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Posts posted by TrainFanatic


    I like how sleek the R160s look, but if the LED sign is somehow missing half the fracking letter or the circle around it, it ruins it for me.


    You will only see that in some photos. It has something to do with the 160's LED refresh rate and the camera itself. (Maybe someone here can explain this better.) I have never nor have anyone I know spot such on an 160.

  2. ...and people think i'm the crazy one when I stand for an entire trip.


    I always try to avoid what I like to call the "bomb seats". Those are the seats on the NTTs, near the interior car sliding doors (not sure what the official name for those doors are) that the homeless always seem to use.

  3. Wirelessly posted via (BlackBerry8520/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)


    Its almost 70 degrees outside but yet still winter


    Somewhere in his home, Al Gore is running around the house saying "I told you so!!!!!"


    ...and some women are still wearing UGGs knowing damn well the weather doesn't call for it. I know their feet must be kickin'!

  4. Yep, like Judge Mathis!




    K.Lane and Transit tech used to always stay scrappin since the 1970s.I remember when I was in transit,I witnessed a mob from lane set on a mob from transit.It was like a scene out of "The Warriors"


    I still here that fights still go on between the two occasionally. Wish I witnessed some of them...:cool:

  5. 75 St-Elderts Lane




    A little off topic but my mom's friend said that "back in the day" he used to be part of a gang in which he had fights with another gang from this school as seen in the background (Franklin K. Lane). He said that him and others used to break into the cabs and use the PA system to say random crap that would upset the other gang, which would start fights. He's currently a police officer.


    I go to one of the four new schools located in this huge building. The four new schhols are here to stay. However Franklin K. Lane, the school is being phased out. Interesting fact from wiki:

    At the time Franklin K. Lane High School was built, it was one of the largest high school buildings in the world. Each of the four floors is one-quarter mile; walking four times around one floor equals one mile.



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