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Scary sight


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Friday, I got off the subway at Herald Square and took the M16 to Port Authority to go to Albany. As the bus was passing Penn Station, I look to my left and see a man get struck by a westbound M34 NG07. The bus shot him at least ten feet forward, though the bus was really only crawling down 34th street. Luckily, before my bus continued moving, we saw the man open his house and move around on the ground, as he looked up at the bus like "wtf just happened!" The driver non nonchalantly exited the bus and went to him when he was already surrounded by police and bystanders. (I swear, the driver must have had more urgency at terminals after he finished a run. He showed no emotion or fear at all, and acted like this was a normal day at the office). Since I didn't see anything about it on the news or papers, I will assume the man was okay but it was a scary site and amazed me how far that bus catapulted him towards 7th Avenue. Very scary, indeed.

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Engineers, bus operators and train operators have to maintain a certain professional emotional state when they are on duty, might seem cold, but it's like auto-pilot training & instinct takes over leaving emotion out. Many of these tireless working professionals end their careers with mild to severe PTSD from the stuff they see, in or out of their control while on the job.


Watch the movie "rails and ties", it's a fairly accurate description of what might happen in someone's life after an incident.


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