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Posts posted by Comrade96

  1. 2 hours ago, Moody said:

    From what I understand. Train operator 7604 exam ends in September 19 this year.  Once that list is over, the other new list which should be this list (4700) goes out of established. But I don't know when the list will be established. And I don't know if they'll extend 7604. 


    But from what I saw the last time they had a promotional train operator list they did it very quick. I did some research on the time scale. There's actually a thread discussion from the last promotional exam. 

    I really hope they dont extend the OC again, Im trying to be called by the end of feb optimistically cause im trying to plan something at a certain time next year

    And if im still in schoolcar by the time that happens id have to cancel those plans

  2. 7 hours ago, FourYou said:

    hi guys. i applied this year and paid the application fee. they told me the test date is 5/17 but got no email of test confirmation and date yet... its less than a month away??? is the test all multiple choice??? how much time do i get and how many questions??? any advice on how to prepare for it??? i heard the signs and some terminology were tough...like either u know it or u dont n will have end up guessing.

    it should be about 100 multiple choice and I believe you have 3 hours for it all

  3. 5 hours ago, darkstar8983 said:

    So far I think only 1 8-car train was transferred to Coney Island, to allow 1 R68 train to transfer to Concourse. Remember that the (M) train is back in full service so the (C) needs more R46s. It’s about a 60/40 split of R46s to R179s on the (C) since ENY needs their cars again. So we have to wait until some 4200 series R211s hit the tracks before another set of R46s transfers to keep the spare factor high 

    honestly IMO you wont see 46s leaving until probably the 4300s or whenever they start running out of room to store trains at pitkin

  4. 1 hour ago, CA93 said:

    This is the second time doing the whole thing.  First time I didn’t make the classes back in feb because i needed 30 days on cpap and by the time I got everything there was no more classes  and I see people went in on April 1 and already got their email I went in April 2nd and nothing. Hopefully this week 

    yeah if it wasnt for the CPAP stuff I wouldve probably been hired between april-june of 2022 but I got in at september of that year, do they still have the machine shortage going on?

  5. 6 minutes ago, U-BahnNYC said:

    So at this point are all 4100-series in service besides 4150-4159? That would make the (A) around 50% NTT now - when are the R46's going to start getting axed?

    you should visit the r46 retirement thread

  6. 5 hours ago, Youngking said:

    Ok guys I just completed pre employment. How long does it usually take now a days until they call you back for medical and final processing. I have a vacation booked for the end of this month and I’m thinking about if I should cancel it or not. What do you think my odds are

    anytime from tomorrow till 90 days from when you took it. Cancel your vacation, itll be worth it, the test is set to expire in september and who knows if itll get extended again

  7. 3 hours ago, Chris89292 said:

    Lots of new 211 sets have entered service yet it still feels like there’s a bunch of 46’s in service

    there are ~750 r46s vs about 200 211a's in service.....yeah youll still see lots of 46s

  8. 33 minutes ago, Mel2024B said:

    Does anyone know when’s the next class? 
    I was called back for a 2nd lab and medical. However, not the finishing process. This is really ridiculous how they run us. I really can’t plan any vacation or nothing! 

    wait they didnt swear you in? That's new.........

  9. 1 hour ago, subwaycommuter1983 said:

    I guess the MTA wants the Jamaica crew to familiarise themselves with the r211's.

    We can't rule out the possibility that Jamaica gets a good chunk of the option order of r211's. We just have to wait for the MTA to confirm whether the option orders will go to Concourse/B train or Jamaica.

    not how that works, all 211 training is basically done at Pitkin. That is most likely school car just using a 211 over there. OR its a cbtc test train

  10. 2 hours ago, Amir said:

    After your medical expired how did you find out if your name was still on the list? Also once you cleared did you email them? Or just showed up to their office? 

    I did both. When I emailed ecmro@nyct that I have the papers to clear my hold, I showed up in person for them to tell me my medical was expired. I did reach out to DCAS, and they themselves told me I was still on the list. So idk what happened that made me stay on the list but it was perhaps me actually coming in that one day?

  11. 16 minutes ago, Amir said:

    Has anyone taking a sleep test and has sleep apnea? If so how did you go about it to get cleared? 

    I have but my situation may have been weird/special. When I got diagnosed with it I had to get the machine, waited a while for that to come in due to national shortage of the machines being recalled. Did the 30 days of monitoring that transit requires and got the data. My medical actually ended up expiring but I was kept on the list and sent to my 3rd pre employment eventually

  12. 34 minutes ago, darkstar8983 said:

    No. It’s going to be JUST enough cars to deal with the service needs and account for slight service increases that may be planned in the BMT East. division. Extra R160s can shift to the (L) for its CBTC, and the (M) has plenty of R160s to pick from, while the (J) would then be mainly R179s with a couple of R160s. Just that there wouldn’t be enough 4-car units to create a new service route, or to fully equip another full line (I.e the (G) - the (G) would need 160 cars (20 trainsets of 8-car units including spares).

    good to know thanks

  13. 27 minutes ago, Amir said:

    What is posting? I keep hearing about doing postings. I heard of it when I went into the MTA building. Just now sure what it is.

    posting is when you work a specific line with another seasoned conductor. Basically on-the-actual-job training. You do that for about 2 weeks or so

  14. 15 minutes ago, subwaycommuter1983 said:

    OOI would allow the C to go 100% full length, but we will need OOII to make the G 100% full length with ten car trains.

    Wouldnt there be a surplus of 4 car sets of 160s, If the (J) gets all the 4 car 179s from the (C) when it goes 100% full length?

  15. 53 minutes ago, Ale188 said:

    I mean, if they do, maybe around next year, when the base is almost done/done and when OOI is starting to get delivered. That's what I think

    Yeah Id say next year at the earliest. And if they were smart they would order more, but have them all be 5 car sets. We really dont need any more 4 car sets at the moment especially if transit wants to make the C full length

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