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Jamaica Line

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Posts posted by Jamaica Line

  1. Hey! I really enjoy a few Kool and Gang songs. Amazingly i dont i dont they are in the rock and roll hall of fame.



    Cool. Honestly I don't even know much about them with the exception of this song. I remember hearing this when I was much younger at a 'lil deli/resteraunt my dad used to hang out at. I was attracted to it and now I'm glad I finnaly got the name of the song, as I couldn't remember the lyrics (only "Hollywooooood" lol) but the tune to it.


    The building muscle faster part is an unproven myth that's been out the for the longest....


    The looking more muscular (albeit in the eye of the beholder) part, I find to be true..... Many women (in general) do as well.... A lot of white fighters/wrestlers/bodybuilders, etc. don't want to come to grips to this, but darker skinned fighters/wrestlers/bodybuilders, etc. do appear more masculine..... Defined bone & muscle structure is more prominent on darker skinned ppl, since light sources are brighter than they are darker.....



    True since light-skinned bodybuilders do tan their skin to show defenition...



    (the quote) Sounds like some shit you'd read in a newspaper; "how hard is it really to drive a bus or train"..... "they have the easiest job in the world".... "they don't deserve all that money, they just sit on their asses all day".... yada yada yada.....


    As much of enthusiasts that we are on this forum, out in the media (at least the NY media anyway), there's a serious bias that exists against transit.... and I'm talkin about outside of the whole BS regarding Darius McCollum....



    Agreed. Both jobs are a perfect example for the quote "more than meets the eye"...

  4. Ok let's see... It takes YEARS to make your way up to a railroad train engineer. The railroad company practically owns your ass for a good thirty years - that means unsociable hours, and days away from home, having to sleep in hotels 'n what not. Let me add in railroaders have one of the highest divorce rates among jobs for some reasons I pretty much stated two sentences ago.


    The negatives seems to outweigh the goods IMO. The pay may be good, but your sure as hell not gonna enjoy it much.


    So forget about Amtrak, I'll stick to the subway or our local Class III railroad.


    Another reason as to why I find it funny when some people say "train drivers have the easiest job in the world!" Operating the trains alone is already stressing...

  5. Not gonna be specific but there's a station cleaner who likes to cross the tracks for no legitiment reason on one of our three-track section lines. Seen him do it a few times some time ago, caught him doing it again today. Must find a rush out of it because he's always smiling as he does it. Still has the kid in him lol...

  6. Leaving Prospect Park s/b today I was wondering why the operator was hauling instead of braking for the switch ahead. With me standing against the doors I was trying to get a good grip thinking he'd take the switch hard as hell... Nope, caught me by surprise that s/b (Q)s were running express. Every time we'd hit an overpass a big, loud gust of wind was heard. Along with the sounds of the wheels beating the rails, it made the ride seem more intense. Getting off at Church I can see the operator had on a pair of half finger grip gloves, (normally seen operators wear these {for obvious reasons} but haven't in a while) giving more of an impression that the 160s can really haul ass (even thou I know for sure they can).



    Don't be fooled. Even if you don't see a cop around, some usually are hidden in those rooms near the entry. I've seen it plenty of times.



    True. I've been surprised by a few cops hidden in some enclosed areas. Luckily I was using my metrocard during those times...


    And a lil' error, I'd have to pay somewhat over $10,000, not $100,000. lol no way I've hopped over 1000 times, not even close...

  8. I jumped the turnstile. The turnstile took the money on my metrocard.



    It's just too easy to jump it nowadays. If there's no cop, the S/A can't do a thing. I put it on my life that if I had to pay the $100 fine for every time I jumped a turnstile, I'd have to pay well over $100,000...

  9. Annoys the shit out of me seeing these dudes with their fat, flabby arms, wearing nothing but tank tops and walking around as if they're built. With their arms spaced out from their sides, trying to intimidate others. Don't think they know real muscle is suppose to show tone or definition. You ain't fooling no one...



    I've never riden an (A) SB into 42nd (only an (E) ) but I always knew that was a fast entrance..


    I love the sound of the train screaming :P



    Same here. Once I remember waiting on the n/b platform to watch an (A) fly in, but was only disappointed by a slow operator... Another thing I dislike too, boarding an (A) with an operator you'd think is fast at any station north of Nostrand, only to be disappointed by him braking at the timers by Franklin.

  11. Speed limit is based on any or all of the following: stopping distance, visibility, curve speed (of which train can take it comfortably for passengers), switch




    So that explains why some operators aren't hesitant to speed through some curves... Not necessarily because the train might derail but comfort to the passengers isn't much of a thought... Thou of course they know they're doing more damage to the inner rail...


    Thou I remember being in the last car of a (Q) racing through the curve at Queensboro s/b. It felt as if the right-sided wheels tilted off the rails a bit. Ntm I was pressed against one of the left sided doors so that only added to the effect. The strangest sounds could've been heard from the trucks... One of the best curves to rip through with Brighton Beach n/b coming in second...

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