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Posts posted by Embalmman

  1. 6 minutes ago, Daximilian said:

    I’m 161* on the list and did my 2nd P/E on 6/28/19 and haven’t heard anything since. What is the highest number that has made it into a class ? Good Luck and Good Health to everybody !

    Last number appointed was 1228 

  2. On 6/8/2020 at 8:27 PM, Schecter said:

    Yeah I'm on the primary list also I have no clue what it means either.

    My SWAG is the first group of eligible to be certified. They certified 1947 or 1948 of us. 
    so, if 1950 called and is on the “primary” list as well my hunch is incorrect 

  3. The $64,000.00 question is how many vacancies do they intend on filling. 10, 50 500???  I’m 163x so the answer COULD be a life changer for me. I’m ready, willing and able to start tomorrow if they called me. Lol

  4. Right from the start we were admonished to go about our lives like we never took this test. I’m 163X and was hopeful on being appointed within the next nine months. However, I’ve been hustling to the best of my ability and was just hired into a job that pays just as good as T/O, with more time off.  Hopefully mTA will extend the list to compensate for the hiring freeze, like they did for the previous T/O list. Stay hopeful, go about life as if you never took the test, keep your mailing address current with 180, and what will be will be

  5. Correct. If you look at the certification sequence number column on the NYC open data civil service certification for exam 07604, you wold see that there are only 42 people above the last eligible list number appointed. This number  has been decreasing since October. These are people who deferred appointment or were placed on medical hold

  6. 42 minutes ago, Kj224 said:

    That's what's up I'm 15xx that definitely gives me some type of hope, plus I see that the certification expires soon 1/06/2020 something should be bubbling soon 🙏🏽

    KJ, I’m 163X. Please post when you receive a canvas letter, so I’ll know to be expecting mine. I will do the same so Kev knows to be expecting his

  7. The previous T/O list, exam 8098 was extended. Keep in mind there was a hiring freeze during this lists lifetime. If one has the curiousity and the patience, they could read through 8098s thread. Granted it’s more than 240 pages, but you can see what number they reached during that lists normal four years, and after it’s extension. Have faith, do not lose hope, and most importantly, BE PATIENT. MTA = might take awhile 

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