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Phil Plotch

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Everything posted by Phil Plotch

  1. Hello 2nd Ave. Subway Discussion Forum. I'm delighted that Cornell University Press just released my new book, titled "Last Subway: The Long Wait for the Next Train in New York City." Last Subway reveals the dramatic story behind the Second Avenue subway and explains why the city’s subway system, once the best in the world, is now too often unreliable, overcrowded, and uncomfortable. You can learn more about it at www.plotch.com, Cornell Press, or Amazon. If you get a chance to read it, I'd really like to hear what you think. My email is pplotch@saintpeters.edu The book's launch event is free and sponsored by Open House New York and the Transit Center. See TransitCenter for more info. Unfortunately, all the tickets were taken minutes after they were made available online. However, you can watch it online. Phil Plotch
  2. Thanks. I agree "Routes not Taken" does give a good overview of the line's history. Environmental Impact Statements do provide extensive information. Wikipedia entries are enormously helpful. But to really understand what happened, there is no substitute for talking to people with the inside scoop. That's how I was able to write "Politics Across the Hudson: The Tappan Zee Megaproject."
  3. Thanks for the info (Union Tpke) and also thanks for keeping the Wikipedia article up-to-date. The citations at the bottom of Wikipedia articles are invaluable. I have scoured archives and interviewed over 100 people, but I could always use more contacts who worked on the Second Ave. subway. The planning, design and construction of the 63rd Street to 96th Street segment was incredibly complex, and I would like to hear more stories from the people who worked on it.
  4. I'm writing a book about the long saga of the Second Avenue Subway. I am a former MTA planner and currently a professor at Saint Peter's University I would like to hear from anyone who has insight into the project's long history. My email is plotchnj@yahoo.com Thanks. Phil
  5. Another reason why jitneys are hated: Some people think that jitneys exacerbate traffic conditions. They don't understand that jitneys take cars off the road.
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