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Everything posted by NYCtrainfan01

  1. Yeah that's true.... I really like polo shirts... I usually were either black or blue and I hate it when people assume I'm goth or emo just because I wear a lot of black... Loads of ugly sneaker designs these days though.... I like to meet new mature people too like you and B35.
  2. A lot of these sneakers are horrid when it comes to style... I was always that type of guy who enjoys simple designs... I can be shy in person but online, I tend to be a bit more out going... Yeah this convo is great! Sure no problem! Thanks bro! Yeah it's definitely futile to argue with a chick especially if that chick is your wife... I personally say marriage isn't for me... Women who are not married by 40 these days are called useless but back then they were called spinsters Same here! I can proudly say that you and MTAFanBoy512 have good heads on your shoulders! I've always wanted to try ice skating but never got the chance too... Hockey was ok for me.... (we've play in the gym) My favorite pitch to hit is a fastball up and away... I would hit it pretty far when that happens... Naturally, I'm a right handed hitter but I can bat switch... Also I'm a right handed thrower but I can throw left handed as well... Thing is, in P.E, as I said earlier, I usually would throw only fastballs because the kids started bitching that they couldn't hit the ball because of me... I could play out field but I didn't like it too much... I prefer the infield... If I was put out field, I was usually put at LF... If infield, I was usually put SS but I prefered catcher or pitcher... Basketball, I suck at it completey.... I can't shoot straight for S--- lol.... I would always hit the backboard but rarely the basket... Football, I was ok at it but my god, I was butterfingers lol... That's why the QB never threw the ball at me lol...
  3. It's true about the sneakers... I stopped caring about brands since I was 13 though... At the end of the day, I'd rather have my feet comfortable than being in pain but in style... I have a loud voice too lol... What I mean by quiet is that I don't talk to people I don't know well... That's pretty cool!
  4. Oh the treadmill.... I once was on the treadmill at the gym for 30 mins straight... Once I shut the machine off, My legs didn't want to stop.... It was stuck on jog... I had to sit on a stool and hook my legs to the stool's legs... It was about an hour later when I was able to walk normally... I don't really care about the brands on sneakers... Name brand or no name brand, If it's comfortable and under $50 dollars, I'll buy them... I was known as the "smart and quiet guy" because of this, chicks always asked me different stuff like "Are you was always like that?", "Why are you so nice?" or "Why are you too quiet?"... I've always said: "It's the way I am". The way girls or anyone would test me: They would look for a random photo of a bus or train and give me that "You don't know this" look... I would give them that" Are you serious?" look... then proceed to answer correctly... Then they give me that "how did you know that?" look...
  5. I guess we are Ouch... Reminds me of this one injury I had while playing ultimate frisbee in P.E, I was near the goal, One dude on my team over-threw the frisbee so I jumped for it while running... I caught the frisbee but I hit knee first into the wall... I used to play ultimate frisbee.. until I took a wall in the knee... (yes I love playing Skyrim) It swelled up for a few days... Another injury I had was during Baseball... I hit the ball and I was running to first. ( during P.E, We only played inside the gym... ) I made it but couldn't stop on time and rip part of my skin off the top of my right hand with the window's lock...I still have the scar today but It's not visible much at all now.... I wasn't open about it because kids in my H.S were immature about that kind of thing... The only who knew were my close friends. Now when people ask me about it, I right away tell them... People would always wonder why I wouldn't cringe over loud noises like train brakes that would squeal (like the R32's brakes), trains passing over elevated structures and when trains make tight turns... I personally wouldn't spend past $50 dollars for shoes... I know chicks would actually be impressed when they test my knowledge of transit... Oh by the way: Ran out of likes again...
