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Everything posted by Brownhornet78

  1. Lol, snitching has no boundaries huh? Lol.. That's a damn shame!!
  2. We got fire school tomorrow at CIYD!
  3. Ok ok!!! You know I'm in the A also, and depmaze too!
  4. I remember seeing your face, but they were looking for me to get back to the train
  5. Wassup man!!! Sorry I didn't come up to you and talk, but my class was taking that train back to VC
  6. Yeah, in my class it's between me and another classmate of mine. We're the signals experts!
  7. Just call ms. Shivers directly Do you have her number?
  8. @mard damn!!! My class is at 130 Livingston. I'll probably link up with y'all later.
  9. @mard @apocalypse Yo where y'all at!?
  10. Lmao!! No doubt. Good luck. Oh my class will be at 130 Livingston on Monday for simulator training. So May run into you guys.
  11. Nope!!!! Whatever shift is available to the TSS to train on that's where the class will be.
  12. Ok I'm gonna give you my experience, I wanted B division. So have others In my class also. My list # was 2180's then there were people with higher numbers. When the head of the pick division came in the room, he said we have only 12 slots for the B division, and 30 slots for the A. Haaaa!!! Those slots vanished way before they called my name. But now it could be the other way around next time. Cause I heard the class right before mine all of them got sent to the B. And they were on a PM shift.. I would've been happy. But I still am cause I got a good class, and I've met some really good people. So hey... It's all in gods hands! And I've met a childhood friend who used to take train rides with me from church ave. To 241st Wakefield. On the 2 train. And look... Now we are going to be in the A division where it all began. So hey.... I'm happy still. I'm livings dream thank god
  13. To be "politically correct" For transit. Train operator is a general term. ^^what he said^^ But some old timers still consider themselves motormen.
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