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Everything posted by rr4567

  1. Numerous reports of him in the West 4th Street area
  2. Nein If You're a Foamer and you know it j*** your pants. If You're a Foamer and you know it j*** your pants. If You're a Foamer you will know it and a train will surely show it If You're a Foamer and you know it j*** your pants
  3. The first part of #6 applies to that whole poster
  4. Your post was at 12:19, so it was 149 minutes ago This post makes it 175 B)
  5. AlongSIDE. Each SIDE. North and South. Two SIDES = BOTH SIDES
  6. ANOTHER random thought: This is why. Why aren't you doing work and instead browsing NYCTF? And you wonder why YT is blocked? If it were open, NO student would do work
  7. Yes there is an M in Fresh Pond. It travels on both sides of it
  8. The train is a thousand New Yorks long...but 7001-7005 are sitting by themselves
  9. And then the fall, the splat, the meat grinding by the train wheels, the emergency brake application from human meat smacking into the tripcock, the investigation, etc.
  10. 55% Pedo (go look at it around 4AM ) 44% Troll 1% Mod
  11. I always look on there.........it's interesting
  12. You can buy them from any electronics outlet for $59.99 a pair Stay off that site
  13. You have to turn on the Magicvision glasses to see this content
  14. heh heh. That's right, the thing is called "POOP"
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