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  1. Here's a question for u! What does Flex mean in terms of dispatching? (i.e.: you're interval is now the 14:40 Flex).
  2. At Metro North they don't pay us 100% while we are out sick. But they are more lenient when we do book off sick; so it's balances out. A lot of aspects you see are interesting going from Subways to MNR. Certain things are humorous too.
  3. So what will happen on my W/T on the week I am off? Do I get paid for those Days? I feel like I lost my RDOs
  4. Hey Roadbed Warriors !!! Long time creepy stalking lurker here. **Creepy sadistic snickering laugh** If my induction was 2021 = How many weeks do I get off for vacation in 2023? If I do not tell them which weeks i want = Will they just give random days for me? If they give us 5 days stringed up will it match with the RDO's? In essence = We should be getting 9 days in total vacation correct? [ RDO RDO + 5 working days off + RDO RDO ] Thank you all~
  5. i think my account is too young to message directly. try messaging me? if not it's okay; i appreciate you trying to help!!
  6. Some more JUICY questions I thought of! 6) When you are on Extra Board time.....can you be on Extra board at home? 7) If you "clear" extra broad.....do you have 8 hours before the next Board time beings? 8) How often do you "clear" extra board? Or is it rare like a unicorn 9) Do you have "sign" in with dispatch/terminal when you report to your job/wherever extra board tells you to report? 10 Do you have to "sign out" after you complete your trip/run for the day? 11) Do you have to take signals/qualifying tests once a year to keep your job/license as a Loco Engineer? Again thanks so much!
  7. hey dude! I'll ask the questions that my tortured heart is telling me to ask. Much appreciated!! 1) How do you like the program? enjoying it? Is it more or less what you expected? fun? exciting? or is it so difficult and harsh that it makes you question your existence? 2) I'm a Train Operator for NYC Subways.....in your humble opinion.....is it such a high risk leaving a job as a T/O to become a Loco Engineer? Failing the LETP....will mean losing the subways job. Again your humble opinion! Assume being a train operator isn't the best job in the world and leaving it won't be an issue for me. 3) Culture is super important. How is NJ Transit's culture? friendly,nice,caring? Or are they a crime against humanity? trust me i got STORIES from subways in NYC-Transit for ya!! 4) How's commuting? do you find yourself driving for hours on end trying to get to the training grounds to learn/post? How is getting to the Yards/Terminals for you? Where is a good place to live/rent out an apt during the 14-20 months of training? Well that's all the questions I got for tonight. Anyone who wants to lay down some cold hard facts be my guest!! TIA.
  8. yea....... i mean. that's how life sucks.....u get too comfy in a good position and don't wanna leave and explore but. some of us are crazy gamblers!!! and sometimes when you gamble.....you get burned so it evens up i guess!
  9. Hey all!!! Long time creepy stalking lurker here. Was wondering if there is a dedicated thread for the NJ Transit's Loco Engineer Training Program (LETP)? I applied and would love to know more info about it if there's a forum on this. or is here the best place to ask? THANKS!!!!
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