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Pablo M 201

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Posts posted by Pablo M 201

  1. Looks like some 2000 Nova's are also being retired especially the ex-Red an Tan's

    1539 is retired; caught it on the NJ Turnpike exit 16W.


    bus 002 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    bus 003 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    Wow, thats crazy. 1539 was in really bad shape the last time I rode so glad it got put out of it's misery. I know there was more that was retired but I couldn't get the numbers of the units.

    So this means R & T is getting some 59xx series. no?


    Not at all. R&T cut too much service back in November. They have the eight 563x's NABI buses and then some RTSes. Now, they may need more NABI's when their other RTS buses are retired, but for the time being, they're alright.

  2. Guys. I decided not to buy the lens but instead I've decided to go buy some accessories for my camera (Like a kit). But my concern is whats the best stuff to make it into a kit (No over than $150.00)

    A suggestion if I may add, is perhaps to try and go to camera stores, like J&R on Park Row, 17th Street Photo, Adorama, B&H, etc etc to name a few.


    Perhaps see what each store has to offer and maybe compare prices. And stores like those are glad to help you find what you're looking for. I usually do my camera and accessory shopping from J&R and most of the folks there are great, some know their stuff, and I usually find what I'm looking for.

  3. No im 14 & i told you guys that my cousin went on my profile and lied , im only 14 i havee a long way to go & bttw everyone i saw 8888 going on the b36 a few minutes ago and i saw 8889 i guess it was only there to be fixed for something


    I know i told him that and i told his mother and he got grounded for 3 weeks





  4. Here's a tip (and I was talking about this with someone yesterday looking to go DSLR):


    try putting a few cameras in your hands (you can do that at J&R and maybe shoot off one or two shots). Take note of the ones that didn't feel right, was too heavy for your liking, and whichever cameras that felt good in your hands.


    Before I made the decision to get the Nikon D5000, I did just that. I had put a few Canons in my hands, wasn't feeling any of them. Tried two Sonys, something didn't feel right. Then a Panasonic, and the GH1 was the model, had an alright feel but didn't trust it too well. Then for the Nikons, try a D60, D90, D3000, and a D5000. The D60 and D3000 were great, but after putting my hands on a D90 and D5000, and I need something in the weight compartment of the D5000. The D5000 felt great in my hands, was liking the picture quality and the price was what I was looking for.


    So like someone else said, get something to your liking.

  5. Well I'll take a crack at this in terms of getting the subway shots you want.


    With the lens being wide-open like that at F/1.8, it allows for more light and therefore using rather reasonale shutter speeds for underground shots and moving trains. I don't have a lens such as that you describe but I do plan on getting on for the DSLR I have because the 3200 level ISO that is on my camera isn't enough for really well lit underground photos of moving trains.....

  6. Nice photos pablo!!!




    I have to say this.... Isn't there a way you guys can clean up the clutter on your desktop? :confused: I didn't clean mine up to take the screen cap, it's always like that. Is there like, no other way to do it on windows or somethin?:confused::confused: Must be frustrating to have to sift through all those icons!!!!:eek:


    - A

    Thanks Andy!


    One could make it so that you don't have desktop icons, but I have all the ones there because its easy for me to use the programs that I want and use frequently. I make them so the most I use most have more priority, and also have it so that it fits in well with the photo (i.e. surround the object with the icons, like not having icons right on the subject, my desktop images are a good example).

  7. Problem with the North Shore Line is that houses and parks were built over it, and built over so well you can't tell a rail line was ever there (I was at the ERA meeting this past friday and they showcased some photos from the past when the North Shore Line was abandoned but still there and what it is today), and like Andy said, most of it is washed away.


    The only station that remains well is the Port Richmond stop. Would make for a perfect light rail stop, getting there would be the problem.

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