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Everything posted by Comrade96

  1. Basically it depends, That guy got reinstated really quickly, while others had to wait a while. Hope that you dint have to wait a while Just reinstate and hope for the best
  2. Tried again to order my shoes today, still saying invalid account. Tried calling customer service but it being labor day theyre probably off as It went straight to voicemail, guess im calling them first thing tomorrow morning
  3. Tried again to order my shoes today, still saying invalid account. Tried calling customer service but it being labor day theyre probably off as It went straight to voicemail, guess im calling them first thing tomorrow morning
  4. If youre on the heavier side, get that sleep study scheduled, if you have any other conditions, ask your physician for all the info regarding them and how youre treating them in paper. OHS is super stringent about this sort of stuff and will ask for documentation
  5. I would call them at this point, and ask to reschedule your pre-employment and stuff
  6. I think B division training is a bit longerx and from what I heard from others, you sorta get a choice, it depends on their needs
  7. Anyone have issues ordering their shoes from safgard? I got appointed on wednesday and tried yesterday and this morning to make my account, should I just try again monday perhaps and call the number if anything?
  8. Anyone in the conductor class for 9/12 have trouble logging in to order their shoes? I know they said wait 24-48 hours after appointment(which was wednesday) to do it. Im gonna try again monday to create the account
  9. I don't think I'll have a problem with that, thank you for the advice though
  10. Finally got appointed to C/R and start class on the 12th, this forum has been very informative, thanks to all of you for posting your experiences
  11. I had to clear a medical hold so dont take my number as what theyre calling right now. IIRC theyre calling in the late 6000s early 7000s
  12. The freeze might be over, one of my friends who took the exam did pre employment and is being told to come in on the 6th of september for medical, so there may yet be hope for those on the exam
  13. werent that many conductors today to be honest, mostly bus operators and other jobs, and a lot of randoms for current employees., There may have been like 1 or 2 other conductors but I didnt get to speak much with any
  14. Alright, I finally got home, and im proud to announce that I cleared my hurdles and am part of the 9/12 class, its been a long road....
  15. It would depend on what number they give you
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