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Paris RER: Auber station, why are you so dirty?

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It is not only New York City that has issues with cleaness in its transit network. 
Note that this is a French article I translated with google (I am lazy) and I corrected errors and inconsistencies but some errors could remain.


Auber, why are you so dirty?

By Fabrice Pouliquen, 2014/04/02




What disease has the Auber station? In the 9th arrondissement, the RER A station displays a bad face to the 250,000 passengers who use it every day to get to Opera, the Grands Boulevards stores or one of the many connections it provides.


Infiltration problem
Brown streaks flowing along the walls and form an unsavory foam in some places. Sometimes it's even on the ceiling that foam appears, forming "stalactites" above travelers. 
A seal is placed on the ground to collect water dripping from the ceiling in the central hall of the station. "The technique is frequently" say the sellers of the station. This is not the only example of tinkering at Auber. Cables also hang from the ceiling and Karima, a saleswoman in a perfumery face access to the RER A, shows a piece of cardboard covering a hole in the wall in front of his shop.
This decay is partly due to water infiltration, a disease that affects 20% of metro and RER. "Auber station, very close to the water reservoir beneath the Opera, is particularly affected, said Jean-Christophe Archambaud responsible for policy cleaning RATP. The water then flows along the walls causing a lot of limestone crystallizes and dry. "So this brown stuff!
An elevator that smells like urine
But in Auber, dirt is not limited to these infiltrations. Cleaning is also weak. Gobitz Bernard, vice-president of the Association of transport users (AUT) Île-de-France, even took pictures to alert the STIF (Syndicat des transports d'Île-de-France). "The advertising support along the escalators between line 8 and RER station hall were covered with cups, cans and several inches of dust."
Rubbish have since disappeared. However, what does not disappear is the strong smell of urine in the elevator making the connection between the concourse and line 3. "It's a shame, say Florence, a passenger. I take the elevator for five years and this odor is still present. You have to pinch the nose during the ride. It is very painful. "
"Efforts are being made"
RATP says "is aware" of these problems. At Auber as elsewhere. "Major efforts are being made since 2006 to fight against these infiltrations, says Jean-Christophe Archambaud. Forty million will still be invested between 2014 and 2015 to seal 50 stations. "Auber station benefits. New siding, more waterproof, is being installed on the ceiling, along the corridors leading line 9 docks RER.
Driven by STIF, which strengthened its criteria for assessing the state of the network, the RATP has also deployed a new market for cleaning the subway early October. On paper, this translates to more operators in charge of cleanliness in stations, bins emptied more often or the general cleaning every month of the busiest stations. "Whose Auber", says Jean-Christophe Archambaud. "These deep cleanings are an opportunity to strip surfaces with which travelers are in contact and waxing floors docks."
But Auber obviously need more. However, the RATP has been conducting operations since late 2012 "Coups de propre" in some of the busiest stations on the network. "In that context, we are updating the painting, we repair the tiles, we install LED lighting ..." explains Jean-Christophe Archambaud. Madeleine station was right there in late December and the Charles de Gaulle station right now. "And Auber? Not on schedule yet. However, the station hosts many tourists come to do their shopping in nearby stores. 
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Get the Urinase in there and that elevator will smell better when it dries.  Look around for where the bathrooms are at as you might have a leak in the black water pipes which are flowing into the elevator shaft as that place looks like seeve city with the leaks.

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