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Posts posted by Cappi10

  1. There wasn't any real clear reason. They said they decided to go with other candidates. I passed the test and i felt like I did well on the interview guess that wasn't good enough ehhh. I did put I was terminated from a previous job so maybe there it goes right there which isn't fair but who am I right? I wont give up though this is what I want to do.


    Same exact boat - I passed the test and interview. I got a letter stating that I failed the test. Which is no way possible. I reached out and they said they think I got the wrong letter and will look into it. Waiting on a response. I dont understand because I know they have problems finding people to pass everything. Doesnt make sense. I too will keep trying but very discouraged by this result.


    How can you screw it up? Its a signal - give the aspect & indication right? Is there more to it?


    There's 128 signals some of them mean the same thing and have 5-6 signal positions it's confusing


    Yeh - I know but you know what the aspect & indication of each one is. 

  3. yeah i've been studying very hard it's sticking more i recommend typing the definitions out on the computer it's better than hand writing them. Also i feel like they did a terrible job of explaining the signals at the overview. 


    How can you screw it up? Its a signal - give the aspect & indication right? Is there more to it?

    Well, still no email or letter. I think they may have deleted all traces of me. Haha


    On a more positive note - I contacted HR and explained the situation. They are pulling my paperwork, they think I may have received the wrong letter. Fingers crossed!!! Also - I have not heard of anyone getting an invite to the May overview yet. So maybe your buddy was wrong and they didn't go out yet? Hoping!!

  4. Hey can anybody shed some light on scoring on test. I know signals need to be 100%, everything verbatim, and an overall score of 80. Is it separated into different tests with the signals and indications as one and definitions as another with the two exams averaged together?


    I think you need to have 100 on the signals and an 80 on the definitions

  5. I wear glasses but when i went i was wearing contacts. They just had me stare into this machine that mocked the Snellen eye chart test for visual acuity. The device had a setting for near/fat sightedness and the woman asked me to read the lowest line possible. 


    Did they ask you if you were wearing contacts? Was the colorblind test part of it?

  6. Sorry to hear man. I'm still applying for positions to. I just want to get in. Trackworker is also up there that's a good one. If I don't pass signals and definitions I'm going to try and talk to HR too.


    Thanks Fed - I've applied for every opening along the way. I wont give up!

  7. That makes a grand total of zero sense. So sorry Cappi. I feel this may be my fate as well. I have had family and friends who work on RR and have all stated that corruption/greed/entitlement run rampant and that the people in charge haven't a clue. Somehow, you were probably screwed over for a random reason. There are positions open as of the other day for Station cleaner, engineer, and track worker. Check em out and apply. My boy on the RR tells me if you don't make the cut to harass HR that you'll take any position and sometimes it works. You can always reach out to HR on this but at this point probably wouldn't get a response. Sorry again man!


    When did you get the letter?


    Also, I had the exact same experience by getting to interviewer, who seemed to like me, and said same thing that she was recommending me to move on to next step amd watch for an email.



    I know- zero sense and I actually think I might have an idea of where the sabotage has come from. Not positive but it's the only thing that makes sense. Someone internally that I've known since childhood who completely blew me off when i started asking for some direction. Zero chance i failed. the letter came in the mail yesterday from Linda and i already sent her an email. i know i won't get anywhere but i have to try. I already applied for those positions mentioned last week. Thanks for the encouragement. I wish you all the best of luck. i know all of these definitions hands down too. ready to go,...what a waste

  8. Emails just started going out today!! Holding out boys



    oddly enough, i just got a letter in the mail stating that i am not chosen because i failed the initial test. there is no way that is possible. they tell you that you don't get to the math portion if you fail any previous part and i know for a fact i passed that 4th grade math test, i completed it twice before turning it in. The math was perfect. I was then granted an interview and by the end of the interview, the woman who interviewed me told me to watch my email for the over view date. I don't understand what happened in the process but i know i didn't fail. Very upset today.

  9. I've been doing about 10 a day I find signals easier to get than definitions I've got about 50 cards memorized about 35. Keep writing them down and repeating them out loud to yourself


    That is the best way to do it. Not rocket science at all. 10 a day is awesome. 

    are you kidding?  you need to know everything.  verbatim.  end of story.  speculating on which signals/definitions might or might not be on the exam is a waste of time.  better to put your time into studying the material they gave us and knowing everything inside and out.  otherwise you're bound to fail.  The proctor even told us that in so much of words.



  10. i had 23yrs with my old job when i left for the RR. it was the best decision I made.


    Oh - I have no doubt that it's a great move but great to hear the feedback, thank you! I'm just nervous to accept the severance & walk with out getting called for the S&D overview 1st. Total gamble. If they dont call, I'm out of a job.

  11. Lmao, oh...didn't get that reference. Crazy stuff. I got notice from my current job April 5th. They offered severance of a months pay which I took. My last working day is today actually. I'm currently interviewing for 5 different places but I'm with you, losing hope.


    Man - good luck. Keep plugging away. I hope we get called for May but I feel like that ship has sailed. I have to decide if I want the severace (46 weeks pay) or stay in my role. if i accept my position, severance is off the table. So hard with out a call back for the overview. Total gamble.

  12. I'm not Lou G, lol? Yeah it was May 21st or 23rd. Right next to test date for April 18th overview


    No - IronHorse was Lou Gherig's nickname. lol

    May 21st is a Sunday, so I'm sure that's not it. Someone said that the 23rd was the test date for April 18th's overview.


    I have every definition down pat but I haven't started on the signals - starting to lose faith in the call back. I have to decide by next week whether or not to keep my current job or accept a very nice severance package so the timing is brutal for me.

  13. Believe it or not, studying for the S&D is the easy part.  Surviving your probationary period is most important, and consequently, the most difficult, IMO.  Its only going to get tougher from here, but believe me its worth it.  


    I've heard this over & over as well...and also the qualifying is tough.

  14. Good looks to all you that made the S&D overview class today! Hopefully the rest of us get May invite, but.....only time will tell. Anyway, get studying asap!


    IronHorse,..(Lou G? lol) do you know the exact date of the May overview? I thought I saw someone say the 23rd? 

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