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Everything posted by Sixgvd94

  1. Our midterm and practical is nxt wednesday and thursday and we start posting the following monday
  2. Grateful to say that im 3 weeks into schoolcar but be mindful that it isnt a walk in the park, lateness isn’t tolerated and you gotta study whatever they give you, anyone did the midterm and oratocal as yet?
  3. Is there Anyone here thats well into schoolcar or graduated schoolcar as yet?
  4. Thats wierd cuz the supervisor was saying that we need to order ourselves today so we can get it for friday cuz we need them to climb the train
  5. I definitely need help right now! Can somebody guide me on how to order my boots for schoolcar please?
  6. Sooooo guyss.... I cant find my packet i got from pre employment to bring to medical..... pls hlp
  7. Congrats! Are you coming in wednesday as well? Im trynna get that packet together from now
  8. Yeah i wear glasses how strict are they with the vision section cuz im useless without glasses or contacts
  9. Just got call to go in for medical this wednesday, im in the early thousands so they are moving pretty fast tbh. Further if theres anybody here in training or if u did the medical ill need you guys to just swarm me with advice whenever possible lol
  10. Just to throw a reminder out there. If you got into the december class please let us know here and tell us you list number so we can get a gage for how far they’ve gotten please and thank you
  11. The next class for conducters is December 30th. Literally just been shown the paper work saying so.
  12. If you got another pre employment letter its because the last drug test you took expired and you have to do another for it to be valid for when you’re called to do medical/training
  13. I only got another letter to do another drug test thats about it
  14. Well thanks for letting us know. Do you know when the next quarter starts?
  15. Thus sayeth the lord cuz yall bout run my blood pressure cuz im literally this close if the last number called is actually 898
  16. For anybody here that is seasoned in the MTA, any advice on how to get through the first year
  17. Ok so when I called DCAS automated it said that im on an outstanding certification. Anybody has an idea of what that means?
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