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Questions about extra service on the 4 for Yankee Home Games.


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1. Are there special schedules printed?

2. Do they use R142A's?

3. Are they only for rush hours to make up for lost D service?

4. If the game gets rained out, do they run the specials right away, or do they wait till the set time to run, or do they not run at all?

4. Are they like the Commuter Rail specials where they wait for the game to end or do they run standard schedules?

5. Do they run the full route?

6. Do they only run once, in one direction, or standard trips the day of the game?


I proabably have a few more questions that I just can't think of at the moment aswell.

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1, There are no special schedules for baseball special (4) trains as they only run after the game ends.

2, The (4) uses the R142/A so the specials also uses these cars too.

3, They run whenever there is a Yankee game and they only go in service after the game not to make up for lost (D) service because the (B) is running local in place of the (D) during rush hours.

4, If the game got cancelled when it starts to rain the specials start running.

5, They are like commuter Metro North specials where they wait for the game to end.

6, They only run part of the route and do not go to brooklyn. Baseball special (4) trains go to Bowling green only.

7, They do run once in one direction as baseball special (4) trains go out of service after Bowling Green. They go through the south ferry inner loop which takes them back up town and dehead to moshulu yard via the express tracks of the Lexingtion Av and Jerome Av line.

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I've kinda been wondering how they "crew up" the trains? Do they just get random T/O's and C/R's from the extra boards or is it something else? Also, when there are platform C/R's needed before the game to disperse the crowds (mainly on the (4)), do those same C/R's work on the train after the game, or are there other C/R's that come in for the train service?

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