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Bill from Maspeth

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Posts posted by Bill from Maspeth

  1. 1 hour ago, Cait Sith said:

    From what I've heard. The person in question was the director of the event or something of that sort. He had his mask on but not completely covered. One of the security guards walked up to him, took the mask and put it over his eyes. The director was trying to explain who he was and the guards weren't having it.

    What's interesting to me is that I spotted one of those mall cops (a/k/a Allied Security) with his mask under his mouth whenever he was walking the platform at the terminals.

  2. 7 hours ago, MHV9218 said:

    This whole thing was a mess, but we do need some basic reasoning and responsible fact-checking. This whole thing was bad on like, a 5/10 level. At this point everybody in this community seems to relish the drama of it / the righteousness of being mad, but we don't need to make it out to be a terrorist attack on the tracks. A few notes and lessons:

    1) The guy kicked off the train clearly had some sort of mental issues. The security handled that TERRIBLY, and that's what you get when you hire cheap security. Huge mistake putting them in MTA vests and creating the bad optics. Shouldn't be done again. But not obvious to me this counts as a 'buff problem,' or even that this was exclusive to the fan trip.

    2) No way in hell those missing map sections were 'stolen.' Clearly they had been removed from the cars beforehand, which makes perfect sense, since the TA likely needed spare parts and the 32s were mothballed for months. You guys really think the kids on there brought powerdrills and carried a 30 x 30 steel frame off the train without anybody looking? Not reasonable. 

    3) The rollsign changing, etc. is stupid and annoying, but not a safety risk, and not worth writing home about. These are already special trips, and unlike NYTM cars where the rolls are extremely valuable vellum or historic printings, 32 rollsigns are dime a dozen. They're not going to tear, because mylar doesn't tear unless it's pinched at an angle, but even if they did, not a huge deal. 

    4) Whatever the vaping thing was, whatever. Find the kid, hold him and give him a summons at the next station. But to be totally frank, that's no worse than most of the BS that goes down on a Harlem-bound train midday these days. Could have been worse substances than that.

    5) What they do need to do is enforce mask-wearing better. This is a huge covid risk, it was obvious given the timing that there would be multiple covid cases on the train, and there were. I'll be going for the outdoor portion of this trip, but I'm not cramming myself in a contained space with a bunch of people screaming with masks on their chins.

    These trips can and should continue. Everybody involved needs to behave better next time (fans, private security, etc.), but it would be a mistake to scrap this plan for some relatively minor hijinks.

    I feel the farewell trips should and will continue.  Last Sunday there weren't many families (etc.) because they were getting ready for Christmas.  Next week, that crowd should be there.  There has been great publicity for this: in newspapers, radio and TV.  On the R1/9 trips in the past, we didn't have the problems we just had because the kids couldn't run thru the train because the train was so crowded.  I expect the same in future weekends.  I also expect NYCT Property Protection personnel on the train to provide security, not those Mall Cops from Allied Security.

    I realize the reason why they put us off the train at Second Ave, and one-four-five.  For me personally, who has a hard time walking & standing and in pain while doing so, I had a tough day because of having to stand on the platform and walking down 2 flights of stairs at one-four-five.  Thank God the up escalator was working.  Pound on me if you want, and you are fully justified in doing so, I even tried to "pull rank" by telling the c/r and ready to show my pass, that I was a retiree to stay on the train, but I was getting no special treatment!  I couldn't blame him because if he allows one person to stay on the train, he has to let everybody stay on.  Moving forward (I hate that term!!!) they'll probably continue to discharge the train at terminals for the following 3 weeks.  In my case, due to a disease called "Neuropathy" I have in both feet while using a cane, that very well will limit my time at the event.  And so it goes. There are lots of things I would like to do in my life, but I just can't do it anymore. That's God's plan for me and I accept it.  It's going to really be fun at Brighton Beach on Jan. 9th waiting on that freezing, windy platform for the doors to re-open!

  3. 19 hours ago, Biggie said:

    Yep it's confirmed, now lots of people have to go get tested due to a very high exposure risk.

    Well I got tested for Covid today because I was at a Retirement Party last Thursday and I heard that one of the attendees just got diagnosed with it.  I also was on the R32 train, so in effect I killed 2 birds with one stone!  I'll get my results in 24-48 hours.  Waited outside in this cool, damp weather for 90 minutes

  4. 20 hours ago, BreeddekalbL said:

    Now I heard there were people running around with covid on the trip

    I hear you, but anytime you ride the subway (or bus) you are going to be riding with people who have Covid as well.  You don't have to be riding the R32 Farewell Train to have others with Covid.

  5. 27 minutes ago, trainfan22 said:

    The two phase two pairs already set aside for the TM... seems like they never ran outside of CI Yard since they was retired about an decade ago. Would be nice if they dusted them off and ran on these trips. I understand why they never used them on trips while the R32 was an active fleet. Also mechanically Phase two R32s were inferior to the Phase one cars but the phase two cars that are saved have historical significance which is why they are still around.

    Likely because they are lowest numbered cars: 3350/51; 3352/53.  I doubt if anybody is still around from 1964 who knows which cars were part of the first group of R32's delivered here.  Also note that these 4 cars were not part of the very first R32 train to hit service.

  6. 21 hours ago, T to Dyre Avenue said:

    Man, I'd give anything to see them do that. Years ago (2010ish?), I even asked if it was possible to restore the face on her (or maybe it was Subchat), but with LED screens and marker lights. I don't remember what answer I got, if any. Of course the GE R32s still had the housings for the marker lights and the Exp and Local signs covered over, but still in plain sight. Those would be the easiest to restore Unfortunately, all but two of those cars were reefed and I believe the remaining two cars are at Floyd Bennett Field for NYPD training. 