  6. To be honest, I'm not that great in sports but Baseball, I love baseball! I was the only one during P.E class that would actually know how to play 100%... Had some chicks almost rip my head off a few times because they don't how to swing properly... ( I like playing catcher but I can play any position... That's what she said lol) When I play the pitcher postition, I didn't just throw... I threw fastballs, Curveball, 12-6 curve, Change-up... the kids start bitching saying I wasn't pitching correctly when in reality, They chouldn't hit even if their lives depended on it... So after a while, I just threw fastballs but every now and then, I threw another type of pitch... To be honest... I wasn't open about my transit hobby in my H.S... Only a few people knew. Now I'm very open about it... I get people asking me for directions too... I was always the properly dressed guy in school... Never really wore what the other guy wear. I had my own style... I love cars too! I loved them since I loved transit... I was young when I started to get into transit... You've should have seen when I was young when the first time I rode on a R142 lol...
  7. Just about any guy from any school falls into that catagory lol... I was always different school: I was that type of guy in school who would keep to himself... I've never hanged with the "cool" crowd nor did I want too... Had a few close friends who Ironically were mostly females... I tend to socialize better with females. Was always the type of guy who was the most different in class. Not alot of people knew I love transit stuff... Pretty good in history. I know this one chick I helped in history... I was always the highest grade in that history class... After my tutoring that chick started to come in second in that class... I got a kiss as a reward for helping her... She didn't use the "female advantage" on me. She asked me for help which is what I respected from her... My choice of music is always different than most... I love the oldies.
  8. That's good... Never let a female influence what they want you to do... There is a fine line between being a gentlemen and being a fool... Even if you wanted to date a "femi-nazi" broad, They would be to busy hating men to notice you lol.
  9. Very true and in their eyes, we are wrong when we try to tell them that... * Nods head in disbelief * The part I bolded, Hence what I call the "female advantage"...
  10. Ah now that's what I call the "Classic NYC" Where cops wouldn't harass you for having a camera in the subway or on the streets..... Plus no post 9/11 hysteria.... ----------- I remember when I was younger, During field trips to central park, my class used to take the to 125 st. From there, we would wait for the train or train.... When any R32, R38 or R40 came into the station, My entire class (and teachers) used to cringe at the sounds of the R32's/R38's/R40's squealing brakes except me... Everyone asked if loud brakes bothered me. I simply replied no it doesn't. After that, Everyone used to look at me whenever a train's brakes were loud to see if I would cringe too... I never did. Til this day, I don't. Also when a train on an elevated line passes, people cringe and I don't... Same thing when a train pass through a tight corner... I never cringe at things like that...
  11. Exactly! Loads of females don't know what they want til they get older and by that time, They've already passed their prime.... That's why I laugh now when a chick says all guys are the same. Funny when they get mad at me when I say that they're ignorant and wrong and they proceed to keep yapping...
  12. Yep... I be hear chicks say: "I don't need a man in my life. I should handle myself. F--- Relationships." Then when they see a guy they like, All that they said goes right out the window lol.... If the dude they try to go for turns them down, They go back to be a "femi-nazi" and each time that happens, it gets worse...
  13. Oh... The way you wrote it. I thought you calling BS... Yeah I hate the term too... If anything, "Class" is the better term. Very true. If a chick isn't interested, I just move on... Yeah you were talking to me about that... How these chicks cock block each other because of their "femi-nazi" ways lol...
  14. If they don't take your advice, Let them ignore you... Do what I do and not offer them advice when they need you. Hell, You've warned them ahead of time... Look at the part I bolded in your post... The reason chicks are like that is because they are young and immature... They don't know what they want at that age. Older chicks do it just to fend off fools who try for them... When I was in 7th grade, I've tried for upper-class females... Most of the time, I got no where LOL. By the way, I've got to give you another I.O.U.
  15. That's good that you do. It shows that you are mature... Yeah dudes would lie about that so they won't feel stupid... "swag" can work both as "game" and the way your appearance is... Funny that you've mention piercings. I used to have my left ear pierced when I was a bit younger... I let it close a long time ago... Usually chicks with that attitude have a bad "boss bitch" attitude... Unless you like that, Stay away from those type of broads...
