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Improving Second Avenue

East New York

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As construction proceeds on the Second Avenue Subway, the MTA has been working closely with area residents and the business community to mitigate the impact of construction. As construction starts to stretch further down Second Avenue, MTA Capital Construction has created a comprehensive set of "good neighbor" standards to upgrade the physical conditions around the construction site to improve the pedestrian experience and keep businesses and residences fully accessible.


Construction of a new subway unfortunately brings with it some impacts on the surrounding area, resulting in crowded sidewalks, barriers and fencing. MTA Capital Construction will do everything possible to upgrade conditions along the construction site. Some of the planned improvements are:


* Implementing way-finding signage for stores that is uniform, legible and clean

* Ensuring sidewalks are in good condition without holes, cracks, and trip hazards

* Replace bent/worn fencing

* Paint all barriers

* Maintain sidewalks, crosswalks, and safe sight lines for pedestrians/vehicles

* Maintain full access to businesses/residences



See Improving Second Avenue for more details.

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I agree, but (MTA) is also tight on $ and so is albany. No one's got it easy, and political voices get loud if money goes into financially stabilizing these establishments, even if it is the right thing to do, (which it is).


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