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Everything posted by Beck

  1. @andy1. Will they ask you to take your corrective lenses out. Or are you just reading letters from a board?
  2. Hopefully you can get the sleep apnea test done quickly. It shouldn’t set you back that long. Also, I wear glasses. Will that be an issue for me?
  3. @andy1. I haven’t been called yet. Would it be a good idea if I did a sleep study prior to being called. Just in case they ask for it? Just wondering, because I never went through this process. Not sure what the physical consists of.
  4. Great news. When did you first take the test. I am trying to do a timeline for myself.
  5. At one point I switched many jobs. Will this be a problem when I put my employment history?
  6. Is it hard dealing with HR at the MTA? Do they try to make things difficult or do they work with you?
  7. As a rookie do get to choose what shift you want or does it go by seniority? Do the shifts rotate.
  8. I just took the test on 2/2/22. Should I wait for them to tell me my score or is it better to call them and ask. If so, when would it be appropriate to do so?
  9. Do you know how many questions will be on the exam and how long I should expect to be there?
  10. It would be easy if it was only 10 years. I don’t even remember the names of my supervisors from 20 years ago,lol and I doubt they remember me. I don’t even know who they would be contacting. It is what it is.
  11. It would be easy if it was only 10 years. I don’t even remember the names of my supervisors from 20 years ago,lol and I doubt they remember me. I don’t even know who they would be contacting. It is what it is.
  12. Wow, I guess I am going to have to go to social security and get a print out. I am surprised they go that far back.
  13. How far back back does the MTA look at your employment history. I can’t remember exact dates from 20 years ago lol.
  14. How long after taking the exam for B/O does it typically take the MTA to contact you for the next step of the hiring process? I am just trying to get an understanding of the process. I heard that it’s been pretty quick lately due to the shortage.
  15. Anyone taking the bus operator exam on February 2nd 2021.
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