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Posts posted by Mohamed

  1. Does anyone know how often the Sequence Certification Number gets updated, mine  has been stuck at that number since last year. Given the amount of people they process, the one who says no, the ones who failed drug test, the one who are not vaccinated and can't proceed and the ones who didn't reply to the canvassing letter. 

  2. I check the list number on the data base and it looks like their are 8 people ahead of me but I read on here that someone with list number 198 got called, but my list list number is 9#. Who they just skipped me like that. Any email or anything or number I can call, cause I did not receive no email other than the first email to fill out the packet.

  3. 16 hours ago, Chr1 said:

    Hey everyone. I did my drug test over a month ago and I haven't heard anything yet. Did anyone else have this happen ? Do they really mean 3-90 days ? 


    Does anyone know what's the last list number to be called? Or the last number that received the opa invitation

  4. 3 hours ago, Marv said:

    Are they gonna get to the 24xx’s?

    They are many reason to take into consideration when waiting to be called. 

    1- those who do want the job

    2- those who don't want the job (because of current job, already at top pay, pros and cons)

    3- medical (not passing, failed drug test and so forth)

    4- those who are about to retire from now to 2024 when list expires) 

    5- (those who gets fired cause of whatever the case may be)

    6- those who suddenly passed away

    Could be more but just something to keep in mind. 





  5. 3 hours ago, Marv said:

    Are they gonna get to the 24xx’s?

    Honestly bro, no one knows, Keep in mind this list expires in 2024 which is two years from now any thing could happen, who knows by now and when it expires they get up to 4500 people or more or less. But don't stress about it. Maybe some of us might not make it but that doesn't mean we can't take it again and get a better score. Every thing takes time. I am still waiting just like u and every one else but I am not stressing, just staying positive. 

  6. 43 minutes ago, Toba817 said:

    Thanks for the insight. Having summers off, weekends, holidays  is just too good to leave while being at the same pay as five year mta conductor. I'm literally home by 3pm and my day starts at 8am. It was once a childhood dream but things change. I do feel guilty letting this go by, but that's life, Making tough choices. 

    Honestly I thought when I first took this test, I scored well but it wasn't good enough to be in a good position to be called. My list is 77## and I am praying by now and next year when this list expires, I do get called. But if not I'll just take it again and do my best. Honestly that's all you could do and just hope for the best. 🙏🙏🙏


  7. 15 minutes ago, Marv said:

    Damn!!! I thought they were closer. I’m in the 24xx’s and for some reason have something that says my expiration date is March 2022. 

    Yea next to my name it says this (The date on which a Certification is scheduled to expire) which would be March 1 2022, does anyone know what this means?

  8. 8 hours ago, Axel said:

    hi my name is Axel Reyes I took the test for track worker and got a letter saying i passed and never got a call back I have changed my number 

    and I will like to speak to somebody about how i go about the hiring process my number is 3474150502 thank looking forward to the call.

    What's your list number 

  9. 3 minutes ago, BOO3 said:

    got a court hearing on 2/22/22 for a red light dating back 2018 (four years) because of postponement.  

    I’ve decided to plea guilty and paid it off because I don’t want anything pending especially for my upcoming pre-employment appointment.

    I hope I did the right thing, by agreeing to a guilty plea. I now have 3 points on my record. =\

    Why didn't u please quilty when u got the red light ticket. How would u have fight that if you were wrong from the start and u could taken the defense course to reduce your points. Just saying 

  10. On 2/1/2022 at 3:07 PM, Zoey said:

    If you scroll over next to Track Worker, it says cert (Cert Seq No). That's the placement you want to look at. List numbers are important but it means nothing if you were hired, disqualified or were taken off for not responding which makes the cert numbers important. Those people won't be on the recertification. DCAS in this situation just lets the agency know who was restored and who must not get contacted anymore after the agency tells DCAS. It's kind of confusing at first but its a good indicator of whats going on. List number 16 is cert #1. They were taken off of the list for not responding to NYCT so the agency told DCAS. Person contacted DCAS, got restored and now DCAS recertified and they must be the first to be considered because they have the lowest list number in the recertification and so on. You can basically see who got restored by looking at any list number under like the 900's who now wants to get on. 

    Ok so do know what it means when it says the certification is set to expire I notice that next to my name I think it said March 1 2022. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Zoey said:

    I’m in the 50’s. Looks like there’s a lot of people between 1000-1200 that didn’t respond to their emails from what I’m seeing. Basically the agency lets DCAS know who isn’t responding so they take people off the recertification and DCAS lets the agency know who was restored so list number 16 got first dibs and it works it’s way up. I’m 130x and there are only 50 people ahead of me for appointment. That’s not a lot of people surprisingly 

    What's the link to check the certification?

  12. 5 hours ago, Lawrence St said:

    Does anyone know how close this list is to being finished?

    I think it expires in Sept or so but it might get extended, with everything going on with covid and mta already short staff. But who knows, will have to just wait and see and fingers cross 


  13. On 12/15/2021 at 7:20 PM, DonV said:

    I heard the same thing from my brother who became a Bus operator. He said he was hired right before the expiration date of the application. And I read online some applicants mentioning they needed to reapply each time. I also applied to the SIRTOA conductor position in August. I was told from a MTA worker that they hire separately from the rest of the MTA. For example the number and letter trains you get tossed around to different train lines. SIR keeps you there.So since its such a small train route I think it might take awhile before we are called.I'm going to use the time to get more fit and get things done before they have any excuses to put me on medical hold.

    I'm going through the same thing, been waiting for years for these jobs to call me or to get some form of information, all I am seeing is I pass pre screening

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