keep that up. Where are you training out of ? I am at Kingsbridge, Bronx
  14. I have a question: How do they handle the DMV aspect of getting your license? I have my CDL permit - do they do all the training with you and when you qualify for training they give you a license? is part of qualifying passing a road test ? Do they have dmv inspectors at the training site to pass you?? I know day one is paper work etc....Day 2 - 6 training. Day 7& 8 opportunity to advance to line training? Does that mean passing your road test? (also day 9 & 10)
  15. I took the conductor exam # 8094 back in Dec. 2008...received a letter from MTA if I was interested in being considered for bus operator in March of 2013 and the rest is history
  16. Hey all, I start training for bus op on July 15th...i find this post very helpful..thanks for the info. any other threads I should read before training? I have CDL Permit with some training on a school bus (was ready to take the road test at the end of the month but TA called me first )
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