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Pair of kittens shut down subway service for nearly two hours


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eh not too sure about that. I've seen videos of deer, cows, and moose all hit by freight trains in which all could've easily been avoided if they were just smart enough to move off the tracks. Not like the train was moving anywhere near fast either, all those animals had ample time to get off the tracks.


Larger animals (especially deer) can often get startled by the trains and can freeze up, thus making escape pretty unlikely.  I have personally seen a deer try and fail to outrun a LIRR train out by me.  The deer didn't stand a chance with the muscularDM, but I'm not sure how well a R160 would hold up against a large animal like that (not that deer would nescescarly be roaming the tracks on the Brighton Line, but hypotheticaly speaking (maybe some animals escaped from the Prospect Park zoo!))


Now domestic animals (dogs, cats, and the like) are more used to loud noises and birght lights, so they would be more apt to naviagating active train tracks.

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