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Everything posted by MTAhopefullMatt

  1. @HopefulTO, what do people get held up for? I understand we need to get to 180 Livingston early. Do you mean missing records? What do people forget to bring? Also, are they still doing the initial appointment for drug test by letter, than calling you to come back for the all-day physical exam?
  2. Great news. I've been checking the mailbox every day, but maybe now there might actually be a letter in it from Transit in the next few months. @LoydMike, hopefully you'll be in school car in the next class or so. My wait is a bit longer (37xx).
  3. @Subwayguy, thanks for the explanation. Are May and January the only times when retirements become effective? So those would be the times that Transit could accurately estimate their staffing needs for the rest of the year? I guess the big picture, unanswered question is how much more hiring will actually take place before this list expires in Sept. 2016. They've hired up to #3344 and I think they've certified to roughly 4600. Do they typically reach the end of the certification before the list expires? My fear is that there will be a multi-year hiring freeze, but I suppose they will need to replace people who retire.
  4. Thanks for the update, WestEndMan. The wait is extremely stressful/frustrating. I know most of those reading this have been in the same position - too many people seeking a good job in a bad economy. Could you clarify - do you mean that Transit is going back to a monthly school car class of T/Os of 40 per month from May through the end of the year? And what about next year, since the list doesn't expire until mid Sept. 2016? Also, how many people from the list does Transit typically call up/screen to get to a final class? 50 screened to get to 40 trainees? 60 screened to get to 40 trainees? I realize that anything could happen and nothing is guaranteed. I'm just trying to understand the process. Thanks to anyone who can provide some additional info/guidance.
  5. FYI, I also just got restored to the outstanding certification list, and I'm list #37xx. I'm waiting for my letter for the initial drug test. @loydmike, here's hoping they have a Feb. class they need to fill and you can get started without the delay of re-doing your drug test.
  6. Well, I'm assuming there's been no January school car class. Maybe school car will resume in February or March. I called DCAS today and the message indicated that the last appointed was #3316, the same information provided as of 11/30/14.
  7. Not much going on in this thread, I realize, but I had a couple of questions for those in the know... How does Transit prioritize among people with the same score? My score was 90.0 and there are almost 700 people with the same score. Some of those people have been processed and some (I think) are in school car now, while others, like me, are still waiting for the initial drug test. Has there been any word (official or rumors) about when the next school car class will start? January? February? Thanks as always for any info you can provide. Matt list #37xx
  8. @BDivision, you're welcome. Just educated guesses on my part. The key thing is to hope (since we have no control over it) that there are no extended hiring freezes during the remaining 21 months before the list expires. In a sense there's a temporary hiring freeze now because they haven't authorized the next class(es), but hopefully they will get authorization and there will be a new school car in January, or no later than February anyway. My sense was it's more of an administrative issue than a financial one. I was told the list can move 100+ per month so long as school car goes forward each month, even though a lot fewer actually enroll in school car, because many prospective hires are disqualified (or placed on temporary hold for health concerns expressed by Transit) or cannot be contacted, and every school car is supposed to be a full class. I'm still waiting myself (list #37xx), so I'm just wrapping my head around the facts and reasoning mentioned by some of the veterans on this board. Please don't be shy, and let me know if I got this wrong, or add your own contributions.
  9. @BDiv238, I do know that the list is set to expire in Sept. 2016, which is roughly 21 months from now. They've hired through list #3316. I'm thinking it's possible you're called before the list expires, as long as there are no hiring freezes for train operators in the meantime. What do others think? @Breaker, I spoke to Ms. Rivera yesterday as well. She's very nice and quite helpful. I'd recommend anyone call her if you want to hear about the status of hiring from the official source, or need to update your info - updated mailing address is critical, and you want to make sure both DCAS and NYC Transit have your current mailing address. She confirmed that everything is on hold until the next class is scheduled. Once that occurs, letters will start to go out again for the initial drug test.
  10. Thanks, Breaker. Hopefully the classes will continue steadily throughout 2015. BTW, I've updated my mailing address with DCAS. Do I need to update my mailing address w/ NYCT as well?
  11. Thanks, Mike, for the quick and detailed response. Is there a number I should call to determine if the MTA had tried to reach me before? I'm worried that mail may not have gone to the right address. I'd be happy to go to DCAS or Transit to pick up the drug test letter when they're ready for me.
