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MTA statistics show the number of straphangers hit by subways rises


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MTA statistics show the number of straphangers hit by subways continues to rise


The number of straphangers hit by subway trains continues to rise, MTA statistics show, as officials roll out a new campaign to stem the bloodshed.


Trains slammed into 66 people between January and May — a 10% increase over the same period last year, according to MTA statistics.


Nearly 150 people were struck by subway trains last year, a 15% jump over 2010.


The publicity campaign includes subway posters stating the number of train-human collisions and fatalities last year : 146 and 47.


“Don’t be a statistic,” one of the three posters states.


The campaign instructs riders to stand back from the platform edge, to refrain from retrieving dropped property from the tracks and to call for help if someone on the platform seems ill.


Source:: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/mta-statistics-show-number-straphangers-hit-subways-continues-rise-article-1.1100353#ixzz1yaARhm9i


Campaign: http://www.mta.info/news/stories/?story=718


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Guest Lance

You know, it's almost sad that the (MTA) no longer does TV advertisements anymore or I'd suggest something along the lines of the old "This is Your Brain on Drugs" PSAs from the '80s. We'd open in on some idiot leaning over the edge waiting for the train like some kind of obnoxious douche with a caption below saying "This is you". Then we fade in to the train leaving the station and a close up on the remains of said idiot, CGed of course, with the caption "This is you, after the train arrives". Then a message appears saying: "A train can't stop on a dime. Stand away from the platform edge. It just might save your life."


Morbid? Probably. Effective? I'd like to think so. Sometimes, you need to show what will happen to some of these idiots so they get it through their thick skulls. And yes, I know that not all person on track incidents are because of stupidity or carelessness. It's just that the majority of them are.

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