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Everything posted by Infamous85

  1. :cry: Summer's still alive, it's only halfway through.
  2. Who remembers the episode of The Simpsons when Lisa got Married in the future? It's an old episode from 1995. Well today August 1st 2010 is her wedding day. http://blog.zap2it.com/thedishrag/2010/08/bride-a-palooza-alicia-keys-lisa-simpson-weddings-also-this-weekend.html
  3. Do you know how long that'd take? Lol the U.S. Is about the same size as Europe, the distance between NYC & San Francisco is probably like the distance between Moscow and Lisbon. 12-13 hours on a train (going 200 mph) when a flight is about 1/3rd of that.
  4. That's so cool, wouldn't want to hit a little snag/bump and everything goes flying into your face lol. What is up with the fire?
  5. I've been looking for this song for years, and after about 30-40 minutes of googling I found a few links and found it on YouTube. I just created a ringtone on iTunes for my phone. The Hamster Dance Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK392oHfj6M Sorry this looked like the only video that could be embedded. I'm gonna go "the bird is the word" mode with this lol.
  6. Most Raggae songs annoy me, Dancehall is a little less annoying but there's songs I do like.
  7. Barf @ Flash for smartphones, did you see it on the Nexus One? I'd only like to use Hulu and other video sites (FREE ftw) but now they're charging for it. :mad: And it's blocked on the PS3. :mad:
  8. Lmao, I'm gonna convert you to "Icon-ism". B) I seriously thought Fresh Pond died in that other thread, even though I don't know him I was in shock for a good 20 seconds until I read the whole thing.
  9. I know rr4567 is gonna hate me but I'm officially #TeamiPhone as of 8 AM this morning. I love that phone. I graduated on Friday, I bet many of y'all did too. Anthony Weiner (is that his name?) was there, he did a speech for that sorry ass school lol.
  10. I graduated today...felt like I got released from jail.
  11. NEVER...:mad: lol. I'm so mad right now, I just spent 3 hours round trip to Flushing for no reason (they told me to come back Thursday, yesterday I was told to come today). So I did this twice...smfh. I don't want to ride an bus ever again, how does a Q44 take 30 minutes to come? And that wasn't the only bus that took forever. There needs to be some sort of rail between Jamaica & Flushing. Can't wait to get my license lol.
  12. Just finished updating my iPod to iOS4, what an ordeal. It's cool though, except I don't get multitasking (2G iPod touch).
  13. I don't really like the new Lil Wayne either. Lies.com
  14. I love this song and this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwycTCgaxhk&feature=related
  15. Lmfao @ the transit hobby is serious business. What ever happened to AWWang, I don't see his name anymore.
  16. Lmao look at your post count: 9,999. Edit: U just ruined it. But it does have a couple of good songs, some are a bit over the top though.
  17. I'm this close to putting his CD on my iPod because of this thread. It's actually a good Album though, I heard it a gazillion times since that's all we really get to listen to if my sister is in the car.
  18. We're Done - Wiz Khalifa & Demi Lovato (yes the Disney star) He can rap his arse off & she can sing her arse off. :tup:
  19. They are surprisingly athletic lol. Lmao it really sounds like that.
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