  16. LOL. It's just not my style.... I've got no reason to give you BS bro... Yup those are the primary reasons for the BS girls say... However, I've encountered your third example more out of the three. Yep... I've noticed that all right... Chicks say that males are afriad of commitment and that they just want sex ( Which is partially true Lmao.) I know a chick who's not afraid to talk about head yet ironically she claims that she's never given head... Go figure... LOL at the King of the hill reference. Nah bro, I would never consider a random chick who says something like that out of the blue relationship material.... To be honest, I've never used the term "swag" when it comes to myself. In fact, I've never really had a term to describe "game". I just be myself... I never get myself involved with any chick in a relationship... Not worth it at all. Those types of broads can have a thing for me all they want. I want nothing to do with them...
  17. Yeah, I always think with the head on the top lol... Your right about chicks wanting to control men through sex... That's also apart of what I call the "female advantage" Knew this one chick ( never dated her nor do I want too.) Who would control her B/Fs with sex... Thing is, Loads of guys think with the head down there and that's a big no-no... I'm always myself. I don't do that "Swag" BS that some of these desperate dudes do... I've learned a lot from my past mistakes and I'm a better person for it... I've had females try to use the "female advantage" on me and I LOL when they get mad at me because I don't do what they've asked me too do... I never spoil girls... That's the wrong thing to do even if she is not your G/F... Funny thing is that most of the chicks that were into me were already in a relationship lol.... Sure shows the fidelity of certain girls... At the end of the day, That's what I want too... A peace at mind...
  18. Yeah the limit really needs to be increased at least by ten.... Right when I was about to like this post, I ran out again... By the way thanks for the 100th like! Yeah you're sure right about that. Even then some chicks will front if you spend money on them.... There's also something I haven't mentioned yet but I learn not to give a damn anymore... I used to try for certain chicks when I was a bit younger. Thing is, Chicks knew I liked them and for some stupid reason not give me a chance... Then when they get some dude that treats them like S---, They come crying to me... This happened more than once... Not going to lie, I become the coldest MF when that happens... Ah I see what you did there True like my ex I've mention earlier... I look back and wonder, Was I drunk when I was with this broad? ( This is coming from a guy who doesn't drink alcohol or smoke anything ) Yeah and the stupid men out here make the good men look bad.... Also when broads were with dudes that treated them bad, They used that BS excuse about how all guys are the same... Oh adding to the females who say giving head is nasty. I know a lot of chicks who say that yet they be do ones to do it on a regular basis ... That's because they think is "inappropriate" but they like it... In my opinion, There's nothing wrong with chicks giving head... That's apart of sex... Oh by the way, I.O.U a like or two due to this damn limit...
  19. Yep... Mostly likely ignorance... I don't care either. Thing is, I've noticed the younger chicks tend to be more stupid than older chicks.... Yeah I hate getting that message too, I'm going to have to start giving I.O.Us when I get that message lol. I feel something should be done like increase the limit..
  20. I do the ellipses to sometimes too. I guess I have a habit too lol... That's true but the funny part is that, If you tell all that to a chick, She probably would say something stupid or call you "too soft" That's the problem with chicks. A lot of them don't know what they want and are ignorant.... Oh and by the way I would like your post but apparently:
  21. Very true. Thing is, When girls say that all guys are the same, They have no one else to blame but themselves. Look past the idiots to go for the good guys. These days, broads don't want certain types of guys anymore. You'll be lucky if you find a chick that will accept flowers. Most chicks want diamonds or even money.
  22. That's true. I know a few guys/girls that do that. I tell them not to but no they don't want to listen... Then said person comes crying to me (which I hate by the way) that their relation went bad. I give them that " Take that s--- somewhere else" look, Then they know to back off.
  23. Yeah I've noticed that lol. I'm an old guy stuck in a young guy's body. Oh by the way, good picks SB! B)
  24. I could too bro. Oh you mean this? (Younger members should not hear this) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtMAV_sDwm0 Yeah I remember that. Not sure what happened to it... True true about her son... I wonder if he knows what his mom did... They don't call her "Superhead" for nothing lmao. Yep definitely heard of that saying... If I find a mature young chick then why not? Sure don't want anything like one of my ex's. She's a goldigger to put it nicely... Most chicks are like that now a days too... Kind of reminds me of our convo about females on V-day.. I prefer older chicks though. Funny how chicks like older men but then again that falls in the "goldigger" Catagory...
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