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Everything posted by RTOMan

  1. DO NOT read up on any thing signal related for this Job online! All it will do is give incorrect definitions and you will fail that signal Quiz. Then its hand in your tools and have a nice day.. I cannot stress this enough. You will receive all that is required for you to know in Schoolcar Material Wise.
  2. Totally agree with what you said they know about it they still wanted him.. Oh well to each is own.
  3. Been to the "Land of Little trains" started there in 2001.. Needed to step up in car class! Operated those Slants, R40 Mods, R44's ,R38's and C I rebuilds before they dumped them!
  4. Take the Leave of absence and come on down.. If TA calls you they want you...
  5. Union Dues are 27 Bucks. We get paid every two weeks taken out automatically.
  6. You wont have TIME for another Job when you are in Schoolcar... If you can get a leave of absence then do so.
  7. Nah let em ask if its something one of us can help them with so be it... This is new territory to some...
  8. Automatic Train Supervision A computer controls the Line Ups. Dont worry when you get down here if you get in the A div you will see it up close and Personal..
  9. The Ones you say NO to every question you get asked on...
  10. Esp with HAL5000 over there in the A Div
  11. Let me say this and it helps to have this mentality.. We are ALL on probation until we retire!!!!! You fire yerself down here don't be fooled into thinking they wont do their best to fire you if you run a Homesignal. With Ten Years in title with no incidents. Labor Relations is out for blood!
  12. Its cool we will cross paths again!
  13. Told you The Corridor is lovely when all is well.. When it goes to the chitter it goes to the chitter.. Almost a hr from CTL to Queens Plaza last night for me Awesome.. Just awesome...
  14. Want to know whats funny? Back then there was folks who Did not have one of those three. Making it more annoying they was holding up the line and was giving them all kinds of excuses, they didn't want to hear it and was told to come back.. Do not know how many came back.
  15. Actually no there wasn't any dont assume now! I had both of them as instructors awesome Guys Big Buffs at that.... If you like anything higher number wise than a R36 Albanese will rattle off how bad everything else is. Taylor will always have this smile on his face when he teaches, your Class is lucky you got two of the best learn from them.. If you are in the A Div maybe a Side trip to 207 to see Albanese's "babies" if you are in the B Div You will definitely see them.
  16. Oh yer gonna have loads of fun,,,,
  17. New York City Employees Retirement System.. NYCERS...
  18. They did! Even though why they did it is one of earths mysteries...
  19. I had to do it clearly remember that!
  20. Heres harry... http://www.nyctransitforums.com/forums/user/5097-harry/
  21. Thats the PERFECT attitude to have!!! Even me with my Buffering i was humble as heck when i started still learning now.. Of coruse there's always a "few" who don't get it but that's OK Labor Relations weeds them out usually...
  22. The reason is they are now having the trainers go through issues as well.. Writing G2's and what not calling RCC having tss check the trainers out.. Lots of useless drama that some folks just dont want to be bothered with anymore.. BTW Back in 2001 had to WAIT almost for the PMs for somebody to take me as a student. Talk about Bitter folks back then...
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