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Everything posted by TheRider

  1. @jones189 youll have to wait after September if you didnt hear anything back because that is the fiscal year and after that is when theyll be hiring and have the budget to hire more people
  2. @Novaaa list number and results now just waiting to sign the permanent papers
  3. @kazz i remember when we first got hired Michelle told us we would have to go back to 180 and sign a paper saying we permanent, other people say we wait until they contact us to be permanent. That letter is to just show you us the results of the test and our new list number for when they'll contact us back. So let's just hope for our sake they just put us down permanent already so we actually can start our probation.
  4. @Novaaa provisionally not permanent, when you hired provisionally youll have to wait until the list is establish to be hired permanently. We just got a notice of results so we might get permanent status soon it's possible you guys will hear back in the summer or end of this year good luck.
  5. and I took it exactly one year Ago and my test haven't been established so it May Take Awhile @jaybrando
  6. @jones189 they are still going over the previous exam before yours, when they finish 1601 theyll go to 2610
  7. @Novaaa your brother was lucky like my boy took it that same time, because of covid they speed up the hiring process now they slowing it down because there's alot of helpers. If your test is 2610 you'll have to wait less than a year because for the previous test its still haven't become permanent yet. In two months it'll be a year since we took the test we got hired but we were hired provisional so when we become permanent they'll move on to the next test. It could be faster or slower but it will happen the wait was hard for all of us. If you get offered a provisional position just take it because once you're in your in.
  8. signals isn't bad when you go maintainer you get top pay off the bat
  9. @trafficcheck24 everyone who was hired provisional before us told us that when they become permanent their probation get reset and couldn't go maintainer until they finish 1 year as permanent, it sucks wish it wasn't true but so far that's what they saying. You need to finish 1 year permanent to complete probation.
  10. @kazz cable not bad but yeah try to transfer to SO(system operations) and I hope they release the list soon cuz provisional ok but when we become permanent our probation resets Michelle says
  11. @kazz so I heard OT great but pretty much it, we are basically flaggers and very dangerous but it can be rewarding at times. How was your power classes and being on the field been treating you man?
  12. @trafficcheck24 congrats im going to signals from what Michelle says originally my email said power which I was trying to go for.How did you get to chose power Michelle told me all power classes were full
  13. @Isaac safiyev 400s and well you probably didnt notice but at the same time only time will tell where we will be placed at, if you want give her a call tomorrow to find out when you doing your medical you can. We all are trying to see when they going to put us in there.
  14. @Isaac safiyev it is frustrating we waited since may including march from when we took the exam, that's why we are trying to call Michelle to see if we'll be able to do our medical this time
  15. @Isaac safiyev just heard we might be in signals and that's alot of OT which is good, when you did the drug test the second paper they gave you to sign should of said signals.
  16. alright it was probably alot faster than the first time wasn't it @Isaac safiyev im hoping to give Michelle later this week hoping we all can take our medical faster now for the November class
  17. @Isaac safiyev What is your list number range because I have to go Friday as well. So we have to retake the drug test again and fill out the paperwork because after 3 months our drug test and pre employment ticket expires which is really dumb but that's how they do it. It's been 4 months since May now. My hope is we can finally move to our medical faster since Michelle said classes will start November. Hope that helps.
  18. @Teveuro25 as long as your license is fine they will hire you, they have a copy of your abstract to see so once it all taken care of you are good to go. If I may ask what's your list number range and are you also took exam 1601?
  19. anyone in 400s get called in for medical yet?
  20. @Bgx thanks for the update! I did not know they are still doing early 300s when I spoke to the office they said early 400s only so hopefully we do hear something back in October because with a new budget they should be hiring more people in different departments faster
  21. @Yami right because the previous exam 1601 is still ongoing so I would say until January 2023 for your number
  22. none its multiple choice and you most definitely will @Abid1364
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