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US Drops to 49th in the World for Life Expectancy


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The best way to fix healthcare is complete competition.


-All employers must give their employees a 15% pay raise in the next year.

-Employers who employ workers in high risk fields (like mining etc) must give their employees a 25% pay raise in the next year.

-Employers don't have to pay any employee health costs.

-Health insurers are ALL free to sell insurance to anyone in the country. However they must maintain their main office in this country and must pay US taxes.

-People may choose whether or not to buy health insurance and if they don't, they are free to pay for care directly from doctors.


That way, if insurers continue ripping off Americans, they can say F them and do the no premium thing. That competitive aspect will drive down premiums, or drive insurers out of business.


And as I see it, for many people it will actually be cheaper not to have insurance and "pay the doctor as you go."


COBRA would no longer be needed, that's a lot of government red tape and work saved in having to enforce its provisions, and a lot of useless middlemen like "COBRA Administrators" who no longer can profit in this scheme.


That's the only fix I see working.

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That is a horrible case there. In the case of the Death Penalty, I am one of the biggest proponents of the use of DNA evidence when it comes to death row cases or any other cases related to it because like many others I believe there are innocent persons on Death Row. DNA evidence is good because it can both convict the pieces of shit who kill innocent people and free the innocent who were wrongly convicted. I am not saying that we are perfect when it comes to civil rights, but compared to countries like Iran, we are better than alot of countries in terms of civil rights.


Who cares who it was? Humans are humans and every human has a right of life. It's a universal right and you can not say who has this universal right and who not. Especially not when nobody knows when a human is disabled and when not. Then you play god. There is no other nation in the western hemisphere, which has the death penalty. For a developed nation like the US, the civil rights situation is horrible.


The best way to fix healthcare is complete competition.


-All employers must give their employees a 15% pay raise in the next year.

-Employers who employ workers in high risk fields (like mining etc) must give their employees a 25% pay raise in the next year.

-Employers don't have to pay any employee health costs.

-Health insurers are ALL free to sell insurance to anyone in the country. However they must maintain their main office in this country and must pay US taxes.

-People may choose whether or not to buy health insurance and if they don't, they are free to pay for care directly from doctors.


That way, if insurers continue ripping off Americans, they can say F them and do the no premium thing. That competitive aspect will drive down premiums, or drive insurers out of business.


And as I see it, for many people it will actually be cheaper not to have insurance and "pay the doctor as you go."


COBRA would no longer be needed, that's a lot of government red tape and work saved in having to enforce its provisions, and a lot of useless middlemen like "COBRA Administrators" who no longer can profit in this scheme.


That's the only fix I see working.


Ok, we see we need change in healthcare, because life expectancy is lower than in other countries. The costs are high, but not everybody is covered and people who are covered have different quality of care (depending on income and sickness).


Your proposition will ruin the economy.


Regulation ends competition but costs a lot of money through the bureaucracy of each insurance company.




"The Netherlands has introduced a new system of health care insurance based on risk equalization through a risk equalization pool. In this way, a compulsory insurance package is available to all citizens at affordable cost without the need for the insured to be assessed for risk by the insurance company. Indeed, health insurers are now willing to take on high risk individuals because they receive compensation for the higher risks.


A 2008 article in the journal Health Affairs suggested that the Dutch health system, which combines mandatory universal coverage with competing private health plans, could serve as a model for reform in the US. However, an assessment of the 2006 Dutch health insurance reforms published in Duke University's Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law in 2008 raised concerns. The analysis found that market-based competition in healthcare may not have the advantages over more publicly based single payer models that were originally envisioned for the reforms:

The first lesson for the United States is that the new (post-2006) Dutch health insurance model may not control costs. To date, consumer premiums are increasing, and insurance companies report large losses on the basic policies. Second, regulated competition is unlikely to make voters/citizens happy; public satisfaction is not high, and perceived quality is down. Third, consumers may not behave as economic models predict, remaining responsive to price incentives. If regulated competition with individual mandates performs poorly in auspicious circumstances such as the Netherlands, how will this model fare in the United States, where access, quality, and cost challenges are even greater? Might the assumptions of economic theory not apply in the health sector?"