    But restoring the interiors to their former glory? That's the real challenge, lol.

    I was NOT refering to the 10 R32's GOH'ed by GE.  I never even thought about them in my post since I am well aware that 8 were reefed and 2 are at Floyd Bennett Field.

  7. I'M DREAMING HERE, trust me, I am not trying to start a rumor at all.  But I was told shortly after the R32's received their GOH, and I DID NOT HEAR a confirmation on this, that the digital end sign, along with all the "tin" around it, was simply put over the original end signs/markers/local/exp. signs.  Wouldn't it be great if that rumor was true and they are able to restore the "face" to its former and proper glory? 

  8. 15 hours ago, Eric B said:

    What was this explosion in the video, anyway? I don't remember hearing about it (or if I did; I didn't realize ho big it was).

    A third rail issue which was promptly repaired.  They also found several R160 current collectors at the scene which obviously fell off.

  9. 1 hour ago, +Young+ said:

    In addition to what was previously said, which are all good points, I have two things to add:

    First, with more and more people getting vaccinated for COVID-19, it seems that this new Omicron variant is not as severe, especially when it comes to deaths. Therefore, in an effort to try to get things back to normal, in addition to "killing two birds with one stone," it would make sense to have this R32 Farewell Run on multiple Sundays, compared to just one day like they did with the R42 Farewell Run.

    Second, one of the many things which was posted on this Twitter page is the picture below, in which, you can see right above the star, the author posted a comment in which "Seeing this stuff run is a million times better than running that crap at work." Therefore, while the agency investigates this, especially with the older Nostalgia Trains, it would make sense to run the R32s in the meantime, especially since they don't have to go into a "relay" or anything to that nature. After all, according to TripPlanner, it takes an hour to get from Brighton Beach to 96th Street, so that should solve the problem while this investigation is underway.


    Investigate something today pertaining to a post from 2015?


  10. Despite this OFFICIAL retirement run, rest assured that if NYCT needs the R32's in storge to run if the R179's mess up again, or for that matter the first of the R211's, the R32's would make a comeback.

    I think the chances are 99% it won't happen, but this exceedingly small possibility can't be taken off the table in order to make service in case of some "disaster" with some other equipment, the remaining cars would  be subject to come out of storage until the time they go into 207th Main shop to be prepared to leave the property to go to wherever they are going,

  11. 6 hours ago, Michael J Q Last Bus said:

    Correct and that's partly why the M Trains destination was Broadway Junction on weekends so M Trains can basically get to Broadway Junction Train Yard a little quicker, and easier.

    When have you seen an M train scheduled to go to B'way Jct on the weekend in service with passengers and a road t/o on board then going into ENYD?

    The only reason why an M would terminate/get re-routed to B'way Jct. would be for a General Order or a blockage on the M between B'way/Myrtle and Met.  Then it goes back the other way in service to its terminal and hopefully when it comes back the crew and train can get to Met.  

    If a train has to go to ENYD, there are switchmen who transfer the train from Met (Fresh Pond Yard) to ENYD and bring another train back in return. 

  12. 18 hours ago, R32 3838 said:


    Not all was sunshine and rainbows. Look at how they butchered the QM21 and other routes. 


    Jamaica Buses,NYBS,Liberty Lines,Command and Queens Surface were fine. Green Lines and Triboro were the the only 2 that had issues and the (MTA) takeover was mainly political and it is true that (MTA) wanted nothing to do with taking over the Privates because they knew it was going to be very expensive.


    It makes me sick to this day that Jamaica Buses is no more, Had the Best maintained Fleet alongside NYBS.



    The takeover by MTA Bus greatly improved maintenance at the former Triboro and Green Bus garages.

  13. Just now, Bill from Maspeth said:

    Brookville repurposing NYCT passenger cars to pump train specialty vehicles for emergency use in underground subway system | Mass Transit (masstransitmag.com)

    Damn.  Link did not work. 

    The gist of the article is that Brookville has been awarded a federally funded contract to convert these 4 cars into into 2 new pump trains.   One car will be the actual pump car and the other will be a generator car.  In addition, Brookville will provide NYCT 480 volt trainline kits to retrofit into existing hose and reach cars in order to connect them into these new converted pump and generator cars.  All cars will receive new 70 ton trucks designed for freight applications.

  14. 20 hours ago, Lawrence St said:

    Dam, I was rooting for Proterra to win the order since they have the best battery range out of all of them.

    I think there's more to it than the battery range.  I rode 0020 a few months ago from end to end on the B57.  It was a great ride on a nice running bus, but if you track Grand Ave. routes, usually only 1 or 2 are in service at any one time M-F.  This hints that they are shop queens.  

  15. On 10/26/2021 at 7:50 PM, Future ENY OP said:

    Yikes... No wonder today was not a good day for the BQE and the Battery.

    I agree with @Via Garibaldi 8 with the non-enforcement of the HOV lane.. State Police has been hanging around Staten Island as of late. However, from observations as of late Highway 2, TBTA and State police have been slipping off on their job on the Brooklyn side of the HOV lane.

    Let's be honest here: if an off duty cop, off duty judge, off duty corrections officer or anybody else in law enforcement who is not at the time working in the regular performance of their duties  is caught in the HOV lane, do you fellas think think they'll get a summons?  

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