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Daniel The Cool

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Posts posted by Daniel The Cool

  1. I dont get it, i thought you said you had a Sony DSLR and P&S? How many cameras do you have. Also the "lens" doesn't do the magic for you but what you do to the camera is what you get.


    Everything is on you. If you want the cam to do the work, use Auto.. Nothing else is gonna do it.. Plus maintenance and keeping the lens clean(Unlike some shots ive seen) is whats important..


    Never had a Sony DSLR. It was H20 then Nikon D40x

  2. Here's a tip (and I was talking about this with someone yesterday looking to go DSLR):


    try putting a few cameras in your hands (you can do that at J&R and maybe shoot off one or two shots). Take note of the ones that didn't feel right, was too heavy for your liking, and whichever cameras that felt good in your hands.


    Before I made the decision to get the Nikon D5000, I did just that. I had put a few Canons in my hands, wasn't feeling any of them. Tried two Sonys, something didn't feel right. Then a Panasonic, and the GH1 was the model, had an alright feel but didn't trust it too well. Then for the Nikons, try a D60, D90, D3000, and a D5000. The D60 and D3000 were great, but after putting my hands on a D90 and D5000, and I need something in the weight compartment of the D5000. The D5000 felt great in my hands, was liking the picture quality and the price was what I was looking for.


    So like someone else said, get something to your liking.


    that's a great tip Pablo. I'm planning on getting a DSLR Soon. I'm going to test out the Sony and the Nikon DSLR's this time before making my decision.

  3. Nice crisp clear photos but all flat lifeless photos. Yes today's and even some of yesterdays point and shoot cameras can produce clear crisp pictures but I'm talking about dept of field. Point and shoot cameras, at least not any I've seen recently can produce depth of field (DOF) like a DSLR can.


    Look I posted before out of anger and I let it get to me there. I'm just getting tired of people ganging up on the kid all the time. If he wants to learn and shoot real photography, he should stop wasting his money and get a DSLR.


    Taken with a DSLR. The large depth of field is obvious in this photograph. I hope you see where I'm going with this.



    I believe this is how Daniel eventually wants to shoot. If he doesn't then I apologize and I'll just leave it like that.


    nice shot Harry. I don't want a DSLR Yet (probably not until next year).

  4. Image noise doesn't solely depend on either resolution or sensor size, but if for a second we imagine that those are the only two variables that we're looking at, it would be wiser for us to say that pixel density plays an important role.


    Higher pixel density = poorer performance at all ISOs = decreased dynamic range.


    Lower pixel density = better performance at all ISOs = increased dynamic range.


    Dynamic range is the full range of tonal values that a sensor can capture. As ISO is increased on a digital sensor, dynamic range decreases.


    oh I never knew that

  5. Keep your ISO at 400 or 800 in the subway. The more ISO, the more grainy your pictures get so if your pictures look too grainy at 800 ISO then use 400 ISO. As for white balance it depends on the station. Use the setting that makes the picture look accurate in the LCD. You don't want really warm colors at a station like Broadway - Lafayette (:((D)(F)(V) when the light is very cool.


    ok. Thanks Kris. I'm still trying to learn techniques on my Sony. I might take more pics later:tup:

  6. I currently use a Sony W220 right. I'm trying to figure out which settings are good perfect for subway shots and bus shots. What ISO Range to set on underground subway shots? What White Balanced Settings to used for underground subway shots? And what mode should I set my camera for bus shots?


    And I also want to know what Scene to set for my underground subway shots?



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