  12. What does it mean if my name is on the list but not on the "outstanding certification"? Thanks.
  13. @loydmike, thanks for the detailed info re hiring and list movement. Here's hoping you can get your full medical done in December and start in January's class, so you don't have to re-do the drug screen. @Andrew, thanks for the diet tips. Diabetes is a huge concern in the general population (and for the MTA as our potential employer, more importantly) and I didn't realize they're testing blood sugar as well as drugs. My hope is that hiring just keeps chugging along with classes going forward each month. Do any of the veteran train operators have any sense of how many more train operators the MTA will need to hire next year (2015)? I know there's guesswork involved and anything can happen that changes the calculations - I appreciate any insight people may have.
  14. Thanks, everyone, for the updates on how the list is progressing. @HopefulTO, I'm in the 37xx range myself, and the suspense is horrible. I took the exam 5 1/2 years ago and now I'm checking the mail everyday, waiting for the letter that tells me to come to Brooklyn for my initial drug test and get this process started already. I will keep the group posted when I get that letter and when/if I get called for the full medical and admitted to school car.
  15. Thanks for the info, guys, re actual schedule during school car. I'll just have to get childcare squared away when/if I'm actually appointed to the job. I've been able to avoid it by working nights and weekends while my wife works days, but that won't work for this job.
  16. @ RTOMan, that's something to scare people straight. Getting fired during your probationary period for having a bad attitude and treating people badly. Losing a career that you've waited 5+ years to start. On a different note, I wanted to know what shift school car tends to be: day or swing, and what hours specifically. Has the shift been alternating regularly - Oct. school car is day shift, Nov. school car is swing shift? I'm asking because my strong preference is a swing shift, for childcare reasons, so I can get my kids on the school bus and only need one person to watch the kids before my wife gets home. I want this job and I'll make any shift work, and I know I'll work crazy shifts when I'm driving trains in revenue service, but I was wondering if it was possible to delay school car 1-2 months if that allows you to get in when it's scheduled for a swing shift.
  17. @loydmike, thanks for the update. Could you please share with us the phone number you called and the person you spoke to? I don't want to hassle the powers-that-be, but I'll probably call if I don't get my letter (to go for initial drug test) by the end of the year. It's getting so close and I don't want to miss or delay the opportunity. Matt list #37xx
  18. Thanks for the updates, Trainman and WestEndMan. Does anyone know if a new class is starting this week? I'm hoping to get one of those letters soon. list # 37xx
  19. @ Tommy John, I'd love to know the same info. My wife is a Long Island public schoolteacher and we have United Health Care, the Empire Government Plan. It's good coverage, except family premiums cost roughly $600 per month (payroll deductions). Every district makes different arrangements for the payroll contributions made by the employee, negotiated in their labor contract, and her district isn't as generous as some others. My question is what coverage do people tend to have, are they happy with it, and what does it cost for premiums and out of pocket expenses. My goal would be to replicate my wife's coverage (family plan) without such steep payroll deductions. This is premature, I know, because I haven't been called yet, but I'd like to anticipate expenses.
  20. Mazel tov, Pelham. You've waited a long time for this. Good luck with the apartment hunt as well. Hopefully there will be lots more good news in the next few months for those of us waiting to get on the job.
  21. @ Pelham, good luck with everything. Here's hoping you get cleared today and sent to the October class. Please keep us posted.
  22. I heard that the December class is being canceled. Is that true? Are they instituting a hiring freeze for train operators?
  23. @ SubwayGuy, thanks for the detailed response. I appreciate it. I didn't realize how many factors go into determining when you get called for school car, and how much is out of your control. But life is like that, so why should the MTA be any different?
  24. @ Race Harley, congrats on moving forward in the process. Could you clarify something, though, for those of us waiting for the letter telling us to go for the initial drug test? Was the drug test on 9/30 a repeat drug test, because the initial one expired? And what is your list range? I'm trying to get a better understanding of the initial steps, pre-school car, so I can anticipate when I might be called for testing and how long from that point to getting into a school car class. I realize everything is rough estimates, and depends on rate of hiring, medical/background holds, etc. I'll need to leave my current job and arrange childcare for school car, so as much advance notice as possible is ideal. Thanks, Matt list # 37xx
  25. @ Andrew, that's what I was thinking. Are these flash cards something you buy in a store? Online? Who makes them? Or should we just make our own flash cards based on our own notes?
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