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  1. ive been calling now for days left messages and more emails i still havent got someone to answer or call me back cant understand it at all 😢, at this point im really cant understand how anyone gets thru , i call over and over , every day at multiple times of the day no luck , still dont know my list number or anything .
  2. ok i will bro i really want the job , plus i want to know my list number and my score 😭
  3. i tryed to call from since 8:30 this morming no answer i left a message . idk if they answer on certain days i have not been able to speak with anyone , i call back over and over idk at this point .
  4. how did you get in contact with them i wasnt vacinated and i got my vacination done the same day they called me back . is there a number i can call them at ? becuase I've been calling them now since the 17th of december , i email all three emails i was given when i called the mta office , it just rings and rings . how do i find my list number can someone point me in the right direction .
  5. I went in for pre emploment drug test on the 11th of december and i got a call on december 17th but i wasnt vacinated so i got the 1 does same day 17th dec , and have been trying to get in contact with somebody now for days , i have called every number and emailed every nyct email i could find i just wanna know whats next considering i had everything except my vacine and now im vacinated what happens next no answer i have called everyday , no answer ? anyone know another means to get in contact with them ? i call and email between the times that they are supposed to be available , it just rings or sounds like its off the hook.
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