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Schecter last won the day on March 23 2023

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Train Operator

Train Operator (13/19)



  1. I wish it was that easy, been here almost a total for 5 years 1 year c/r and 3 years a t/o and I was luckily enough to pick as a t/o within my 1st year. Weekends off this early will be pipedreams unless I'm lucky enough to get a bid job with weekends off. This job is what you make it some people come from a comfy job with zero senority and then come here thinking they'll get holidays weekends and the tour they want. We are all warned before we start this job that we won't get that but people probably think it's all hearsay. I was going for my bachelors in law and had to stop because I learned the hard way when I started this job that they won't work around your school schedule like a normal job would.
  2. To be honest if you really don't like it here you can always leave and find a better job. It's funny how all the people who complain how much this job sucks are still here working. In my opinion let people figure this job out for themselves spewing your negativity about the job doesn't work nor does it help people out with the process.
  3. It's not hard I was in the June 2019 c/r class, as long as you study and pay attention you will not fail. Make sure you ask questions if you're unsure of anything. I've been down here almost 5 years next year June and made it through school car as a t/o.
  4. I would honestly try amazon just for the time being. https://www.amazon.com/Hanes-FreshIQ-Charcoal-Heather-X-Large/dp/B06VYH8K15/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2RWYINA9ZOHNI&keywords=dark+grey+polo+shirt+men&qid=1698639549&sprefix=dark+grey+polo%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-3 https://www.amazon.com/Dickies-Short-Sleeve-Pique-Heather/dp/B004NNDHZA/ref=is_sr_s_dp_2?crid=2RWYINA9ZOHNI&keywords=dark%2Bgrey%2Bpolo%2Bshirt%2Bmen&qid=1698639549&sprefix=dark%2Bgrey%2Bpolo%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-11&th=1&psc=1 Try these out maybe the first link would come by either Tuesday or November 4th with prime
  5. Medical, fill out medical forms, if you pass the medical you meet with someone at 180 and then tell you start pay, hand you a rulebook, and where and what time to report and how to order your work boots
  6. They'll email you again letting you know to come in to take another drug test, I've been thru this process many of times as a c/r and t/o when i was going thru the pre employment a few years ago.
  7. Yeah the same went for train operators I heard that one group left to lunch and never came back
  8. I would say most likely Olha or try emailing the exams people and seeing also. Call tomorrow and email tomorrow early in the morning. The longer you wait the more you'll miss out. I'm hoping not I wish you the best of luck 🤞🤞
  9. I would contact 18p Livingston street to see what's up. I'm a few number below you and been out on the road for 2 years going on 3 years.
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