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Posts posted by RTOMan

  1. @mediccjh and others in his position.

     I'm not sure what the procedure for taking students is at present but I'll throw in some history if you don't mind. When I came out we students were assigned to a job. The M/M or C/R on that job was usually glad to have a student and we had no problems unless the trainer was a probationary employee himself. In that case the T/D would make the call if the probie was nervous. Yard or road posting it was the same procedure. Some M/M, T/Os, and C/Rs would put in a G2 stating they would take students or not. I never put in a G2 but there were instructors in schoolcar who, in conjunction with the Crew Office, would always assign students to me. For about a 7 year period every student T/O in the IRT came through me on the (5) in the pms. I never turned a student down nor did my C/R and I never complained. Since I never made more that a trip and a half, and usually worked one trippers,the students never complained either. Toward the end of that period I mentioned earlier things started to change in the field. During the pm rush the deputy supt. for the (5) used to sit in the tower at Mott Ave-149th St. Every time I had a student he would get on the radio with me and say that I was running 2 minutes late by him and for me to take over the operation for the rest of the trip. He once sent a TSS down to me and the T/D tagged along to give me some mail. When the TSS relayed the message from the supt I turned to the T/D present and asked him how long did they give me to go from Dyre to Mott when I broke him, the T/D in. He replied ,27 minutes, and now, with the trains slowed down, the schedule gave me 25 minutes. The whole conversation was heard over the radio by control center and my supt. and I was left alone for a while. The student reported the incident to schoolcar and the next day I got a call from the supt of schoolcar, who had a retirement dinner a few weeks ago, and they covered me. I actually had a student overrun the gap fillers at Union Square a while later and school car backed me on that one too. My argument was that if I was to teach route familiarization to a student he or she had to know things like fast stations, punch boxes, gap fillers and interlocking locations. In other words the student had to operate. My deputy didn't want the students to operate in Manhattan during the rush, period. It appears to me from reading some of your posts and those of the others in your position that some of these people who turn you guys down are afraid for some reason. If that is truly the case then tell those trainers who do take you thank you. Reaaly, "cause in my opinion there is nothing worse than to be trained by someone so fearful who lacks the confidence to do his/her job properly. I've trained T/Os who are present day T/Ds, TSSs and Superintendents and I'm proud of it. To you and the other students out there, hang in there and keep in contact with schoolcar if you're having problems. There are still some people out there who haven't forgotten where they came from. Sorry for the long post. Carry on.



    The reason is they are now having the trainers go through issues as well..


    Writing G2's and what not calling RCC having tss check the trainers out..


    Lots of useless drama that some folks just dont want to be bothered with anymore..


    BTW Back in 2001 had to WAIT almost for  the PMs for somebody to take me as a student. Talk about Bitter folks back then...

  2. BTW Any of you new T/O's(Out of Schoolcar) are members of the Crew Room?


    If not you should talk to Harry so your Avatar could get updated..


    There are somethings in there that you really should be looking at.

  3. looking at the schedule, it's not that we have 3 months in the yard after 6 months of training, the 3 months in the yard are smack in the middle of training (July 1st-Sept 20th), then we go back to schoolcar. so i guess i wont be going to the mega-concert of Matchbox Twenty and Goo Goo Dolls on Aug. 17th after all :( . i will be in the yards with rotating shifts and days off. i thought i'd at least be OK for the summer



    Somebody got smart and changed it. It wasnt supposed to be that way at first..


    Hope you like PMs and Midnights!

  4. HA SO I WAS RIGHT!  so know now i know that thing i thought when i was little a little thick wooden stick is a shoe paddle..


    *cues nbc's the more you know*


    Yep now of coruse i shall use the "official RTO" term for it..


    Contact Shoe Slipper.... B-)

  5. Buddy, you are going to get called I don't know why you are worried. It won't be this year. Perhaps the end of 2014. This list will expire on Sept. 19, 2016. So it has plenty of life left. People in the 3,000's will most likely make it too. Remember with Motorman retiring and being promoted mainly there will always be availability.


    Good chance they will be in the 1000s before the year is out...


    It looks like the Blitz that was when i started in 2001. More are leaving too another 100 before the year is out i heard.


    I can see them running through this list.

  6. Thanks for correcting me and also wondered what division are you?


    B Div


    Do NOT rely on the IVR. If there is a change, the IVR can be updated, and it is not logged so if you are marked AWOL "the IVR told me otherwise" is not a valid defense.


    You can either call the crew office, in which case you need to know the time you called and the name of the person you spoke with (you can try to get a pass number, up to you, but in time you'll learn the names), or check the daily assignment sheets which, since they are printed, are good as gold.


    The exception to that is if you call the crew office and someone tells you your job is changed from the daily assignment sheets, in which case speaking to the person overrides that.


    beneka, if you were placed in a job that appeared on the assignment sheets that reported at 0408, and fell to the board, and were placed in the 0555 job, you are entitled to board time from 0408 to 0555 regardless since you are reporting as per instruction. If, however, you were told that 0408 job was full and you had the choice of falling to the board or picking up another job, and chose to pick up the other job, then you're not entitled to anything except what that job pays. That's why it's important to keep track of who you spoke to and when, as well as what was discussed on the phone.


    I remember reporting to work early due to a GO which was cancelled by a snow supplement that was called at the last minute, but I reported at the time on the assignment sheets, and so the dispatcher paid my "early report".


    The sheets are the best way to find your job info, otherwise call and ask someone at the crew office. The IVR should really be a last resort, or a way of checking to confirm what you already know.


