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Everything posted by Starsky

  1. here is a little tip guys they give you the options to buy your own shoes choose wisely. you can buy two pairs only. This below is their more broad selection, but the mta gives you a selection of only 12 shoes from safgard and you can only have two pairs. i went with a winter style boot and summer/spring style boot. https://www.safgard.com/mens-shoes?utm_campaign=sg+safgard&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_content=SFW+Safgard&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw_LOwBhBFEiwAmSEQAbFo806D-YMiGtFexIobqISXaNqYc_qaeqUh6bLDVY43r6qqvG67bhoCdBAQAvD_BwE
  2. it will be 50 percent electrical questions and electrical scenarios , 25 percent will be math questions in relation to electrical situations and problems, 25 percent is mechanical questions. I asked them on the phone 70-75 percent of people fail the test, so much so it is no longer 40 questions and over the past two years its now 80 questions. The math is basically 8th -10 grade math. Mostly algerba, a little trig and geomotry. A for studying i used free math programs, online and youtube vids to study, i studied for 1-2 hours a night over about 3 weeks just before the test, excpet on my days off i would study for 3-4 hours so in total about 14 hours a week. ixl is what i used for math, just pretend your teacher and you get a free 30 day trial put in your a teacher and give a random school name etc, no credit card or personal info needed. Anytime your trail ends just make a new account. Basically focus on the 8th-10 grade math skills portions. In the 8th grade section math skills, in the 9th grade section algerba 1 and in the 10th grade section geomtry. Spend about 65 percent of your studying on the math mainly in the 8th-9th grade section and 5 percent in geomtry. The other 30 percent you will be spent on mechanical and electrical situations. for mechanical just wtach these two vids, a few times days before your test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPvwCpaChUA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMyCJu1gsaE for math https://www.ixl.com/ for electrrical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsLLq6Rm5tU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVQ0kIUJ00c website so you can see what the electrical tools look like. https://www.insideadvisorpro.com/top-electrical-tools-for-your-apprentice-electricians/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sIYZ6SOY_Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLl8l1dNNgo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7dQRU95Cnw
  3. https://careers.mta.org/jobs/13895314-signal-trainee-full-rate
  4. i start in 15 in days, as transit electrical helper, this is the longest and most paper work ive ever had to do for a job, spending 7 hours at their office multiple times, along with the mta making mistakes with my paper work then having to come back 2-3 times. Then me having to call multiple times to get information, then you calling the numbers they gave youa nd for 2 weeks you call 8 times to finally get in contact with someone. Liiterally like `140 pages of forms signed/looked at, and more pages to come during training. The test was somewhat hard, 73 percent of those who took mine failed, they recently chanaged the past two years from 40 questions to 80. They have mulitple traninig classes a year i believe its 5 classes a year and htye last for 4-6 weeks depending on which department you get into. What ever division needs people is the division they send you to, and your locked in for at leats one year. You can request a transfer to another divsion after a year, but you have no choice to what other divsion you go to its up to hr and whats avaliable. After one year you can take the mechanics/maintiners test if you pass you will now get a higher wage. The easiest division to transition from helper to maintainer is lighting .Say your transit electrical helper in the signals disvison, there is also a easier path which is to go for signal manitainer trainee and slowly work your way up to maintainer. instead of going for the signal maintainer title in which you will have take a hard test and pass. I checked the recent application for electrical helper and they added another division hvac along with car maintainer so now electrical helpers may be sent to work in those two areas. Ill update folks how the training classes are later on.
  5. Signals has the highest demand I heard elevator is the most fun.
  6. went in for drug test three days ago, sadly they sent me to signals, i wanted lighting like they had prior a month before.
  7. they just called me and emailed me to come in next week, and your ahead of me since you already took your drug test, thats means the next class is coming soon. That means the current class is finishing up. Each class is 4-7 weeks and i believe they have 6 classes a year.
  8. sadly i belive at best you will be hired during the summer at worse sometime in nov-dec.
  9. nope sadly hopefully things move along, at this rate i don't think ill be hired till the summer.
  10. i called them and they told it should be few weeks to a few months, I was told i missed the last class. The classes usually take 4-8 weeks depending on what electrical department your in. You know the mta is so slow in their hiring process. So it might be 3-4 months before you even get offically hired and start classes.
  11. signals has the most over-time but is the most dangerous department hands down. you spend about 90 percent of your time around the live third rails. Thats why signals always needs the most people. The drug testing is insane literally 200-300 people a day.
