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Everything posted by Ryan98

  1. 95th st the train came into the station too fast
  2. Test date are based on when you filed to take your test and also how you will be graded also
  3. For anyone starting today in the March 4 class good luck and wish you the best
  4. I’m in the class just past in January .Everything becomes easier as long you take notes and pay attention.Door cutouts to me is simple compared to learning the circuit board of these trains(which gave me a headache).im in b division so we have to learn more train’s compared to the a division.Also yes please take the train it will cover you cause that’s not you fault.
  5. I agree they still use the scared tactic's to intimidate new people but my opinion change when I saw it in person.plus system safety been on a roll after the 2 derailments and that person getting drag the other day.
  6. From what my TSS’s been saying a lot of conductors are being fired.MTA are hiring large classes of T/O’s and C/R’s. My class has 110 conductor’s and the next class going to have just as much people
  7. Last thing I heard they where around the 11,200.my friend got in the same class I’m in now and his list number was 11,1xx’s so they working they way up
  8. They been very tight lip about next classes.but they going to keep having classes till the next list is established. Hopefully everyone make it to the next class
  9. Day 1:for Conductors finished Day 1 we was downtown Brooklyn and overall it was a pretty slow day, was basically a huge Q and A about the job, what to expect,some review on safety components,pension and benefits .There were like 90+ conductors there and some other positions also.Tomorrow we meet with the union people.so I’ll update tomorrow
  10. Thanks so I will definitely keep a notepad on hand at all times.I see it’s a lot of information first week just orientation basically. The women gave me a schedule for the first 3 day but I’m assuming my third day I’ll get the official schedule. What’s the schedule like
  11. I’m starting school car next week for conductor. Can anyone shed any advice or how there particular experiences was
  12. Did anyone make it to the Jan 22nd class cause looks like everyone going to be in the Feb class
  13. Good luck to everyone who doing medical hope to see yall in the Jan 22nd class
  14. Yea fill it out at home it will be much easier because when you get your interviewer you’ll still have more paperwork to fill out.the less you have to fill out the better.Also I do recommend still dressing in business casual even though people was just in street wear.
  15. They probably will from what I was hearing people are going on medical hold left and right.
  16. Medical went well honestly wasn’t there all day. Did blood pressure ,ekg, eye sight, hearing, and urine.then you take a photo for your metro card id and Finger printing also and then they go over all of your paperwork. I was given the MTA rules and regulations book and some other papers was emailed to me.
  17. Any update on how your medical went. I don’t want any surprises tmw
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