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Everything posted by apokeguy

  1. Yes you will need to take the pros and cons of each. I probably won’t be canvassed from the current sanitation list but I’m definitely taking it again and will jump ship if I get the chance. My buddy in sanitation says training was easy and job is not stressful (mentally not physically) as it would be in transit. Don’t have to worry about trains getting in or leaving on time, safety of passengers, anyone monitoring you etc... If conductors can be seriously penalized If they forget to point their finger when the train is properly stopped in a station I can’t imagine what it’s like for a T/O. Transit pass is nice but in the last 10+ years I have taken the trains/buses a few dozen times since I drove to work. And on my days off I typically drive to where I needed. There are more sanitation depots than there are rail yards so get commuting to work will probably be easier if you get to choose the depot you want.
  2. I can’t say which is better since I am unfamiliar with NYCERs but I believe DSNY is tier 3 and 22 years. MTA is 25 years and tier 6.
  3. Don’t worry. You will be waiting just as long when you go in for your medical and there will be more paperwork. My PE I was there from 7:20 to about 12:30. My medical I was there 7:15 and didn’t finish til around 3:30. Once you are medically qualified you will speak with someone from HR to go over your paperwork. And if you accept the offer you will be sworn in, have your fingerprints taken, have your photo taken and be handed orientation info and your Rules and Regulations handbook. That’s when you have a big sigh of relief and leave the building with a smile on your face. That is until first day of school car lol.
  4. It took about a week and a half after I went in for PE that I received the email for medical. Email will state the date to go in for medical and which class you will be considered for. Don’t forget to bring your documents and there will more paperwork!
  5. There is no federal law preventing employers from disclosing why a previous employee left the company to potential employers as long as it is a truthful statement. If you were fired or terminated, they can disclose the reason for it if they so choose.
  6. Please ignore my question about having a NYS license. As someone pointed out you only need les a drivers license that is valid in NYS.
  7. Ah yes thanks for clarifying! I thought the NOE stated NYS license. My mistake.
  8. Did you have a NYS drivers license when you applied to take the exam as it was one of the requirements to qualify for T/O? Here is the info if you need to exchange your license. https://dmv.ny.gov/driver-license/exchange-out-state-driver-license
  9. Did the email for the medical state a specific time to go in? TIA My damn phone acted up as I was moving the email to save and instead trashed it. I know I go in on Friday for medical but don’t recall if there was a time. I will most likely call tomorrow to ask if they can resend the email.
  10. I got the email stating to go in for my medical 5/25 and being considered for the 5/29 orientation! But wondering why $87 for fingerprinting when other agencies are $75? That’s weird.
  11. Like others have advised try calling them. My list number is in the 3000’s and I already went in for my OPA.
  12. Hard to say at this point since DCAS hasn’t posted scores online yet. 70 is passing score so you can guesstimate. Just for comparison there were over 31000 people that passed the C/R exam.
  13. Could be the requirements and or training/responsibilities associated with being a T/O.
  14. I can only assume more people took the C/R exam since T/O requires a drivers license. Better than sanitation... I scored mid 90’s and list number is in the 15000’s lol
  15. Highly doubt she can appeal that disqualification. The requirements were clearly stated on the NOE. NYS drivers license and one year full time work experience.
  16. I just got my letter in the mail as well and will have to wait. I guess I didn’t make it for the 5/29 orientation for the temp position.
  17. I think just the opposite. My list number is higher for T/O and they are currently short handed so the demand will be greater. I’m not saying conductor training is easy but I think my chances of getting in are better with conductor than T/O. I do well with tests but my memory isn’t what it used to be now that I’m in my 40’s.
  18. It was just my experience for LIRR locomotive engineer trainee that probably has me all worried for T/O. I went to their open house a few years ago and they gave you study material. We had 3 weeks to memorize the material for the exam. Signals test consists of 127 signals and definitions is 80 words that you have to remember verbatim. With T/O I believe we would have more than 3 weeks to study for the signals test. All this and that only gets you into phase 1 of the trainee program. The trainer did not sugar coat anything and told us how it is. He stated in this class of 30, half would return for the exam and probably only 3 would pass.
  19. According to the current fact sheet on NYCERS website it is still showing 25/55. Hopefully it remains the same. https://www.nycers.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/737_0.pdf
  20. I did not witness anyone being sent home. I saw the same guys waiting hat went into drug testing and they wore black jeans with polo shirt not tucked in. Now it’s up to you if you want to dress similar to just present yourself nicely.
  21. I was #2 on line waiting by the elevators but of course people stroll and with no common courtesy and complete ignore folks ahead of them. So when getting off the elevator and instead of lining up by the same order that you waited in the lobby they just bum rush people. So one lady who arrived in the lobby after like 20+ people were already waiting before her she ended up #1 after getting off the elevator and I ended being #8 and the #1 person waiting in the lobby ended up #6 off the elevator. They should have had a list down in the lobby for people to sign in as they arrive so they can go by that order instead of the chaos that ensued.
  22. Which one are you thinking of pursuing more? I'm in the the same boat. I already completed my conductor OPA 2 weeks ago and also just finished "day 1" of the process for temporary T/O yesterday. I was thinking of focusing more on conductor and pass probationary period before pursuing T/O in case I don't pass and wash out I have something to fall back on. Aside from obvious pay rate and time that you will have already earned as T/O why start off as T/O? Getting that 100 on the signals test has me a little worried cause you're out if you don't get that 100. I've always done well at tests in school and also civil service tests but never excelled at them.
  23. Understood. For those like me with horrible record keeping AND are willing to pay the $115 you can request a detailed social security earnings report that will list all your employers (including names and addresses) along with your yearly earnings. I've requested it before for LE background checks and it has come in handy. You can walk into your local Social Security Administration office and fill out a form. It will ask for a date range and I've gone as far back as 25 years. The process of speaking with the SSA rep and printing the report can take 10-20 minutes. This does not include the usual wait time for the SSA office so depending on when you get there it can be an additional 30 minutes to 2 hours. It is not a fancy report and it looks like something someone just typed up in Notepad. Only additional info I wish it had was the actual months of employment. It only details the year you were with the employer. There is also a free option but that only shows your yearly earnings, no employer info. Here is a link to the form if you are interested https://www.ssa.gov/forms/ssa-7050.pdf
  24. Sorry for the confusion, I didn't mean NYS resident for the job. I'm sure that are folks that live in the tri state area including Pennsylvania that commute to work for MTA. IIRC the lady giving the mini orientation stating some folks may not qualify for veterans credit even though they claimed it. I think she said you had to by a NYS resident to qualify for the veterans credit. If anyone else can recall, please correct me if I'm wrong.
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