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Posts posted by HopefulTO

  1. Nope... I'm in the same class. They basically told us no backpacks and nothing with straps. It's been an interesting first week, a little disorganized.  It wasn't until today when we first met our TSS' that we saw some order. I can't wait to really start class where its just us and our TSS'. They seem to really have their stuff together.


    That's crazy because in my class we all have back packs I'm only two months in front of y'all. What did they say carry?

  2. Not sure if anyone knows but I found out today at day 4 of training that you will need a large carry bag without straps or wheels and no backpacks! This is to carry all equipment including books at all times with you. I haven't gotten mine yet and may be looking at an extra large size. I will know better tomorrow after we receive our equipment.

    A good large book bag will work for the whole time in school car.

  3. Congratulations. Don't let your foot off the accelerator, but the signal test is probably THE single most stressful part of schoolcar.


    Now that it's out of the way, work on mastering your train control and ability to judge distances. These are probably the two most useful skills a T/O can pick up when they are new. Remember that train control differs widely by equipment class, and that every individual train handles differently within the loose guidelines of its car class. Work on building those skills, they will serve you well for life.


    And when YX, practice your station stops when you are transferring, laying up, or putting in a light train! It's free practice! Any idiot can go 15 bypassing a station, so try to hit the stop marker perfectly, even challenging the station just to try it provided the leaving signal is clear (since no one is on your train, and you're not making a real station stop, you can experiment and if you overrun no big deal - just something to work on for next time). Get all the practice you can while you're YX, quick station stop to practice, release brakes, and keep it moving. Again, it will only help.


    And one more thing - keep notes on these places, especially yards. It's a lot, but it will help you out when you go to YX on your own, and should you successfully complete schoolcar, when you come out on your own as an XX. XX's do get yard and station switch jobs from time to time as well. And always remember...if you're not sure, ASK!


    Good luck!

    ^^^^^ What SubwayGuy said... Just because you passed that signals quiz just means you go on.

    The "practical" part of the job now you start to learn.

    Station stops familiarization with terminals, yards certain procedures you must do when laying up trains.

    What to say on the radio when IDing yourself with lay ups. When you are YX keep notes on things and always ask! You don't understand a move get them to show you again!

    Thanks guys. In school car you don't really have the time to operate as much as you need to. I'm so looking forward to yx to learn this job. Im in the A and we were going down the road on the 6 and coming into one of the stops we got a bottom green on the homeball and we ending up diverging. It's the little things like that I can't wait to learn. You guys are right about judging your distance it's something that everyone needs to work on and what better time then yx. Can't wait to ask you guys some more questions in the crew room.

  4. Good luck to the ones starting tomorrow. Took and passed the signal test this past week. Out of the 42 of us that we're split up into 4 classes we lost three because of the multiple choice. Trust me guys as long as you study you will not have problem with this test. I know I'm the beginning it's scary because of the unknown and the fact that you lose your job. But as long as you put in the time to study you will not have an issue. Last week until yard posting then yx for three months. Guys just stay in the books and you will be ok. Oh one more thing Lean on each other in your classes it will help.

  5. LOL. Sorry i was just tryin to get you guys to understand how important signals are. Them 4 people wasted two months because they didnt take the time to study. Its not like they missed one answer but they got 76's and 84's i dont even know what to say to that.

  6. Being I haven't even met my TSS or have been assigned a schedule, I'm guessing my 1st official week is Tuesday. Still, one month for an exam seems quick. From what the other TSS's mentioned, they made it seemed like you take the exam 2 months down the line.


    No the signal test is two months from the start but when crazy things like 4 people failing the test everyone in school car hears about it.

  7. Hey guys just made a month in school car this past week. I want you to all know that you have to and must study the signals. 4 people 4 just failed the signal exam. That test is 25 questions 15 mult choice and 10 written questions. Look at that test as 25 questions for 25 years at this job we all want. We all waited 5 plus years to get the call don't blow it on this signal exam. Study as much as you can with your classmates. You will be a small family and you should want to see everyone past. Again study them signals and know what they mean not just what they look like. Congrats to everyone that came in this past class and the new sept class good luck. 

