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Everything posted by WestEndMan

  1. Brakeman, TA is A division. TB is B division. I'm not going to out the class that caused it but it was an A division class & it was because they were hitting home signals & splitting switches in the yard during YX. I'm on the road now & already OPTO qualified & i feel that the 2 tests are unfair but if it's needed to avoid simple incidents like that, so be it. Since finishing school car & being out on my own, I've always had a new found respect for what the senior guys have done over the years, and as a train operator on my own, you truly understand the meaning when someone says to you, "have a safe trip "
  2. As much as i want everyone to be called, it bothers me that i had a one and done signal exam & no second chance. Regardless I'm on the road now so it's refresher courses from now on. Congrats to everyone coming in. It really is a great job.
  3. I'm new to the job. Just got onto the road. I've learned really fast not to listen to crew room gossip & politics. I've also learned that the TSS's word isn't always good. They know just about as much as anyone else. Keep waiting guys/gals....The calls will come soon enough. Patience sucks,but the wait will pay off in the end. Good luck ppl.
  4. Listen to your instructors. My instructors beat all the information into our heads. But it was all worth it. When your in school car, you learn the school car way. Which in all aspects is the correct way. Once you do yx, then you're on the road on your own, totally different scenario. Real world conditions. Just study all material given to you, take notes when on road ops days, & take this serious. Train buff crap will get you nowhere. When taking tests,think before you answer & use all the time given. Above all else,always make sure to have ALL your equipment with you. Good luck to all & be safe.
  5. Finished schoolcar. On the road now. Totally different experience. Nervous as hell. But so glad i made it.
  6. Good luck to everyone coming in. I have just finished school car & am now on the road. Very different experience.
  7. Cant really speak about A-Div except that is has less equipment to learn and some signals are different. A-Div is also the # lines. B-Div is the letter lines. You have the signals to learn and more types of equipment to learn. There are more yards, locations, lines to learn. I took B div because of where I live. From what I heard, most A-div jobs start in the Bronx. B-Div start all over the city.
  8. Depends on Division. B Div, is 8-9 months. A Div is shorter. Also it depends on what division is being trained. My induction had 1 A-div, 3 B-Div. classes. Sometimes you'll get a choice, sometimes not. I have 2 more weeks before my roadtest. I'm in B-div and I started back in Aug. Then after that, I'm on my own and still on probation. Cant wait. The training T/O's have been helpful and have let me operate on my own without a word from them, except to tell me how to approach timers in the tubes.. Some have been helpful in other ways. Either way, good luck to you guys.
  9. They cancelled the upcoming conductors exam. Slowed on hiring T/O's. Alot of us are hitting the road soon. A Div just passed their road practical and the B-Div has their road practical at the end of the month. In that induction class their are 36 total. After that there was 6 induction classes of 40 T/O's each. Do the math and thats alot still to come. I hope you guys waiting get called. You've been waiting so long & I know how stressful it can get. Good luck to all of you.
  10. Hey guys, been a while since posting on here. Been busy. I'm now road posting(operating a train in passenger service along with a T/O instructor) and still been reading the forums. Now, take this for what its worth, not sure how true it is. This was asked of a TSS. According to him, he said they were slowing down the hiring process due to the over abundance of new hires VS the amount of veterans changing their retirement dates. Again I don't know how true this is, he could be pulling my leg. Hopefully a veteran poster on here can maybe find out more. I know all too well how it is to wait for that call. All I can say is, the list expires in Sept/2016, so hopefully a bunch of you guys get that call before that date.Good luck and hope to see you guys in TA uniforms soon.
  11. Thanks. No extra signal test for me. Just my final & road test in a couple of months.
  12. Anyone hear this going around. Heard that from the February class on, they're gonna have to take 2 signal exams. One is the original before yard posting, then one after YX. A TSS told me that they are implementing it because too many ppl are hitting signals and splitting switches. Anyone hearing this too?
  13. Hey guys. Haven't been around for a while, busy with YX. Listen to those coming in with the February class (yesthere will be one) & beyond, you guys will have to take 2 signal exams. Found out last night that they are having you take the original exam, then one after yx. Good luck to all getting letters & calls
  14. Oh thanks @SubwayGuy. Yeah in the YX, I'd go in with an actual switching job or yard job one day, then for 4 days straight my name was either on the board or under General Orders Yard. Since we had a cold plan in effect, I was able to be used one day to help out in switching. Other times, the CRC person (depending on if I was at a station) usually told me to go to the crew room and sit and wait to be called. If I wasnt called, eh....free day. If I was at a yard, usually the yard dispatcher was like "go hang out in the crew room & maybe I'll have you help out today." One time I actually just had to add a train for the CI's. That was my one job for the day.....and grateful too cause I thought I'd just be sitting there again doing nothing. And yes I have been picking the brains of the Veterans and taking notes. I even asked a dispatcher if I could ride along with a guy doing a put in, just so I can watch the move. He & the T/O gladly obliged. I will say, my experience so far with picking vets minds, asking for ride alongs and watching moves has been greatly appreciated to the fact that I'm willing to learn.....even if I dont have an actual job for the day. No matter what I'm doing, I'm always grateful for the help and teachings.