The US needs medicare for all.


Single-payer health care will have:

-the smallest bureaucracy

-the lowest costs

-an equal coverage for everybody

-no negative impacts on competition in the core healthcare industry which doesn't has to control each ambulance.

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Who cares who it was? Humans are humans and every human has a right of life. It's a universal right and you can not say who has this universal right and who not. Especially not when nobody knows when a human is disabled and when not. Then you play god. There is no other nation in the western hemisphere, which has the death penalty. For a developed nation like the US, the civil rights situation is horrible.


Here is a quick question, would you be against the death penalty in this case?




Also, alot of liberals (not saying your one) who attack the death penalty are the same one who believe a woman should have the right to kill her child through abortion. I find it hypocritical that they defend the life of murderous low-lives, but attack the innocent child in the womb of a mother. I only support innocent life.

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As for abortion, this is such a huge topic -- but really:


Some far-right individuals say that even in cases of rape, abortion should be prohibited.


HIV-positive criminal rapes thirteen year old girl. She is impregnated and contracts the HIV. She now is due for a baby as she enters the ninth grade, an entire life to care for. The baby will have HIV when it is born.


Raise a troubled, sickly child that will burden a girl who is barely pubescent, only for the child to live a terrible life, or make the toughest decision and help both the girl and the baby?


At least give the girl the choice.


I am not an outright supporter of abortion. In cases of rape and if the mother's health is in jeopardy, I support it. But in cases where the mother is able to have the baby, they in my opinion should not be able abort the child.
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Here is a quick question, would you be against the death penalty in this case?




Yes, because we have to end killings. First Step: Stop gov. runned killing.


Also, alot of liberals (not saying your one) who attack the death penalty are the same one who believe a woman should have the right to kill her child through abortion. I find it hypocritical that they defend the life of murderous low-lives, but attack the innocent child in the womb of a mother. I only support innocent life.


Many christians say that they love each other, believe in forgiveness and compassion and are in favor of death penalty. That's inconsistency.


I'm a socialist, not liberal.:eek:


Human rights are universal and you can not decide who is innocent and who not. You can not play god, especially not when the person is disabled. And what about innocence? Are you innocent? Are we innocent when crime and violence is in the world. WE ALL ARE GUILTY! Read the bible again!

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I am very much in favor of pro choice and the death penalty.


No government has the right to end the practice of abortion. Americans are born free and are free to make decisions. It is not my place or the government's to tell someone that they cannot have an abortion.


US government interferes entirely too much in people's personal lives. I don't care about two gay guys banging each other, I don't care if Baby Mama wants to have an abortion. Government's job is to make sure big business stays in check, that the budget is balanced (relatively), and that we are safe from all foreign threats: economic, military, or otherwise. They also have a duty to enact and enforce rules that prohibit citizens from taking unfair advantage of each other. That is it. They do not have the right to tell people how to live each and every aspect of their lives.


Government today does the exact opposite. They regulate the shit out of every person's free time, but god forbid they lift a finger or do a damn thing to keep business in check. They were asleep at the switch when big biz gambled our savings away on derivatives and housing without our permission and BAILED THEM OUT. Meanwhile they didn't bail out a single American. And now that they're broke they want to tax your sugary drinks, your cab rides, increase your subway and bus fares by reducing funding, and even institute congestion pricing for people who have to commute to Manhattan by motor vehicle. While big business keeps the profits and the bonuses they stole from all of us.


People should be going to jail, and instead they're rich. And EVERYONE in America is too busy worrying about whether gay people can have a damn wedding so that when one of them dies the other one gets treated as a widow/widower and gets title to their assets. Or whether or not it's OK to exercise free speech and burn a bunch of useless bound stacks of paper that contain some words that somebody a long time ago once said were "holy." BIG EFFING DEAL, focus on the real issues America.

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