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Everything posted by W0rkBum

  1. We were told we have to wear long sleeve shirts. But as for track worker from what i see is anything goes, jeans, hoodies etc.
  2. Day 3, i know we are to wear our boots. I know track workers atleast that i have seen wear jeans. The thing is i know other training classes there other then track worker have to wear dress type pants blue or black, i was just curious if we had to do the same until we get into a yard /track etc
  3. What kind of clothing (pants) you can wear in training day 4, etc**
  4. Anyone who has been through early training already can let me know what kind of clothing they want or will per you wear day 4 etc?
  5. Has anyone in the upcoming class been able to upload their vaccination card/info?
  6. The boots should work now, you get an allowance to order 2 pairs. Some of the better looking boots in certain sizes were out of stock.
  7. The mta portal is just us trying to get an early start on things but none of the paperwork i saw said we needed to do that yet or if we even have access to it so far, barcode scanner does not work for me also.
  8. ^playing it smart, im going to print it out. i also am not able to access the my mta portal, you can do direct deposit enrollment etc on there. Www.mymta.info
  9. I think we fill it out there, the union loves to explain every little detail and that is what they will be doing the second day, also will ask how much we will give them for dues etc. do we have to print the booklet out?
  10. Hope you make it into the class, i know i was asked by the hr if the 2/28 class was fine for me or if i needed a later one? So i guess it is safe to assume there is another real soon.
  11. Osha*** test (typo) also bring a water bottle and snacks, you will need them.
  12. I got there at 6:45am and there was already 20 people ahead of me in the line. I finally made it to the window around 7:30, got a ticket (#) you then wait in the medical waiting area to be called by that dept’s window, 9:30am they call you up and you fill out 3 odha questioneers on the computer, once complete you sit back down and wait for the medical testing, if i recall 11:30 called in to medical to sit and wait in another seating area until 12pm, the medical consisted of VISION,HEARING,EKG & Urine. Once you complete those you now sit and wait to be called by the final doctor 2:30pm to review your charts and test scores, he then asked me some basic medical questions and had me do some bending and stretches to make sure you are fit for the job. If he sees you are good then he hands you a sheet and tells you to go to window 3 which will be another wait. 3:30-4pm, then you hand in your 21 page sheets and they review them and tell you to be seated. (5pm) then on to another line to wait to speak to the hr and be offered the job, you get your employee id # , paperwork with start address and dates and sheet to order free work boots and an employee guide book(study book), then another wait while they make sure you brought a POSTAL money order which they STRESS HIGHLY and then onto fingerprinting (6pm) pay with the money order. If for some reason you can get to your medical time 30+ mins early (DO IT) you possibly can get your photo if taken before they close at 4pm for the day and not have to stop by the next day.
  13. Did you do the drug testing? i will try to keep everyone updated on the progress as it goes. PE was mid oct but from the drug testing to medical/final was only 12 days, i was shocked. Hang in there, you will be called.
  14. Ty for the congrats, Start date for this class is 2/28 and they seemed to be rushing to fill it, as for list # from what i was able to see the last # for medical-final processing was late 133* . There were many people there for bus operator also.
  15. Congrats to all! I saw quite a few others pass the medical along with me and were hired yesterday as track workers 👏
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