  12. Same i want this job badly, basically they go by which of the 9 departments, needs, so they put me in lighting. Last year they added Car Maintainer Trainees, so thats the 9th department you could end up in. So basically nothing is set in stone for your department until after your done the 4-10 week training at the school, you can only transfer to another department after one year.
  13. im a little behind you currently had schedule i should be tanking my drug test sometime this or next week. They have me going to lighting. Since you took your drug test next their gonna call for medical/physical exam, and do basic hairing and eye test. Then they will go over all your paper work and history again, then call you in for orientation. I believe it will be two days where they tell you about the unions and make you sign papers about pension and benefits etc. Then you they send you to the school were we took the test for 4-10 weeks of training depending on which department your in. 347-643-8219 or 347-643-8195 Hard to get a hold of people but if you call a few times over the week, someone will answer
  14. this is late but i tookt he same test as you and scored 40 to, i called the mta and they told me 3000 people took our test but only 701 people passed.
  15. in the upper right hand side click on the little magnifiying glass to search names, put you name in it will show what city agency and what you scored on your test. https://data.cityofnewyork.us/widgets/vx8i-nprf
  16. ye took them 13 months to contact me in email about me passing i got a 75 percent on the test, 3000 people took it and only 701 passed. Your gonna need your driver lisence to get this job no way around it, they put you on a 4 year list, you have 4 years to get what ever issues you have fixed else you risk them not employing you. As for some guys on here with a drivers lisence get it, i know its nyc alot of transportation some folks don't have a lisence. I have never driven in my life and i was always was little scared of the thought of driving. But in little as 4 months and multiple road test failures i was able to get my lisence.
  17. They shoudl have gave you a answer key and papper to chekc yoru scores, if not you can call the mta and asked if you passed and give them your personal information so they can look you up. You can even check online all city workers in nyc test scores and names are posted online.
  18. How is your typical day in power as a helper.
  19. sadly i was put into the system before that date. i gave them a digital copy but that wasnt enough so i had to bring the physical card.
  20. i took the test in the summer of 2021 but i think they may have chnaged things before it was 40 questions, but i believe in the recent test it is now 70-80 questions. When i spoke to them on the phone it seems on avg 72 percent of people fail the test. I would say 50 percent of the test is electrical based situations and them asking you what is the best action to take, the other 40 percent is electrical problems with some math, 10 percent is mechanical questions about stuff like pulley and lever systems and gears etc. The results usually come ouy 6 months they will email ya if you passed, but the offical results are posted about 1 year later online and anyone can search a person and their scores.They will then mail you a canvas letter and email ya with what to bring and if you accept pre employment. Then you gota bring a whole bunch of ids along with your covid 19 card, drivers licsence etc. getting a hold of someone at the office is hard as its basically only two women that in charge for taking incoming calls about pre-employment and setting up meetings or if you need to take a drug test etc. So you may need to call them 2-3 times over a two week period before you get in contact with anyone. I believe once you come in with all your id and diver licsence they set you up to take physical and drug-test, which can take 3-90 days for them to get back to ya. Then once everything is done with that, they sign you up for orientation basically you will spend four hearing about the folks from the local union twu and from the union president. They will explain stuff about benefits and pension etc and make you fill out a small amount of paper work. You will get a call and they will ask what are your two options out of the 8 divisions that you perfer, those with higher overall scores get to pick first and their work hours/days, once its confirmed what division you will be in then they will send you to that school where you took the test in broolyn and you will spend 3 months in a class-room setting with you learnining and doing some hands on projects, then they will send you out into the field with a foreman/supervisor and with other helpers. Sometimes they will make you choose during your 3 months of in class tranining at the school. So overall it seems from the time you come in with your canvas letter to the time your working in the field is about 4 months.
  21. i heard on avg its like 15-40 days to hear back in some cases its alot longer, could be because alot of these agencies are under staffed since after the c19 bans where all but lifted in the summer of 2023 alot of these folks went back to working full time and just straight up decided to retire.
  22. Ye im in pre employment now, i took my test in the summer of 2021, but had to clear up driving issues. I finally cleared up the issues and im going through the process, fyi folks keep your covid cards safe, mta still wants you to have your c19 cards. basically they give you 4 years to be on a list , to clear up any problems. Don't be like me wait clear anything you need to handle as soon as possible.
  23. bro i believe they have 8 electrical divisions, you pick two of the ones you want the most and they try to place you. But its goes by supply and demand and who ever gets a higher rank after the electrical test gets first pick. I believe if you go to a certain division you can request to go to another if they don't have room, you will have to stay in the division they choose for you for at least a year before transfering.
  24. went i took the test it literally took like 13 months for them to call me for- pre-employment.
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