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Posts posted by NYCtrainfan01

  1. I wonder which batch of the xd40s are having the most problems now: the batch that came from SI or the ones that never left UP?

    Smh about the xd60 with the front end damage. Should've sent those buses to quill and FB... Give the Bronx the Novas, IMO.


    You just want to see the XD60's at FB lol... ;) I like the LFSA but seeing the XD60 in the Bronx is nice! lol... Nice change from all these D60's we got up here...

  2. the news has become that much closer to a tabloid type paper. Not really surprising. Though that is just bizarre. I don't care what the religion is, if it looks odd, don't expect to go unnoticed. 


    Agreed... Getting tired to see that the Daily News keeps talking about a certain celebrity.. They started to talk about Kim Kardashian everyday...  I don't read that section but we don't need to hear about her everyday...

  3. Awesomeness! Well, exploring I shall do. If they still have cheats for the planes, I'm using that because I can't stand driving in the crappy cars at the beginning.

     LOL... I hope they do have cheats for the airplanes... Like GTA SA did... I just wish Rockstar released a picture of the map... I know that's not happening anytime soon though...

  4. Oic.


    Agreed! Way better than generic buildings. I haven't played gTA3 in a while because I just couldn't stand how bland the city was. Plus I got rusty with that game and couldn't do the stunts I had to do and visit areas without taking out one of the bulletproof truck/suv.

    true about the small map size. Storyline was pretty good, but pity about sacrificing the space. Would've been cool to visit both baseball stadiums or drive the subway (and crash it :D )...

    Never played Red Dead, but SA+GTA4 alone is pretty damn impressive. I wonder what they are going to add since SA was pretty big itself. I mean are they going to expand the existing cities or are they adding a new city/'wasteland'?

    Also agreed that if I can find the cheats, I am exploring the whole map (assuming no invisible barriers) first.

    Hind MI-24A, nice choice. It looked menacing in the original Red dawn film. Also good if you can carry a few ppl on as well.


    I hated that in GTA III also... That's why I always drove a tank in enemy areas... Especially in Leone territory... That's one thing I miss from GTA SA... That you can operate trains...


    GTA IV's Liberty City had a baseball team but oddly had no baseball stadium...


    You should really play Read Dead Redemption! It's a really great game! Both story and gameplay wise... Red Dead's map size was a little smaller than GTA SA's map... There are no usable cars in Red Dead... You have to use horses to get around or if you're lazy, pay for a stage coach...


    I don't know if Rockstar would add new areas but they only confirmed Los Santos, The countryside and the desert as explorable areas In GTA V... They brought back diving underwater now!


    Rockstar also says that every area will be unlock from the beginning! A first for any GTA game...


    Not sure if you seen these photos but these were photos Rockstar released on GTA V not to long ago: http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/49181/sunsets-seas-skies-and-so-on.html


    I so can't wait!

  5. Late posting this.....


    Oh hell yeah! I gotta plan a youtube walkthrough project for this game soon! ^_^


    That would be great to see! What will be the first thing you would do once you play GTA V?


    Interesting. SA in San Fierro, I think they had buses making stops. Lol, to me they were sitting ducks for drive-bys.


    GTA4, I liked for the realistic take on NYC and exploring the area. The realistic cars and other things visually were also good. That said, the lack of variety of aerial vehicles was a major bummer and I was disappointed they chose a blackhawk type chopper over the superior apache gunship. At least the apache had a decent gun targeting system or was easier to aim. With the twin guns on the new chopper, you are lucky to hit the target when standing still.


    I do hope they keep the same size as SA. To me SA still rocks because it's so big and I just love flying over the place.


    I know they had buses park near missionary hill in San Fierro that you could take... I don't recall buses making stops in SA though... They do travel the streets sometimes... Then again, I haven't played SA in a while... GTA Vice City for a fact had buses stop at bus stops...


    I like how GTA IV's Liberty City resembled NYC better than GTA III's Liberty City... Rockstar had originally planned on making the entire Liberty state not just Liberty City but they wanted to focus more on game play rather than map size... The reason for the lack of air vehicles according to Rockstar was because the map wasn't big enough for airplanes and all that... I personally prefer the Hind MI-24A over the Blackhawk and the Apache... I wish the Hind MI-24A was in a GTA game... Between the Blackhawk and the Apache, I prefer the Apache too...


    Rockstar says the GTA V's map will be bigger than GTA SA, GTA IV, Red Dead Redemption, combined with room to spare!


    Like I asked Metro, What will be the first thing you would do once you start playing GTA V? My answer to that question is to explore the map first!

  6. LOL. I'd probably have enough to end world hunger, and you and the rest of my friends (and relatives) would be set for life.


    And that's actually what I was referring to: People in real life making stupid comments. The stuff on this forum is the least of it....


    If only it were to happen lol...

  7. Boy, if I had a penny for every stupid comment I've ever heard (or read), I'd probably be the wealthiest man in the world. Of course, this assumes that nobody else is also getting money for hearing/reading stupid comments, because I'm sure some have it a lot worse than me. I've had to deal with a lot of stupid comments lately, and I'm thinking back to how many I've heard over the years. 


    Probably has to do with the fact that I've been interacting with more people lately. The more people you interact with, the more prone you are to hearing these types of things. (Of course, it's only a certain percentage of people, but say, 20% of 10 is a lot less than 20% of 100).


    You'll have to be sharing some of that money with me lol... I see stupid comments pop up everywhere... Not just here...

  8. I wish it was easier to come by those coupons that you could download to your store card (versus having to print them out and hand them to the cashier, and then you have to worry about forgetting the coupon). I think today's the first time I actually used one of them, because in the past, none of them were for things I actually needed.


