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Posts posted by SevenEleven

  1. You can take the bus operator position and work it until you are called for conductor. If you are on probation when you leave for conductor, then you won’t be able to return to bus operator. However if you go after probation, then you can return to bus operator within a year of going to conductor. 

  2. 8 hours ago, poopybutt123 said:

    guys I have a question 

    Why is Nova constantly delivering buses from the 173 Bus order and not from the 135 bus order?? It doesn’t make any sense to me as Baisley Park should be 100% fully Coneheads right now but still have NGs in their fleet after most of them was sent to JFK. I personally believe Nova is juggling between the 2 orders and mainly delivering buses from the 173 order. There should be no reason why a JFK option Conehead was delivered before the rest of the baisley cones was delivered 

    What do y’all think of my statement? 

    The majority of the option order is scheduled to be delivered before the main order is completed. 

  3. 8 hours ago, poopybutt123 said:

    3964 hasn’t ran since April 1st 
    4025 hasn’t ran since April 1st 
    4084 hasn’t ran since March 23rd
    4146 hasn’t ran since April 3rd 
    4147 hasn’t ran since March 29th
    4173 hasn’t ran since March 30th 
    4186 hasn’t ran since April 4th 
    4586 hasn’t ran since March 27th 
    4631 hasn’t ran since March 27th
    4632 hasn’t ran since March 23rd
    4647 hasn’t ran since March 23rd

    As I am typing this 4025, 4084, 4631-4632 JFK are at Eastchester Scrap and I’m note sure about all the other units has they haven’t ran in a month while some didn’t run for a whole week straight. 


    Edit and update: 4647 JFK retired 

    3964 and 4147 will go to Zerega. 4186 still alive, unknown status. Everything else as we put together is scrap. 

  4. 20 hours ago, BlackRepublic1804 said:

    Can anyone confirm if this is true? Why is the MTA requesting a person with a Class A license to downgrade to a Class B license

    I did some research. You would have to add the Passenger endorsement to your license, but will still be required to take the road test with the bus during training

  5. 5 hours ago, BlackRepublic1804 said:

    I possess a CDL A and I am interested in the bus training process. Can we complete the entire process, including the pre-trip inspection? Also, for those who already have a license, will they engage in other aspects of the training while others are obtaining their licenses?

    If I’m not mistaken, you will need to get a B permit with the passenger endorsement for your license before being hired.

    You will go through training the same way as anyone else without a license from start to finish. Once you pass your road test to get the Class B+Pax endorsement added, you will start line training. After line training, you graduate with the rest of your classmates and soon thereafter, you’ll be on your own. 

  6. 56 minutes ago, Jeff868 said:

    I really appreciate your help every time I have a question or concern! Salute 🫡. That’s some solid advice! 

    To add on to this, if you are in doubt, STOP, call console and ask for help. You don’t want to take it upon yourself and go off route and then something happens. I had one operator miss a turn and was finding his way around. On the street before getting back on route, he hits a parked car. He didn’t call console prior to going off route. I had responded to the accident and I was only 5 mins away. (Meaning the whole accident could have been avoided)

    If you know your way around, call and just say you’re off route for whatever reason and you’re detouring. They will tell you detour safely and this way, you’re covered for being off route. 

    On days where you get runs (assuming you’re XL) with long swings, go ride the routes.

    In general, tough it out for the first year. You will be up and down with the scheduling if you’re on the list. The first pick is in a month or so, so if you’re able to pick a run, do so to at least get yourself a schedule. You’ll be able to change depots at the end of the year.

    It’s a great job, don’t take everything personal. If you’re not here for the money or pension, then you’re definitely staying  for the benefits. It’s an easy job most days. Use common sense when driving. If you’re interested in moving up, study for and take the next OA Dispatcher exam. You need 3 years as an operator and being that you’re OA, you’ll be able to work in Manhattan and The Bronx as a dispatcher.

    And again, if you have questions, ask for help.

    Good luck!

  7. On 2/14/2024 at 8:42 PM, IAlam said:

    So I saw some Grand Ave and Gleason buses doing driver training in the Flushing and Mitchel Gardens area I wonder why they go that far just for training.

    Also, are QM21 bus drivers using Queens Blvd now? I saw 2 today which I was surprised about.

    The training buses can be taken anywhere in the city. There was a Gleason bus in Staten Island today. During my 10 day training, I drove in all except Staten Island. 

  8. On 2/10/2024 at 10:44 AM, poopybutt123 said:

    9006 has been in the system for 4 months now what are you talking about 

    That’s funny!!!!!

    Anyways…. Going forward, if we’re not going to do the proper research with these deliveries and scrap buses, then I’m just going to lock these threads. I’m not saying that to flex on anyone here but I’m not going to allow this to turn into a source of misinformation. 

    The Discord bot is good but the system it is relying on has flaws. Those flaws trickle down. So, trust but verify. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Chris89292 said:

    So weird how the R211T sets have the extra features on and the other A sets don’t…..at this point I think the train operators just don’t want to turn them on or they forgot that protocol, not trynna offend any real TO’s here, it would be appreciative if someone could explain the reasoning thank you 

    If I’m not mistaken, bugs were found in the software on the pilot set so they were disabled until it was sorted out. The 211A I rode today didn’t have them. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Trackguy718 said:


    Thanks and what kind of shift to new people is usually get or it depends on the depot. Ik they don’t want anybody working anywhere else really but with a one year probation I can imagine some people being hesitant just giving up their current job till after the probation.

    Depends where you land up and what work assignment you get. You can come out of line training picking an actual assignment or most times, be on the extra list. When I started on the list, I was PMs. 2-3PM reports, being done anywhere between 11P-2A.

    You pick 4 times a year. 3 where you pick work at your current depot and the big system pick, that allows you to change depots and work.

  11. 8 hours ago, Trackguy718 said:

    Ik this post is a little old but anybody knows what time do the 10 days training end is it usually morning to afternoon and also the time they would have people do line training if somebody pass the 10 day training  

    The 10 day training is usually AMs, it is 8 hours every day.  Earliest report time is around 6-7am and you’re done at 2-3pm.  

    For line training, you will have an AM report and your schedule will be whatever your trainer’s work is.

  12. 43 minutes ago, Lawrence St said:

    If you have transee premium and look at the history it popped up on the x27 on the southern half of shore road.

    The deadhead for the B64s are to use Shore Road into the Belt. BusTrek is interpreting the time and the placement of the bus as a X27 trip, when it really isn’t. 

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