  15. Congrats. Posting.......I'm in YX now. But if advice.....take notes. It will help you later on down the road when you YX & when you're on your own.I use a pocket pad. Use the maps they give you. Ask questions & above everything else..... do what school car taught you. You will see short cuts & things that your posting instructor can get away with. Don't do them, don't speak of them, act like you never saw the short cut. I saw some things that made me go Holy crap, how do u get away with that. Good luck & be safe
  16. Need some of that veteran knowledge. I'm in YX right now. Scheduling has been great as far as locations and RDOs. After about 3 weeks of the same job, I get switched to a different shift. Now I'll do a job at one location on one day, the next on on the board at the same location for 3 days straight without picking up a job.(no complaints here). Sooooo, A. In the YX program, I know you're at the mercy of the Crew Assignment, but I thought we weren't suppose to be put on the board. Aren't we suppose to get different locations to learn the job? B. What's the difference between the Board & the General Orders Yard board? C. Do the people at the CRC or dispatchers have control who can pick up a job or is that all crew assignment?. Like I said, no complaints about sitting doing nothing while on the board, but I feel I'm missing out on gaining knowledge & experience that comes with the job.My train operation is good (according to the TSS's that rode along with me), but to go to a location & get one day of switching/yard, trying to learn the specific moves & home signal locations, only to be pulled & put on the board the next, really isn't helping me.
  17. Hey guys, haven't been on in a while. Been busy with YX. I will say this, they keep you in one place for a week, you pretty much get the moves down till it comes second nature. Already moved trains to the yard from terminals. Yes I operated a train by myself on Main tracks. Layed up a few on middle tracks. Now I'm on to another terminal for more station switching. This really does help me get my operating down a little better. Loving it.
  18. Exactly. I've seen some stuff that would make you think it would be a good idea to take the shortcut, but you never know who is watching. I'm doing school car way all the way. I've gotten giggled at for thoroughly checking a train, but you know what......they have the job. I'm still earning the job. If it takes me a little longer now in YX to prep or check a train, so be it. I'm doing it the right way & they can't fault me for it. That train is my responsibility & yes the trainers are showing you the ropes, some do the proper way, some do the quick way, in the end, they always tell me, don't trust anyone's word. Do the way we are being taught. Hell, I was in a crew room & instead of watching TV, I was going through the rule book. Don't care if they know I'm new. In the end, I'm staying on top of my game & not become complacent.
  19. That's great Ken. I'm on YX now. Get ready to watch a lot of TV. Lol. Nah, you'll get a trainer T/O, do a couple of moves, then head to crew room to watch TV. Bit of advice, bring something to keep you occupied. Veteran T/O's control the remote. But seriously, you'll enjoy it. You'll get the tour of the yard, learn moves, & radio language. Plus alot more. If you get a guy that really seems like he doesn't want to teach you, ignore it & just do what is asked if you. If you get the ones that really take pride in teaching you, PICK THEIR BRAINS. They can teach you a lot and make sure you understand. Don't hesitate to ask questions. You will really like station switching. Relay jobs make the day/night go by quicker. Don't take shortcuts. The vets can do tthat.....you cant so keep the school car method. If you're in the B div, you're gonna like 179 st.
  20. On this Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for the nice men & women who helped me during my yard posting. Even though I still have a lot to learn, you made me understand the job better. Helping me with radio lingo, operating a train smoother, making sure I never rush & that safety is #1. etc. I hope to see them again when I YX. .
  21. Finished 1st week of yard posting. It was amazing. Vets were so helpful. Even though at times we had to wait hours to make moves, they could have just sat there and did nothing but some said "C'mon, I'm going to introduce you to the characters of the yard" Showed me they actually cared enough to show me stuff that.......really had nothing to do with moves. Next week is mostly station switching. That could be interesting.
  22. No prob. Probably gray cause conductors wear blue. My first week, everywhere my class went, kept getting asked if we were a new class of conductors.
  23. Thanks guys. So far yard posting has been an interesting experience. Filled 2 mini note pads with notes from the yards. Learned from vets of what they do (and them telling me not to do it that way) and having them critique my operating on the moves. Very helpful & without naming them, they all have been great.
  24. Get some. Regardless of how long it takes. You'll never get stuff that fits. You might be a lucky one but out of everyone in my class, not one had it perfect. We all had something to send back. I'm posting right now, that's over 2 months in & I'm still missing or waiting on uniforms. Keep yourself prepared. Get navy blue slacks & we had to have light blue shirts. If yours says Gray, get gray.
  25. Heading into my first night of yard posting. My one and only concern is actually getting a senior guy that doesn't want to train me. If I can get someone that is willing to train me, he/she will have my undivided attention... and my gratitude.
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