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Everything posted by MikeBonds

  1. No referral needed, call and make an appointment, the probably can get you in as early as tonight, Q train to Cortelyou Road
  2. Those 3 you don’t have to take over once your cleared because according to transit those don’t change but B/P and diabetes testing do so you’ll have to take that again
  3. And the funny part is that person who’s 120 I lbs could have severe OSA lol
  4. So when you take the sleep study like you said it shows how low or high your AHI levels are if low there is still a report that shows why they low (oxygen levels, how long you were sleep, how many times you woke up, how many times you stop breathing) blah, blah, blah, so it’s unfortunate but even if cleared with low AHI there’s a report that comes along with it
  5. I brought a letter from my PCP saying I didn’t have it and the transit doc said “where’s the report” so I was forced to get a report saying either I’m cleared or a 30 day compliance, unfortunately I had to do a 30 day compliance smh, expired out(because of the timing) and had to take the drug test again last week, now I’m waiting for the call for the medical again smh. Sunset Sleep Diagnostics(651 Coney Island Ave.)
  6. Your PCP can’t determine that by using lab work(believe me I tried) unfortunately your gonna need an actual sleep study done, MTA needs the actual report regardless if you have sleep apnea or not
  7. Me personally, I didn’t get a referral from my PCP, I went straight to a place that specializes in sleep studies, it only cost me $40 with my insurance, they also deal with the MTA a lot, they were good about it too, the only thing is the doctors are only there on Monday and Wednesday, but it was fairly easy getting an appointment, so what happens is, you go there for the study(overnight) they hook up all these wires to you, that will determine if you have sleep apnea or not, if you don’t then they’ll give a a report saying you don’t(the best scenario)if you do have sleep apnea then they schedule you to come back and do another sleep study but this time using a CPAP machine( to see how you respond while on a CPAP and having sleep apnea) if it’s deemed the the CPAP works then the doctor would put in a script for you to have a CPAP machine, your machine gets delivered and you start the therapy and the 30 days on it, 4 hours of usage for 21 straight days gets you in compliance, but MTA wants a 30 day report which is bizarre because again 4 hours for 70% of 30 days is 21 straight days as per DOT regulations, also having insurance is the key my co pay for the machine was $430 which is high IMO, but my cousin who has MTA insurance only paid $100 so it all depends on the insurance companies, but if you have no insurance then be prepared to pay a lot of money!
  8. There was a train operator by the name of William R. Who was operating a metro north train that derailed, killing 4 people I believe, he said he had sleep apnea and the MTA could not do anything about it because it wasn’t something that they tested for, so Willam got off clean with a lifetime disability package, while the MTA had to payout millions to the families and injured passengers, no now they test and mandate you if you fit the criteria(large necks to be exact) but yes you are correct many people have OSA
  9. Thanks for the info! I actually went down there on the 5th with the paperwork and they told me that everything was expired but I was able to be put back on and take the drug test the same day, now I’m waiting to get called for the medical to give the doctors the paperwork
  10. Question for anyone who can answer, I had to take everything over because my 3 months was up, I took the drug test over on 01-05-24, now I have my clearance letter from my sleep study doctor dated 12-27-23, my question is does that letter also has an expiration date that the doctors would not take? Or is it valid for a long time, I’m also prepared to take proof that I’m still using the machine nightly for 4 hours or more
  11. They are still short C/Rs every list has been extended to date, the T/O list was out for nearly 10 years, I have a feeling this list will be extended as well
  12. That’s correct it’s to test your sugar levels and others things, the lady told me “you have no sugar but you eat a lot of red meat”
  13. It’s all about where you live, if you live manhattan or bronx then the A division is better because most of the terminals and jobs start uptown, if you live in queens or Brooklyn then the B division is better.
  14. B/p(very important), EKG, Vision, Hearing, your urine in a cup to check for diabetes and if you are on the “plus size” they measure your neck, if it’s over 17 inches you qualify for sleep apnea which requires a 30 day compliance report, but if you pass the medical your sworn in that same day for work and hired
  15. Just called 180 and explained my situation, they told me just come down after I get the clearance letter and they’ll figure it out when I come
  16. Damn sounds like it’s a wrap for me, seeing previous post about the list ending in February and DCAS not accepting any more reinstatements, my 30 days will be 12-20-23 on the machine and my Medical will expire on 12-23-23, gotta see the Doc for the clearance as well, man this sucks lol
  17. Went down on 9-22-23 and was put on medical hold for OSA, long story short my machine came and im on in for 12 days now with 18 more to go, my list number is 90xx will I still have a chance to get in before the list end date? Or it’s a wrap? I know the drug test expired for me and my medical might be expired as well, also will I be taken off the list? Appreciate anyone who can help with the answer
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