  8. Good luck to the guys starting tomorrow. I must say its been a crazy month so far. I know you guys will love this job. Just be on time never ever ever be late to anything. Also it will seem like a lot of info at first but don't be afraid to as questions when you don't understand. Good luck and try to meet some good ppl down there. You can tell who the f**k ups will be by day 2 stay away from them. Welcome to the Authority. 

  9. Gentlemen....TY.......Just browsing through the "big blue book" tells me.....study, study, study. For anyone who is still waiting......when..not if....you get called, this is not something to take lightly. I havent even started school yet, & I'm already starting to read up on things. This is a passion for me & I'm going to make it my PRIORITY to pass.


    Yes study study study. In week 2 and its A LOT and i mean  A LOT of information. But as long as you study you will be fine. If you don't understand something its OK. When you get into school car you will understand it and make sure you ask questions. Don't be shy when it comes to asking anything. Also invest in a good bag lol trust me you will need it.

  10. Thanks guys. Took so long to finally get to this point......we all have got to be the most patient ppl on the planet. Obviously school is different times, but does school happen on weekends?

    Not unless the TSS says we having class. Right now its Monday thur Friday any maybe some holidays 

  11. According to the very nice lady on the phone, she explained whats the deal & what to bring & all that. She said this is for the Aug 25th class. Finally, ALOT of patience pays off.


    Congrats!!! I know you have been waiting. First week was good a lil boring but good. A lot of information. Who knew it was this much. We got our tools and manuals today. Oh and we got some OT today too!! My class is going nights 3-11 looking forward to that lil bit of extra night pay lol.

  12. Can anyone give an average of time to when calls are made? 8a-4p, 9-5p, or do they only make calls for X amount of hours in a day.


    I got the call around 2:30. Day 2 in the books. We all got A division which is great for me. I live in the BX now. The HR trainers were telling us that they are training new classes every week now. SO look out for that call its coming.

  13. The job can be fun when you are on that train as well ,12 going 13 years from off the street still having fun.


    I take it serious I do keep it real when need be but I enjoy what I do...


    Hey that's just me though.


    Yea the ppl in the class are ok but i see there are a few ppl who are not taken it to serious yet. Maybe that's because were not in school car till Thursday.

  14. @HopefulTO dude that means alot. Thank you. Still no call yet but if memory serves me right it could come any day now. Regardless I have Ms Shivers # if I get a little concerned. Keep the info coming. Its very helpful & useful.


    No problem. I got my call on Thursday and had to show up on Tuesday for final. Before you know it you will be telling the people behind you the same thing. The one thing i noticed was that this job can be fun when you have that down time but snap right out of that when your on that train.

  15. Day one in the books. It was a long day with a lot and i mean a lot of info lol. There had to be about 40 TO in there today. I would say that's a good sign for you guys waiting for the next class. Also it seems there will be a lot more TO's coming in from what i heard today. 

  16. @HopefulTO good luck & have fun. Hope to get a call either this week or next. Be safe & keep us updated.


    Thanks! I will keep you guys updates as much as i can. Look for that call this week or by the latest next week. I will see Ms. Shivers tomorrow so i will see if she can let me know when the next class is so i can tell you guys.

  17. From following the thread, last #s for the 7/28 that were posted was in the low 2700's. Guess I'm looking at the Aug class. Sucks.



    That Aug class is right around the corner. The best feeling is knowing that you well be getting that call soon. That's what got my thru not being in the June class.
  18. Hi guys, hope all is well . Quick question, does anyone know ballpark number what list number they're up to? Bumped into someone the other day who drives buses in White Plains and is waiting to be called. I told him they were up to 2700's and he is in the 2900's but I think I may have been wrong...can't sleep now, he was so happy to hear that. I thought i read on here that's were we are but I can find that particular post..

    They are in high 2600 maybe in 2700 for the upcoming class on the 28th. So sleep easy you gave good info.

    Did anyone else get called for 7/28???

    I was wondering the same thing. Looks like it's just us.
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