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Everything posted by Comrade96

  1. take a bag, a pen and notepad and make sure you got a blue button down and dark blue slacks
  2. man dont talk about time wasted when you have no idea what youre talking about. Theyll re-enter service when theyre ready
  3. yeah if youre not overweight or big in general they wont check you for it unless you said yes to the smoker question on the questionnaire
  4. if your neck is ovet a certain size threshold they put you in that category, I believe if its over 16 inches in diameter
  5. do you have trouble sleeping at night? If you do you may have it, set up that sleep doctor study asap
  6. Bigger neck size means the chances of you having sleep apnea are higher, they measure your neck size during medical
  7. Thats not why theyre still sending people for OPAs I dont think but who knows
  8. they cant extend this list anymore, as civil service exams can only.run a.max of 6 years, and well in feb 2024 it wouldve been 6 years at that point
  9. I wouldnt use uber in nyc, youll see your check disappear fast esp for you
  10. there are shifts that end at all times of the day, 2am, 8am, 12pm, 5pm, etc
  11. also, it seems like they axed the OC conductor exam that was supposed to file in June
  12. it should.be updated asap, there is a process to doing it you gotta met the BSC know via email
  13. you can thank previous incidents on transit for their zealous search of sleep apnea, hopefully you can get it done within 3 months, you need to see a sleep doctor
  14. you get a good amount of shirts, 6 pairs of pants, a coat among other things. but you will have to buy your own blue shirt and pants in the beginning as the uniform doesnt come right away
  15. you CAN also buy extras if you need to, I recommend getting more pants and shirts whenever you can
  16. you get your boots for free, they pay for it, and once a year every october you get an additional allowance for an extra pair of boots, I got sworn in last september and got a [pair of boots that month and again in october
  17. just know youll have a fairly lengthy commute to your work areas if you choose to.take the OPA and get hired, not trying to dissuade you but know whay youre potentially getting into
  18. I would advise updating your contact info at the MTA, how far away did you move into NJ?
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