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Everything posted by drenyce311

  1. You’ll learn about them in phase 2. Airbrake is your best friend.
  2. Congrats bro. What a relief wasn’t it? Like a weight has been lifted off the shoulders. Best of luck out there and be careful bro.
  3. Oh wow. Sorry bro. I would’ve hated to wait that long just for an answer. Smh.
  4. During phase 2 you get 11 extra days to go out and practice operating trains on the weekends at straight time. Your schedule is M-F during phase 2.
  5. you also have weekends off in phase 2. and have an additional 11 training days you can use on the weekends at straight time to practice.
  6. Should be Jan. there’s a signals and Def class being tested Dec 7th. Probably waiting for those guys to be tested.
  7. Usually 14 prospects. Then 12 for phase 2. The top 12 scores will go to the next phase. The bottom two scores will wait for the next phase 2 to start. Assuming everyone got over an 80 to pass.
  8. They already started emailing from the August 7th deadline. A friend of mine went Sept 23rd for the open house. Just be patient. Pretty sure they’ll be more open houses.
  9. Yes. Don’t be late. Doors close at 8am. Show up after that and YOU WILL NOT BE LET IN. They take certain situations into account like if the train you were supposed to be on is running late or something happened to that train. Good luck. Study hard when you get the packet.
  10. Scroll through the forums. It’s on here. Can’t remember what page. Good luck
  11. Every 3-4 months is a new phase 1. And No. just 1 at a time. There are only 5 instructors.
  12. The only test is for you to show up on time. If your not there at 8am. Doors close at on time. You show up at 801a. You’ll be sent home.
  13. People don’t take me seriously. Lol. Guys. I made it to the end. Lol. I know what I’m talking about. Put the work in and you will make. You don’t put the effort, your just going to fail out the program and waste a seat that someone else could’ve been in. #facts. Training. department and HR don’t play around. If your struggling. YOU WILL BE MEETING WITH HR for the talking. Glad I wasn’t under that much pressure.
  14. I guess no one wants to say how the first day of phase 1 went. Lol
  15. Probably 7 passed. Usually it’s less than half that pass the S&D
  16. It’s best to wait for the packet. They’re always changing the wording on the S&D packet. You don’t want someone to give you something that could potentially be wrong. I know engineers who gave the info to their relatives ahead of time and they still failed S&Ds or phase 1 exam.
  17. Yup. Foolproof system. Only cheating yourself. Your test scores will show how much work and effort your putting in. STUDY STUDY STUDY. That’s all I can say.
  18. Not yet. It’s random. We have a M9 training day for us to get qualified on the new stuff. Haven’t got called yet for the training
  19. For engineers and conductors? Not sure. They’re just going to keep hiring for now.
  20. He applied sometime last year. Only once. And the other person I know applied this year August 7th. She will be in the sept 27 orientation.
  21. Don’t quote me. I think KO classes are no longer being done.i think they removed the trailers. They’re constructing a new facility there. That’s what I heard. Every class is in Babylon or hillside for now.
  22. For those who live out east and live near each other I suggest carpooling. Also studying together too if you can.
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