    Totally agree on ALL points...  

  7. Any idea of what line you want after school car? i suggest you pick the (1) or the (3) or (4) they're decent, & i'm glad that every thing went smooth after you overran you'll get better with practice it's all about your timing just trust yourself and you'' be fine!


    You dont "Pick" after Schoolcar you are extra extra you can go anywhere.


    Well for a few years then you er "select" whats left....  ;)  ;)  ;)


    Joyride from JYD to 95 St and back. Nothing to report, except that my class has been merged with the other B-Division class from our induction date for the week.


    We'll be at the Stimulator tomorrow. 


    BBBBBzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Simulator.....

  8. Realized today, 4/1/13 at 3:55am, why we should take down name and pass numbers of people we speak to from the crew office. I was told by the person i spoke to on Friday evening that they double assigned my job and i fell to the board. Was told to report to woodlawn at 0408 to sit on board...fine, no problem. I get to wdl at 0350 and my name is still on sign in sheet for the job they said i was dropped out of. Of course the dispatchers at Mosh yd and Wdl know nothing about this supposed drop out so they call the crew office and they confirm that im still in the job...smh. Worst part about this situation, the job im in has a report time of 0555, so im at work 2 hours early....


    You need to look at the sign in sheet was your name Next to a Job Number(lets say 202) or was your name next to a job with a different Number? If that was the case you fell to the board at that time and picked up a later job... You get Paid for that did you fill out a OT Slip??

  9. Operated on the (RR) today (Yes, I know it hasn't been that since 1985. I grew up calling it that. Deal with it). 


    Got stuck on the Broadway Conga Line, again, due to the (Q) that was stuck at 57 St. 


    On the (G) tomorrow, then back in the classroom next week. 



    (G)uess the Stop Marker Marker!!! What a fun game!!!   :D  :D  :D  :D

  10. Ahh...improper operation...got you RTOman. I've heard that term thrown around a lot. Guess thats a really big deal!


    Had a good time this past week posting on the 4. Tomorrow im on my own out of WDL!!!! Kinda excited!


    Heard some details about the 12-9 that happened the other day...pretty gruesome.



    Welcome to the grind have a safe one..


    I know the TO who is involved with at hes doing better spoke to him.

  11. Just a guess, but if he was posting, the trainer probably suggested that it takes too much time to take a full service, punch, and then release. So instead, said to just reach over and punch with one hand while holding the MC with the other. But since it dumped, it wasted even more time.


    Exactly a BAD HABIT...


    Those are the things you should not be picking up while posting and"Letting go" of that controller and having the train go into emergency isn't "just ok"...  <_<

  12. Hope they werent from our class either. I havent heard anything other than a mc slip while stopped at a station.


    Why is that such a big deal?! I know they dont want you going bie, but if you're stopped at a sta and you mistakenly let go of the mc why do they take it so seriously??


    Improper Operation they start with five days in the street..


    READ that Rule book....


    Monday morning, did a trip on the (B) and one on the (C).


    Lessons learned:


    1. Getting up at 2 in the morning SUCKS, and I have to do it again tomorrow.

    2. I do not like the R68As.

    3. I like the R68s.

    4. The R32s still are my favorite trains to operate. 

    4a. The best way to operate the R32 is to do so standing.


    Today, did a job on the (M). No issues.





    Not my class. Same induction date, but in the other B Division Class. And I'm not surprised at who it is.


    Pleasure to meet ya, RTO. 



    Same!  :)

  13. Ok now this new class of A div T/O's got us TSS'S and Supts working overtime. We had 3 incidents and one of them had 2 of the 3 today.


    Dave come on now thats how it always is with New Folks chit happens..


    No matter how much some think "They got it"...


    BTW im hearing "stories" about a T/O in the B Div posting hes already starting to Piss folks off a know it all..


    Thats Ok though hes gonna learn and quick...


    I think hes in Mediccjh's class...

  14. Question for the vets: does MTA offer other training/development courses once passing schoolcar and probation? if so is it done on your dime and time?


    Get together with yer Classmates and study study study when in schoolcar..


    After Schoolcar when on yer own just follow the rules know yer rulebook as well as yer bulletins and you will be fine.


    Cant be any easier than that.... ;)

  15. Its not a problem. Was just giving the person I quoted an idea of how it's been so far. They can send me wherever. I'm good. I will not complain one bit. I'm just happy to be here. Even when I pick, it'll be extra or RDO relief because I'm not the type of person that can do the same exact job for 6 months straight. I like to see different lines, signals, stations and people.


    You sound like you like the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

  16. I also met a T/O today that has 12 years on & still picks extra. I'm guessing the built in ot?


    Its prob more of not wanting to pound the road every day.. If yer Picked XL good chance you see the road Two three times a week tops...


    Some do pick it for the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ If yer on the board and pick up Jobs.


    I was Picked XL for the Winter Pick when i was in the A Div made me some Kizna$h with Snowbird late clears...


    I saw a posting that stated that the pick for the Yard jobs was going to be affected in order to accommodate the T/O's that were going to placed in the yard for 3 months. Does that mean we'll have a set schedule for that time period - or will our schedule vary?


    Yes it will affect us when we pick (its in the contract) Less Yd and Station switching jobs for people to pick so they get bumped to the road. 


    Some folks aren't happy about this.


    So it will be up to the Crew Office to assign whomever they have where and when.


     All i gotta say is say hello to PMs and Midnight's maybe since most Yd  and Station Switching Jobs on the AMs get Picked...

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