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Status Updates posted by RFC

  1. Looking for a better camera with a price range of 200 to 600

    1. Brighton Express

      Brighton Express

      I would say aim for something in the 500-600 range, those are the best ones. I have a Powershot G9, wish I had gotten a different one though.

    2. Quill Depot
  2. In a random mood lmfao

  3. Hi People I apologize for what I said over the last 2 weeks I've haven't been in the best of moods I admit that, Also for the "Foaming" thing I'm not a hater of people obsessed or perhaps really wanting to get that one specific catch, I just like some others Don't understand or agree with the actions of those whom trespass and such. It's hard for me to hate on anyone no matter the type believe it or not...

  4. So fed up with everything I feel like saying f**k everything including this place -_-

    1. RFC


      of course indeed, thanks.

  5. Woke up 2:30AM Ready to roll

  6. some foamers are f**ked up, just saying

  7. today sux

    1. ttcsubwayfan
    2. Quill Depot

      Quill Depot

      You poor person

    3. RFC


      lol don't say that today was my birthday that's why i mentioned that today sux I always hated my birthday

  8. No point of being here no point of being anywhere what I should do is drop dead the ground will love me more then this f**ked up earth -_-

  9. Road Trips are starting to suck -_-

  10. So much to work on this year

  11. Next Time I decide to walk over the Wiliamsburg Bridge I will attempt to not bother lol

  12. Crying right now Everything is all upside down I don't think I'm gonna be online or anything for a long while just a heads up.

    1. Turbo19


      Damn, sorry to hear. I hope you sort out your problems for the benefit of you.

  13. I'm gonna be going to bed early, sometimes my emotional side kicks in when tired (long story) anyways goodnight at 9pm.

  14. Today = Slow and really boring of a sunday

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RFC


      Everyone's bosses are stupid ****S anyways sorry to hear that...

    3. peacemak3r


      I have to work tomorrow as well, no biggie. Half day schedule with over time pay. I'm not complaining at all.

    4. RFC


      I might work tomorrow they told me its a off day but I know for a fact I be called in it happened a few times.. but yea if the pay is there then why complain?

  15. Sometimes I just wanna be left alone but people can't learn to shut the f**k up and leave me be.. So I decided to blast some rock music and shut my phone down.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quill Depot

      Quill Depot

      I like your taste

    3. Via Garibaldi 8
    4. RFC


      Thank you Quill (doesn't know a actual name so sorry)

  16. Can't wait till I start to rail-fan again sometime soon, Schedule been off the wall.

  17. Just woke up... Feeling wrecked well i'm outta' here

  18. Going to bed Finally... I cannot wait for this year to end yet I don't want 2013 to come around so quick... yea I need sleep lol

  19. Working is so fun... bs

    1. peacemak3r


      As long as you get that money, I don't complain. LOL

    2. RFC


      True indeed Lol

  20. I doubt I'm gonna film the Vintage train this year but whatever

  21. Probably gonna Quit Rail fanning, The passion is still there but eh be back in the future but don't get hopes up

  22. I hate when I go to spell something and my keyboard slips me up lol

  23. Feel like hell xD

  24. Tired, so goodnight.

  25. Darn crazy day

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