    Coming from Mr. Cheapskate himself! lol... ;) Trying to be more cheap eh? lol...

  9. I'm looking foward to the trains and buses. Hopefully, they've added a bus system, or at least some game where you can drive the bus and pick up people.


    Me too! I read that originally, GTA IV was suppose to have buses as a method of transportation similar to the subway... There is a B/O model for said service too... The idea was scrapped along with a coach bus... The coach bus can be still seen in a in-game TV commercial... It looks similar to the coach bus in GTA III... Only the Orion V CNG look-alike was left...


    Limo rides were also scrapped... Niko can be seen in the back of a limo in one of the GTA IV trailers... Forgot which one though... Only Taxi rides remained...


    In GTA VIce City, If you were to drive a bus to bus stops, folks will get on and pay you $5 for each person who gets on... It was a hidden minigame...

  10. Let's just hope that game isn't as cheesey as GTA 4 and it's expansion packs. One thing I hope Rockstar does is increase the amout of players that can be in free-roam- because SA as you know is huge.


    I found GTA IV to be fun actually... GTA IV multiplayer was somewhat boring though... Rockstar says that they are focusing a lot on mutiplayer this time around (But they haven't forgotten single player of course) so you might just get your wish!


    The thing I'm waiting for is to explore the map which is the first thing I'm going to do when I play seeing as this will be the first GTA V to have all of the areas unlocked from the beginning!

  11. Totally. Nothing wrong with that. Even if you are in an LTR you'll need your space sometimes from your significant other. With kitty sometimes the way she does things it sends me out the door like a Al Bundy lol. Yeah I'll admit it, that's life. Love that girl, do anything for her but it's understood we need each other's space, so it's all good NYCtrainfan01. Enjoy life. I think that's what I'm trying to say.


    I mean my apartment is riddled with dollies and these girly nic nacs everywhere and flowerly curtains, having to leave the seat down now, actually having to wash the dishes as opposed to letting the dishes pile up for a week when I was in bachelor mode  before she moved in having to deal with these lectures as to why she isn'tt interested in railfanning :rolleyes: and all of this jazz. I'm like WTF did I get myself into lol? But yeah, dude, personal time for urself is perfectly fine and healthy for the mind. It's when you isolate yourself for too long, that's a different story, not good.


    I know you're not doing that, I'm just saying this in general. Being single has it's blessings, being in an intimate relationship with a woman that you love has it's blessings. They both have their advantages and disadvantages.


    Very true... Everyone needs their space... Reminds me of that song "Hard to say I'm sorry" by Chicago... The first part goes "Everybody needs a little time away I heard her say, from each other. Even lovers need a holiday, far away from each other"


    LOL at the Al Bundy part...


    It's cool that you've found someone... Glad you found someone you care about and returns those feelings! I agree that both being single and in a relationship both have their pros and cons... There's a joke that I usually say like "Why do we always have to put the seat down? Why can't you ladies put the seat up for us when you're done?" Usually gets a few laughs...


    So she has no interest in fanning at all? Not even knowing buses or trains? Some females I know actually got a bit of an interest in transit after I told them about it...


    Speaking about sleep, my record for not sleeping is 34 hours... I don't sleep too well at nights... It's worse when folks either start blasting music or throw fireworks... When either two happens, I know i'm not going to get much sleep... It sucks royally I tell you...

  12. Well the problem is that Latinos are the main folks immigrating here #1 and #2 most of the ones coming here aren't integrating into the American culture and either don't attempt to learn English or cling to Spanish, so that's why this assumption is made. Latinos tend to hold on to their language and culture far more than other ethnic groups. For example, many Italian-Americans my age or younger don't speak Italian while the opposite is true with Latinos born here.  This also keeps the perception going on and I can understand from both points of view, esp. since I deal with a lot of Latinos coming here that don't speak English, are relatively poor and fit the "stereotypical" Latino and need translations done, but also meet an equal amount of well spoken, educated Latinos that are doctors or other professionals coming/migrating legally from their respective countries that need translations done that speak English very well and are very cultured.


    For the record, the this group or that group is illegal is NOT a minority thing.  When Italians and Irish came here, they were the so called lowest of the low... We Italians were dagos, "WOPS" (without papers), guidos and guineas and the Irish were the mics, drunkards, and so on and both groups had to integrate into American culture, meaning learn English (many Italians stopped teaching Italian to their kids and Gaelic is a rarity amongst Irish-Americans), learn American customs and show that they were here to integrate.  Some of the Latinos that are here don't really want to be here and are just here to send money back to their countries and if there is no work they go back to their home countries and this is esp. true with a large segment of the Mexican community.  That's what makes it hard to drop the stigma because for every Latino that is born here and is integrated into the American culture, you have another Latino that isn't, further adding to the assumption.  As time goes on this will probably change, but it takes time to integrate and there also has to be a desire to do so. 


    I know the two reasons you've posted... I have a few Latino folks I know that have come from other countries (Legally) and they've adapted pretty well to the US and they've learned to speak English...


    English was my first language... I learn to speak fluent Spanish at around 10 years old...


    Interesting point bringing up Italians and Irish folks... Now that I think about it, that's pretty true...


    Life in Mexico from what I've researched (Also having family over there) is pretty tough (also in other countries) and I can see why folks attempt coming here illegally... Don't get me wrong though, I don't condone any illegal entry to the US whether it be from Mexico, PR, DR, Cuba or any other country... It's surely not the right thing to do seeing as folks either get killed or deported back to their countries...


    I guess the stigma will indeed continue unfortunately...


    Read it. To sum it up, it's a symptom of an outdated and utterly broken judicial system. How sad. It reaks of so much fail I'm not even laughing.


    It is sad indeed... Couldn't believe my eyes when I first read the article... Talk about paranoia...

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