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Everything posted by TheRider

  1. @LGA Link N Train that's good you make alot of OT, did they tell you were going to signals because usually on the paper it tells you one thing then you go for another department when you finish your classes.
  2. @Abid1364 its 80 multiple choice questions and its reading comprehension so you don't gotta study too much
  3. @Bgx Did you hear anything back since you were 300s too
  4. @LGA Link N Train so you're like us then, they should be in the 400s now. Did you take your classes already? and which department you were placed in ?
  5. @LGA Link N Train when did you first apply?
  6. @LGA Link N Train We waited a year to take the test and its about to be 6 months now since we took the exam, some of us got hired as provisional while others have been waiting since the drug test. Me personally waited 3 months after drug test when Michelle told me last month that we have to wait until October for them to get a budget to hire more people even though all departments have confirmed to get their budget already. Did you come in as permanent or provisional and what range was your list number ? They currently still at 300s for us. So at least this could help us get a better idea when the hiring process could start back.
  7. @Bgx anytime and its confirmed she been on vacation usually there someone to cover but they move slow so im going to call pre employment and find out which number they up to now atleast
  8. @Bgx at my guess she could be on vacation here is pre employment you can call them and ask press 3 after the call they should have someone to take her place in the meanwhile 347-643-7221
  9. @yami you too! Be sure to mention to her that the budget is here for electrical helpers since alot of the old helpers getting promoted to maintainers next month, best of luck!
  10. @Yami if you scroll up I post it, the budget for the electrical helpers is here so you can ask where they are on the list since they are continuing the hiring process, 347-643-8242, you would have to call her after 12 or 1.
  11. @Bgx any luck with Michelle or will you try tomorrow
  12. does anyone know about the fiscal year budget apparently they aren't hiring till October when the new budget is in which feels complete bs
  13. @Bgx 347-643-8242 you would have to speak to Michelle but from the last I spoke she said they would resume the hiring in October so give her a call and find out your list number so you can see how much longer you would have to wait. Just be mindful she gets plenty of calls so if she doesn't pick up you would have to try again.
  14. @Bgx may I ask when you did you do your drug test? and if they given you a number because they are in the 300s.
  15. @kazz once you finished classes did they explain when you finish your probation as provisional will you become permanent?
  16. @Sbean they are still making the list numbers for the previous exam, the list number would depend when you applied and how much you score. They have over 800 applicants so you have to wait until they contact you first.
  17. if anyone is still in this forum they are going to send the notice of results for exam 1601 in a few months so whoever did the drug test and didn't get called back for medical for the provisional we are going to have to do it again with our new list number which will be on the notice of results and we will be coming in as permanent since the official list have been made.
  18. @Yami thats basically a 90 so congrats you passed! and @calvinli first they need to send out the notice of results which will contain our final score then we take an SPE which later comes drug test and medical that alone takes 6-12 months. They are now sending out the 1601 exam scores which before this exam so it should pick up.
  19. I believe the answer key is up if you have the copy of answers you made during the test you can go compare it now
  20. were you able to get through @Isaac safiyev
  21. @Isaac safiyev yeah she gets alot of calls because she is the only one who takes care of TEH I would say try after 2
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